Trumpers Are Scrambling Desperately

To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get
Even has the Chinese listening in on his I Phone What a schmuck in our WH A republican ,but I repeat myself
iPhones are unhackable. That's why the FBI has asked Congress numerous times to force Apple to provide law enforcement with a back door.
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

We don't have to own him, just like you didn't own the Bernie Bro who shot Steve Scalise.

We learned from you. It's a beautiful thing, don't you think?
How many rallies did Bernie Sanders hold where he incited and encourage violence?
Enough to inspire the shooter, so too many.
BTW, they just said that the profile of the fake bomber and Sanders' shooter are almost exactly the same. Wonder how many others are out there waiting in the wings for more coxucking pols to inspire and trigger them to violence? I didn't see any dems recanting their "go and harass republicans" terrorist threats.
"They just said" ??

This is exactly what you douche bags tried to do with Judge Kavanuagh. It didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work now. Guaranteed no Republican is going to flip to the dim side, just because one lunatic had an agenda. You can’t blame a president or politician for acts of random violence.

We( I was gonna say on the left but it's actually "we on the side of sanity") have long agreed with Trump's OWN claim that he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave and his popularity wouldn't suffer at all.

This MAGA Bomber is proof that he is right.

People...we need to turn away from this kind of thing NOW...before it's too late

Agreed. Hillary would have been your saving grace [emoji2957]. I’m sure Maxie will follow in her footsteps, don’t worry. Republicans will not change their affiliation, as a heterosexual will not change theirs. Most of the people who say they agree with you, have been too lazy to ever register to vote. The rest of us, will prioritize pulling “R” on Election Day and returning to work.

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To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get
Republicans are scrambling to the polls thanks to Kavanaugh and the caravan.
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get
Supporters of Trump do not have to do anything to distance themselves from a lone, unstable freak who became violently triggered not just because of the uncivil atmosphere and violent rhetoric originating from the GOP but from both sides.

Democrats have called for the abandoning of civility and called for more violence, making violence to be more and more the norm.

Unless every snowflake and all the Democrats are willing to claim responsibility and 'association with/to' the liberal freak who attempted to assassinate Scalise they must admit 1 lone terrorist does not represent an entire party / group.

To suggest otherwise is unquestionably sanctimonious and an obvious attempt to claim the higher ground from down in the gutter where they have been, as evident by their 2016 Presidential candidate having paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters during the election and her calls for liberal violence recently.
The MAGA Bomber is a sad case. Living in his smelly old van, using the gym to shower, where did he even get access to a computer and printer for his labels? The library?
Building defective bombs in the semidark back of a van plastered with Trump pictures. Must have been hot in there.

More and more isolated in his obsessive interest in right wing politics. There is sure plenty to feed on, for those who crave it.

Where/what did he eat? McD's? That's not even cheap anymore, but most cheap stuff requires a microwave. You can't run one of those off a car battery, can you?

Sad guy.
Maybe he was living on the money the Democrats paid him to send those fake bombs.
Jesus fucking Krist ! Get over it
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Your a moron .Go light a candle and sing we are the world, you pathetic liberal .Trump 2020!
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Your a moron .Go light a candle and sing we are the world, you pathetic liberal .Trump 2020!
View attachment 225139
This is the utter stupidity if the Trumper. The Trumper says how they are not violent and the democrats are violent, then that loser posts a picture of peaceful group of people insinuating they are Democrats while at the same time making threats to democrats. Trumpers truly are a dense group.
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The MAGA Bomber is a sad case. Living in his smelly old van, using the gym to shower, where did he even get access to a computer and printer for his labels? The library?
Building defective bombs in the semidark back of a van plastered with Trump pictures. Must have been hot in there.

More and more isolated in his obsessive interest in right wing politics. There is sure plenty to feed on, for those who crave it.

Where/what did he eat? McD's? That's not even cheap anymore, but most cheap stuff requires a microwave. You can't run one of those off a car battery, can you?

Sad guy.
Maybe he was living on the money the Democrats paid him to send those fake bombs.
Jesus fucking Krist ! Get over it
lol Get over what? Clearly the timing of this is too much of a coincidence to just write off as a quirky prank. It has Democrat written all over it.
Foolish partisans, there is nothing at the polls that will grant you what you wish, give it up

To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get
I LOVE the asshole!!!!
Figures BUT please remove your head from that part of him
I'm not the one who's been CRYING since the election
we LOVE Trump
So did the republican mad bomber See harmonica you 2 have something in common
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Nothing in this op supports your attempt to blame this on Trump. YOu fail, loser.
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Nothing in this op supports your attempt to blame this on Trump. YOu fail, loser.
Yes all trump speaks about to his stark raving loony audiences is peace and unity You can't see the moron brings out the worst in his followers?
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Your a moron .Go light a candle and sing we are the world, you pathetic liberal .Trump 2020!
View attachment 225139
This is the utter stupidity if the Trumper. The Trumper says how they are not violent and the democrats are violent, then that loser posts a picture of peaceful group of people insinuating they are Democrats while at the same time making threats to democrats. Trumpers truly are a dense group.
He didn't make any threats, moron. You are the typical liberal: you think words mean whatever you want them to mean.
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

When Steve Scalise was shot was that due to the insanity that is Bernie Sanders?
To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

You might want to look at they guys criminal history, it precedes Trump by more than a decade, with terroristic and bomb threats. But that's ok, blame Trump for a previously known psychotic, it demonstrated how mature you are. LMAO

Distance themselves from a sleazebag career criminal? It's more accurate to say that angry lefties are desperate to connect this nut case to the President of the United States when the freaking hypocrites didn't seem to mind that the former president's political mentor, friend and legal partner was an unrepentant domestic terrorist bomber who actually killed people. .

And said he was willing to kill a quarter of the US population to win his little commie revolution. A perfect teacher of our young people according to the regressives. LMAO

To distance themselves from the MAGA Bomber and they're using the most insane argument (if they can even be called that).

Face the facts. This is the logical result of the insanity that it Trump.

You elected this asshole and this is what you get

Your a moron .Go light a candle and sing we are the world, you pathetic liberal .Trump 2020!
View attachment 225139
This is the utter stupidity if the Trumper. The Trumper says how they are not violent and the democrats are violent, then that loser posts a picture of peaceful group of people insinuating they are Democrats while at the same time making threats to democrats. Trumpers truly are a dense group.
He didn't make any threats, moron. You are the typical liberal: you think words mean whatever you want them to mean.

Is that a man in a wig?

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