Trumpers Are Scrambling Desperately

To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Like other Dictators who always end of falling, Dishonest Don will end up in a hole or culvert to be swept up by his own people and set for public justice like Hussein and Gaddafi. History will repeat itself here.
The Trump-hating media immediately identified themselves by coming up with the term 'MAGA Bomber'...

Did they name Scalise's shooter the 'Democrat / Hillary Would-Be Assassin'?


They think they are being clever - they are only 'sticking the knife in, twisting it' ... Doubling-down on bitter opportunistic divisive political propaganda, using it to politically attack the President rather than just report news.

In doing so they prove they have no interest in lessening the divide separating us, no interest in 'letting go' / 'getting over it', begin to start embracing civility...
Like other Dictators who always end of falling, Dishonest Don will end up in a hole or culvert to be swept up by his own people and set for public justice like Hussein and Gaddafi. History will repeat itself here.
Did you just suggest the President will he assassinated and dumped in a hole?!


I wonder if the mods have the FBI on speed-dial...
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Yeah. They are 'scrambling' so much.

Where do you see this scrambling? Who on this forum, who supports Trump, do you see scrambling?
The MAGA Bomber is a sad case. Living in his smelly old van, using the gym to shower, where did he even get access to a computer and printer for his labels? The library?
Building defective bombs in the semidark back of a van plastered with Trump pictures. Must have been hot in there.

More and more isolated in his obsessive interest in right wing politics. There is sure plenty to feed on, for those who crave it.

Where/what did he eat? McD's? That's not even cheap anymore, but most cheap stuff requires a microwave. You can't run one of those off a car battery, can you?

Sad guy.

You're not very smart are ya? Hell yes you can run a microwave off a car battery, all you need is a 2000 watt inverter.

Did you forget who you were talking about?

She has had an active brain cell since the Eisenhower administration killed off the last ones.
The MAGA Bomber is a sad case. Living in his smelly old van, using the gym to shower, where did he even get access to a computer and printer for his labels? The library?
Building defective bombs in the semidark back of a van plastered with Trump pictures. Must have been hot in there.

More and more isolated in his obsessive interest in right wing politics. There is sure plenty to feed on, for those who crave it.

Where/what did he eat? McD's? That's not even cheap anymore, but most cheap stuff requires a microwave. You can't run one of those off a car battery, can you?

Sad guy.

You're not very smart are ya? Hell yes you can run a microwave off a car battery, all you need is a 2000 watt inverter.

You seem to miss the point

No not missing a damn thing. Regressive showing their ignorance is what I expect to see every time I come to this site, I have yet to be disappointed. There are many mentally ill people living in cars and on the streets.

I believe some of our favorite libtard posters are using the public library to access this page because they live under an overpass.
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Yeah. They are 'scrambling' so much.

Where do you see this scrambling? Who on this forum, who supports Trump, do you see scrambling?
Andy read their posts They all lie just like trump
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Yeah. They are 'scrambling' so much.

Where do you see this scrambling? Who on this forum, who supports Trump, do you see scrambling?
Virtually all of you are scrambling to get out from under the actions of these crazy Trumpers.

But you can't. These guys are you...they are acting out the darker thoughts that most Trumpers have.

When the fear and the anger take hold...this is what happens
This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

Bag O Dickface cannot even type a congruent sentence! This is the logical result of the insanity that has been the Left over these past two years, Birdbrain. Now some of it is finally washing back onto their laps. And all the usual foul players: Obama, Hillary, Watters and the rest. They were lucky this time that the nutcase they created didn't really want to hurt anyone, unlike the throngs of democrats, politicians and Hollywood freaks who talk endlessly of hate, violence, killing, murder, assassination and decapitation.

End the insanity. Start putting violent Leftist anarchists behind bars where they belong before they hurt another person. When Leftists act, they don't mail plastic toys, they come at you on ball fields with rifles, shoot you out of hotel windows, drive through doors and walls with their automobiles, and tear up entire communities with riots, looting and burning.

The Left defrauded an election, stole debate questions, and hired illegals to jack an election and still lost. They want to change the constitution to get the electoral college out of their way. They want non-citizens from other countries to vote. They dreamed up the Mueller investigation hoping to pin some fake charge on Trump. They use schools, media and television 24/7 trying to brainwash the young. Now if they lose the midterms, they plan to erupt in a blue wave of violence all the while trying to claim again it is "Trump's doing!"

The Left is nothing more than domestic terrorism and a political coup operating barely under the cover of law for now.
Like other Dictators who always end of falling, Dishonest Don will end up in a hole or culvert to be swept up by his own people and set for public justice like Hussein and Gaddafi. History will repeat itself here.
Did you just suggest the President will he assassinated and dumped in a hole?!


I wonder if the mods have the FBI on speed-dial...

Dictators always have their people turn on them eventually. Thanks for understanding that history does repeat itself.
Like other Dictators who always end of falling, Dishonest Don will end up in a hole or culvert to be swept up by his own people and set for public justice like Hussein and Gaddafi. History will repeat itself here.
Did you just suggest the President will he assassinated and dumped in a hole?!


I wonder if the mods have the FBI on speed-dial...

And we have found another WeakWhyte Terrorist mixing words who made the list. :113:
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Nothing in this op supports your attempt to blame this on Trump. YOu fail, loser.
Yes all trump speaks about to his stark raving loony audiences is peace and unity You can't see the moron brings out the worst in his followers?

I am one of his SUPPORTERS, as are most of my friends, and no, we're fine.

You guys are the ones seething in hate and anger.
The MAGA Bomber is a sad case. Living in his smelly old van, using the gym to shower, where did he even get access to a computer and printer for his labels? The library?
Building defective bombs in the semidark back of a van plastered with Trump pictures. Must have been hot in there.

More and more isolated in his obsessive interest in right wing politics. There is sure plenty to feed on, for those who crave it.

Where/what did he eat? McD's? That's not even cheap anymore, but most cheap stuff requires a microwave. You can't run one of those off a car battery, can you?

Sad guy.

You're not very smart are ya? Hell yes you can run a microwave off a car battery, all you need is a 2000 watt inverter.

Did you forget who you were talking about?

She has had an active brain cell since the Eisenhower administration killed off the last ones.
No need for that, Admiral.
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get
You're a fucking shill.
The MAGA Bomber is a sad case. Living in his smelly old van, using the gym to shower, where did he even get access to a computer and printer for his labels? The library?
Building defective bombs in the semidark back of a van plastered with Trump pictures. Must have been hot in there.

More and more isolated in his obsessive interest in right wing politics. There is sure plenty to feed on, for those who crave it.

Where/what did he eat? McD's? That's not even cheap anymore, but most cheap stuff requires a microwave. You can't run one of those off a car battery, can you?

Sad guy.

You're not very smart are ya? Hell yes you can run a microwave off a car battery, all you need is a 2000 watt inverter.

Did you forget who you were talking about?

She has had an active brain cell since the Eisenhower administration killed off the last ones.
No need for that, Admiral.
He worked in a Pizza joint Lived on pizza
I'm keeping calm, and waiting to vote until the last minute. Just so the fucking corrupt Democrats can't tally the votes and cheat just that much to win. I'm not giving them time enough to. :funnyface:

Think about it, y'all it's a good plan!
I'm keeping calm, and waiting to vote until the last minute. Just so the fucking corrupt Democrats can't tally the votes and cheat just that much to win. I'm not giving them time enough to. :funnyface:

Think about it, y'all it's a good plan!
You cheated to win in Florida in 2000 got outvoted by 3million in 2016 and now Dems are the cheats?? Your leader is a lifetime cheat and crook and that's who you'll vote for?? SAD
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

I am not scrambling at all. The person owning the one had mental issues. But I am not convinced that he is actually the person who sent the fake bombs.

Just a few years ago liberals invited a "hero" who constructed a bomb looking device and brought it to school to white house. Whoever did this got the bomb looking devices shipped right to the people idolizing the past bomb looking device. Isn't he even more of a hero?
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

I am not scrambling at all. The person owning the one had mental issues. But I am not convinced that he is actually the person who sent the fake bombs.

Just a few years ago liberals invited a "hero" who constructed a bomb looking device and brought it to school to white house. Whoever did this got the bomb looking devices shipped right to the people idolizing the past bomb looking device. Isn't he even more of a hero?
Let's be clear here people.

These were REAL bombs in every way.

AN this guy will likely go to jail for the rest of his life because of it

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