Trumped-Up Administration Lost Wages Assistance, $300 Per Week, Now Ends!

The Fable-Tellers of the atrocity-tales--New Testament, Old Testament, Koran, Communist Manifesto--would better themselves get Cast Out. RNC Senate was responsible for getting a New Stimulus passed. The House had already passed its plan. Senate Republicans went the way of the Fables.

The Trumped-Up Administration is about the fables!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The is a fable about how religions all get the atrocities created--Matt 25: 14-30!)
Senate Democrats are the ones who torpedoed the bill, numbnutz.

And none of that has anything to do with the border.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

Democrats wanted a $200.00/mo permanent COLA for Social Security recipients, Republicans said NO!
IOW, democrats torpedoed the bill.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failing to budge "torpedoed the bill." Republicans play games, American people lose.
Senate Democrats are the ones who torpedoed the bill, numbnutz.

And none of that has anything to do with the border.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

Democrats wanted a $200.00/mo permanent COLA for Social Security recipients, Republicans said NO!
IOW, democrats torpedoed the bill.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failing to budge "torpedoed the bill." Republicans play games, American people lose.
Democrats never ever meet anyone halfway....It's their way or no way.

They want bailouts for state pension funds and they're not going to get them...Suck it.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

By demanding that other states bail out their broke ass states at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars. These same Dem states have been trying to get a federal bail out since Obama was elected in 2008 long before the virus. But typical of Dems not letting a crisis go to waste. If there's a national crisis they will hold relief hostage for PORK spending which is the case here.
We've been "bailing out" broke ass southern red States for decades.
Guess who likely is law-supportive--accepting the $1200 per, accepting the paying customers in shops and stores, wearing clothes in public, even(?). That was the bailout, called, "The Stimulus, with origins in the Obama-Biden Stimulus from the Republican-caused, "Great Recession!"

Notice how the concept, "Biden," goes forward all those year. Some people know what has happened, in fact--and even tell everyone all about it!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This is a fable about how religions get the atrocities created: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Senate Democrats are the ones who torpedoed the bill, numbnutz.

And none of that has anything to do with the border.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

Democrats wanted a $200.00/mo permanent COLA for Social Security recipients, Republicans said NO!
IOW, democrats torpedoed the bill.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failing to budge "torpedoed the bill." Republicans play games, American people lose.
Democrats never ever meet anyone halfway....It's their way or no way.

They want bailouts for state pension funds and they're not going to get them...Suck it.
Why would you not want pensions funded for American Workers? Putin shill?
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

By demanding that other states bail out their broke ass states at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars. These same Dem states have been trying to get a federal bail out since Obama was elected in 2008 long before the virus. But typical of Dems not letting a crisis go to waste. If there's a national crisis they will hold relief hostage for PORK spending which is the case here.

You know before the pandemic NY and CA gave the most to the fed gov.

Not that tired worn out debunked talking point again :eusa_hand:
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

By demanding that other states bail out their broke ass states at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars. These same Dem states have been trying to get a federal bail out since Obama was elected in 2008 long before the virus. But typical of Dems not letting a crisis go to waste. If there's a national crisis they will hold relief hostage for PORK spending which is the case here.
We've been "bailing out" broke ass southern red States for decades.

No you have not idiot. Go back to grade school, study basic math. ^^^ here's another liberal taking a shit on poor DEMOCRATS in red states.
what is this? the talking point democRat thread? The OP seems like a troll with trollish things to blabber on about.
The Trumped-Up lack of response all year, to the medical crisis: Is now punctuated with the spineless Trumped-Up end of benefit enhancements for the unemployed. It's even in the OP!

The Spineless, Trumped-Up, apparently illiterate Ken Mac poster--is better said on board with the gutless, spineless, RNC responses--all year long.

The cowardly Trumped-Up record has been elsewhere displayed, with comments posted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This is a fable about how religions get the atrocities created: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Senate Democrats are the ones who torpedoed the bill, numbnutz.

And none of that has anything to do with the border.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

Democrats wanted a $200.00/mo permanent COLA for Social Security recipients, Republicans said NO!
IOW, democrats torpedoed the bill.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failing to budge "torpedoed the bill." Republicans play games, American people lose.
Democrats never ever meet anyone halfway....It's their way or no way.

They want bailouts for state pension funds and they're not going to get them...Suck it.
Why would you not want pensions funded for American Workers? Putin shill?
Get some new material.
Senate Democrats are the ones who torpedoed the bill, numbnutz.

And none of that has anything to do with the border.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

Democrats wanted a $200.00/mo permanent COLA for Social Security recipients, Republicans said NO!
IOW, democrats torpedoed the bill.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failing to budge "torpedoed the bill." Republicans play games, American people lose.
Democrats never ever meet anyone halfway....It's their way or no way.

They want bailouts for state pension funds and they're not going to get them...Suck it.
Why would you not want pensions funded for American Workers? Putin shill?
It's a fucking state issue and not a federal issue, you knucklehead.
Proof of intent, top of ticket and then down-ticket: From RNC is the end of the Trumped-Up Lost Wages Assistance program already. Each state only gets six weeks of supplemental benefits for its people. Apparent likely outcome(?). Millions cross the borders illegally--policy at RNC(?).

Apparent likely outcome! Millions jobless! Millions Homeless! Millions Bankrupt! Millions even hungry and starving!


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Of the prayers of the Fable-Maker, Jesus--Matt 25: 14-30, "Lives Don't Matter!")
Yeah blame Trump and not NAZI Pelosi who refuses to take non starters out of their relief bill. It is an obvious cockblock to economic recovery to make Trump look bad. And that 300 dollars a week was bullshit anyway get off your lazy ass and work. The stimulus should of been a tax cut to benefit those currently working not the ones sitting on their ass.
Senate Democrats are the ones who torpedoed the bill, numbnutz.

And none of that has anything to do with the border.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failed to budge.

Democrats wanted a $200.00/mo permanent COLA for Social Security recipients, Republicans said NO!
IOW, democrats torpedoed the bill.
Democrats met Republicans half way. Republicans failing to budge "torpedoed the bill." Republicans play games, American people lose.
Democrats never ever meet anyone halfway....It's their way or no way.

They want bailouts for state pension funds and they're not going to get them...Suck it.
Why would you not want pensions funded for American Workers? Putin shill?
Bureaucrats aren't "American workers"....They are, for the most part, parasites who produce nothing that anyone would willingly buy.....And they have better pay and benefits than those working in the private sector do.....All at taxpayer expense.

Fuck 'em.

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