TrumpCare plan to replace Obamacare (ACA) with . . . get this . . .

This is one of several ways I disagree with Trump. Obamacare should be stopped and not replaced. Leave the government completely out of healthcare.
Pass the bill to see what's in it they said.....the average family will save $2,500 a year they said....your insurance will be less than your cell phone bill they said.....

Fucking morons lapped it up like Kool Aid
HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) that will come out the citizen's pockets and no subsidies.

And TrumpCare will gut Medicaid.

The far right and alt right hate poor, sick Americans.

Mike Pence Introduces Obamacare Replacement Plan
The desperation in you shills keeps growing by the minute. You don't have any clue what will happen, but that doesn't stop you and and your shill bots from lying out your ass everytime you post.
Facts are not desperation. Your denial of facts evidences desperation, miketx. Trump's plan is a failure on arrival.

Notice how Trump does not even mention covering pre-existing conditions

The key element of Obamacare
The health care industry has proven it cannot be trusted to take care of the nation's health.
get out of it eh? THEN No more deductions in taxes for employers providing health care....

see if the businesses will pay for your employee health care anymore.... they won't! without the gvt subsidy they get via a tax write off..........

you've been subsidized all along by govt
Which is exactly why things got so damned expensive in the first place. DUH!
right, so it needs to go, no more gvt subsidy for anyone....

will you be able to pay your thousand dollar a month premium without your employer contribution? because without your employer's gvt subsidy tax write off, your employer will not provide the benefit....

the adjustment of no gvt interference will take a decade at least
Government: I'm sorry all you poor and struggling people...but helping you will only make you into slaves
Government: Breaks your legs, then gives you a rickety piece of shit wheelchair made by bureaucrats, then pats you on the back and tells you how lucky you are to have them there to "help" you.
HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) that will come out the citizen's pockets and no subsidies.

And TrumpCare will gut Medicaid.

The far right and alt right hate poor, sick Americans.

Mike Pence Introduces Obamacare Replacement Plan
The desperation in you shills keeps growing by the minute. You don't have any clue what will happen, but that doesn't stop you and and your shill bots from lying out your ass everytime you post.
Facts are not desperation. Your denial of facts evidences desperation, miketx. Trump's plan is a failure on arrival.

Notice how Trump does not even mention covering pre-existing conditions

The key element of Obamacare
LOL! Carriers are dropping like the plague. Get real. Oh wait, you can't.
get out of it eh? THEN No more deductions in taxes for employers providing health care....

see if the businesses will pay for your employee health care anymore.... they won't! without the gvt subsidy they get via a tax write off..........

you've been subsidized all along by govt
Which is exactly why things got so damned expensive in the first place. DUH!
right, so it needs to go, no more gvt subsidy for anyone....

will you be able to pay your thousand dollar a month premium without your employer contribution? because without your employer's gvt subsidy tax write off, your employer will not provide the benefit....

the adjustment of no gvt interference will take a decade at least
Government meddling fucked things up, so we need more government meddling!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a better result.
get out of it eh? THEN No more deductions in taxes for employers providing health care....

see if the businesses will pay for your employee health care anymore.... they won't! without the gvt subsidy they get via a tax write off..........

you've been subsidized all along by govt
Which is exactly why things got so damned expensive in the first place. DUH!
right, so it needs to go, no more gvt subsidy for anyone....

will you be able to pay your thousand dollar a month premium without your employer contribution? because without your employer's gvt subsidy tax write off, your employer will not provide the benefit....

the adjustment of no gvt interference will take a decade at least
Government meddling fucked things up, so we need more government meddling!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a better result.
^^^^ silliness manifested. The health of America is improving and AnCapn'n wants to take it back to where it was.
Government: I'm sorry all you poor and struggling people...but helping you will only make you into slaves
Government: Breaks your legs, then gives you a rickety piece of shit wheelchair made by bureaucrats, then pats you on the back and tells you how lucky you are to have them there to "help" you.

How is Government "breaking your legs"?

It was the private sector that used up our cities and then abandoned them. The Government is providing a safety net. How will taking away benefits from those who are struggling help them?
we already have HSA's

it doesn't help to make this money tax free, when you are already too poor to pay fed income taxes...the poor get nothing from it, but those wealthier do...

another gvt subsidy for THEM
Government: I'm sorry all you poor and struggling people...but helping you will only make you into slaves
Government: Breaks your legs, then gives you a rickety piece of shit wheelchair made by bureaucrats, then pats you on the back and tells you how lucky you are to have them there to "help" you.

How is Government "breaking your legs"?

It was the private sector that used up our cities and then abandoned them. The Government is providing a safety net. How will taking away benefits from those who are struggling help them?
You already know, you just have to play pretend in order to get your shill paycheck. Did you clock in today?

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