Trumpcare is dead at least till 2018

Cons don't want to get rid of O-care.

The GOP will never have more power than they do now . The next election will result in more Dems in the senate . Then the GOP will be relieved because they can blame the Dems going forward .

It's all a shell game .
Those countries such as Germany, UK, France, Netherlands... we admire treat healthcare as a public service, such as building roads and bridges. But in the US, Americans treat it like a business.

Why is that happining ?

there is an article about that:
Healthcare: Service or Business?

Have you read any of the "smartest people"'s view on "single payer" like Ezekiel Emanuel?

It is scary.

Whatever flaws our system has we still have the best health care in the world. We have the best innovations in the world.

The world's health care would suffer if the U.S. adopted "single payer".
Single payer would be great for the indigent & children but everyone else would pay dearly for it. Many with their very lives.
A really disappointing showing for the Republicans. This time it was Mike Lee and someone else. I always thought highly of Mike Lee. If Mike were sincere, I think he could have come forward sooner and made an effort to reach reconciliation. Rand Paul is a useless pustule. He seems always opposed to everything the GOP does. Why don't he do us all a favor and be a democrat?
Because he dont have anything in common with them. He cares more about the people than government overreach and corporatism.
Says Paul should join the left???
I'm beginning to think half this board has no clue what a real conservative is.

That comment is the height of ignorance
Paul is one of the few ACTUAL "conservatives" left.
Just heard his speech on the radio. Says he needs more republicans voted in first.

good luck with that. Midterm election, president with low approval, and yet he gets more of his party into Congress?

lol good one.
I would agree with you but conventional wisdom told us Hillary should be president.
At this point in this political climate I wouldn't bet on anything.

As for myself I am beginning to consider withdrawing my GOP registration & going independent.
They should at least repeal now. Then take the time to get it right
Worst idea ever. They just proved incapable of developing a superior plan to Obamacare to replace it with. Repeal now just puts congress under the gun to pass what would then be a bloated mess of a bill that is wildly unpopular. The cards have been turned over and the bluff exposed.

How would it put them "under the gun"?

Repeal now then take your time. The people who put Trump and Republicans in office want repeal first and foremost. If they at least repeal then Republicans can at least run on something for reelection. They should at least have a frame work for replace by next November.

Rand Paul's health care is superior to Obamacare. Hell the system we had before was superior to Obamacare.
Of course this is going to happen.

Just to repeat for those that don't understand how our politics work.

There are many REPUBLICAN constituents that were forced off of their private insurance because when obamacare became law, their premiums sky rocketed.

Those are millions of people who NEED insurance who have preexisting conditions.

A flat repeal would kick them off of those exchanges and now their preexisting conditions will not allow them to get anything.

Not sure if we know what that is. As I have said, right when obamacare was passed was the day we were on the track to single payer.

The preexisting conditions is the problem and it is a bigger problem than people think. People (not bums sapping the system) are panicking. People who had their legit insurance ripped away and now they would be left with NOTHING if it a simple repeal.

Do people understand this? It is far simpler said than done to just repeal it. The press would have a field day and millions of REPUBLICAN constituents would be paraded in front of the cameras.

Btw, here comes my little conspiracy tin foil hat time. It has really benefited obamacrats that Trump won. They passed obamacare knowing it would fail. They counted on it. However, it failing with republicans in power will tie the albatross around Trump and the GOP.

Comey, remember worked for obama. It was Comey that reopened the investigation a week before the election.

Let me put it that way. Everything is happening the way I said it was going to. A single payer trojan horse and there is virtually nothing that can be done about it.
This bill sucks and deserved to die a quick death, good for Lee and Paul

So 48 Republicans were going to vote for a bill that sucked ass? They've had 7 years and 7 months to write a bill that DIDN'T suck. THAT sucks. Dear GOP: Can you write a bill that doesn't suck??? If not, then YOU SUCK. You've let the whole healthcare matter crash and burn. Should have been ready with a good bill in FEBRUARY.

What's the story now? You just need until end of 2018 to get more Republicans? Then you can restart in 2019? THE WAY YOU FUCKS ARE FLAPPING AROUND LIKE A FLOUNDERED DUCK, you will be lucky to keep the ones you already have.

The only thing that sucks worse than the GOP is the Democrats. But at least they can get legislation passed, even better for them that they can pass TERRIBLE legislation they haven't even read. You guys can't pass mere sucky legislation you HAVE read! I think all of the GOP senators need a damned HIGH COLONIC. Get the boards out of your asses. If the GOP didn't suck ass so badly, if McConnell wasn't such a useless ass pimple with that wooden tooth smile like he just ate a fly, we wouldn't have to put up with the Democrats.

Instead of CNN, maybe Trump needs to take some of the GOP out in the side alley with about 11 of his KGB buddies, and kick some serious Republican ass as only Putin knows how?! Wake you jokers the hell up?!
They should at least repeal now. Then take the time to get it right
Worst idea ever. They just proved incapable of developing a superior plan to Obamacare to replace it with. Repeal now just puts congress under the gun to pass what would then be a bloated mess of a bill that is wildly unpopular. The cards have been turned over and the bluff exposed.

How would it put them "under the gun"?

Repeal now then take your time. The people who put Trump and Republicans in office want repeal first and foremost. If they at least repeal then Republicans can at least run on something for reelection. They should at least have a frame work for replace by next November.

Rand Paul's health care is superior to Obamacare. Hell the system we had before was superior to Obamacare.
7 years they have been talking about repeal and replace and the plans the that house and senate have come up with are dogshit that pay the insurance companies tax payer money to lower prices while the system looses millions of Americans. They were both crap. Why should we have any confidence that they can pull it together in two years? Why do they even need two more years and another election? That is total BS
By him not settling for an abomination of a bill?

You mean the GOP plan, written in the House twice, revised in the Senate TWICE, still didn't do a thing to improve ANYTHING in Obamacare and made it all even worse? If it made just ONE THING better, it was better than Obamacare and they should have passed it. They would have had another 7 years to amend it.

Now they've shot all of 2017 in the ass, made themselves look like asshats, killed the tax reform bill before it even gets off the ground, stalled out Trump's agenda, maybe cost Trump a second term, and likely given the Dems a springboard to rightly claim in 2018 the GOP are fucking useless and can't tie their own shoes to save their lives.

The GOP is a total letdown and they will have to walk on water before they ever earn my trust again.
They should at least repeal now. Then take the time to get it right
Worst idea ever. They just proved incapable of developing a superior plan to Obamacare to replace it with. Repeal now just puts congress under the gun to pass what would then be a bloated mess of a bill that is wildly unpopular. The cards have been turned over and the bluff exposed.

How would it put them "under the gun"?

Repeal now then take your time. The people who put Trump and Republicans in office want repeal first and foremost. If they at least repeal then Republicans can at least run on something for reelection. They should at least have a frame work for replace by next November.

Rand Paul's health care is superior to Obamacare. Hell the system we had before was superior to Obamacare.
7 years they have been talking about repeal and replace and the plans the that house and senate have come up with are dogshit that pay the insurance companies tax payer money to lower prices while the system looses millions of Americans. They were both crap. Why should we have any confidence that they can pull it together in two years? Why do they even need two more years and another election? That is total BS

I agree with everything you just said.

That is why at this point I nor any any other Trump supporters probably care if they replace Obamacare.
They should at least repeal now. Then take the time to get it right
Worst idea ever. They just proved incapable of developing a superior plan to Obamacare to replace it with. Repeal now just puts congress under the gun to pass what would then be a bloated mess of a bill that is wildly unpopular. The cards have been turned over and the bluff exposed.

How would it put them "under the gun"?

Repeal now then take your time. The people who put Trump and Republicans in office want repeal first and foremost. If they at least repeal then Republicans can at least run on something for reelection. They should at least have a frame work for replace by next November.

Rand Paul's health care is superior to Obamacare. Hell the system we had before was superior to Obamacare.
7 years they have been talking about repeal and replace and the plans the that house and senate have come up with are dogshit that pay the insurance companies tax payer money to lower prices while the system looses millions of Americans. They were both crap. Why should we have any confidence that they can pull it together in two years? Why do they even need two more years and another election? That is total BS

I agree with everything you just said.

That is why at this point I nor any any other Trump supporters probably care if they replace Obamacare.
It's sad because this a huge thing that impacts Americans. Your statement could be very powerful if true. If the Trump supporters and the GOP can let go of the Repeal/replace thing and start instituting measures that will help lower costs and improve the ACA. That is perhaps the best thing that can happen
If the Trump supporters and the GOP can let go of the Repeal/replace thing and start instituting measures that will help lower costs and improve the ACA. That is perhaps the best thing that can happen

You can't improve the ACA. There is two foundational things that can't (and has proven not to) work:

Insurance companies excepting pre-existing conditions. When you get insurance on something you have it. If you don't have health how can you get insurance on it?

Forcing people to buy insurance. 20 somethings don't want insurance or at least huge plans.

We have to go back to the way it was before ACA, but figure out how to help those with pre-existing conditions and for those with catastrophic illnesses.

The only way I can think of (no I don't spend hours a day on it) is to create a Medicaid high risk pool or just change what Medicaid is for.

If you can get the poor on a low cost health plan in the private sector by letting insurance companies offer them that can help states afford the high risk pool.
Those countries such as Germany, UK, France, Netherlands... we admire treat healthcare as a public service, such as building roads and bridges. But in the US, Americans treat it like a business.

Why is that happining ?

there is an article about that:
Healthcare: Service or Business?

Have you read any of the "smartest people"'s view on "single payer" like Ezekiel Emanuel?

It is scary.

Whatever flaws our system has we still have the best health care in the world. We have the best innovations in the world.

The world's health care would suffer if the U.S. adopted "single payer".
Single payer would be great for the indigent & children but everyone else would pay dearly for it. Many with their very lives.

And most doctors I talk to want single payer....I was actually shocked by it.
Those countries such as Germany, UK, France, Netherlands... we admire treat healthcare as a public service, such as building roads and bridges. But in the US, Americans treat it like a business.

Why is that happining ?

there is an article about that:
Healthcare: Service or Business?

Have you read any of the "smartest people"'s view on "single payer" like Ezekiel Emanuel?

It is scary.

Whatever flaws our system has we still have the best health care in the world. We have the best innovations in the world.

The world's health care would suffer if the U.S. adopted "single payer".


We don't have "the best healthcare in the world".

Not by any metric.

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