Trumpery was rejected, but continues to ravage the GOP

I thought you libs were proponents of free speech?
I can't speak for those "libs" that fester in your noggin, but The Daily Stormer Endorsing Donald Trump for President is free speech, and I support the right of any neo-nazis to express their support.
Your labeling the majority of the American electorate who opted to dump the Trump at their first opportunity "Nazis" exposes your alienation from America and its democratic tradition.

Meanwhile, the ugly struggle between traditional conservatives and the weird worshipers of one dude persists within the GOP. The weird worshipers of one dude vilify their fellow Republicans for their consistently espousing a political philosophy rather than venerating a failed casino operator and faded reality tv performer.

That's deranged.

Conservative commentator Jonah Goldberg:

Fox host Tucker Carlson’s streaming special “Patriot Purge.” It’s a perfect example of propaganda that weaves half-truths into a whole lie.
“Patriot Purge” insinuates that the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol might have been a “false flag operation,” orchestrated by the FBI or the "Deep State"...
This dangerous nonsense was the last straw for me (and Steve Hayes).
[O]ne of my chief frustrations with Fox, and with cable news generally, is what you might call manufactured consensus.

Liberals are expected to be loyal Democrats and to criticize Republicans, and vice versa for conservatives... But here’s the real problem. Opinion journalists are treated as interchangeable with partisan flacks who are literally paid to defend a party and its positions.
Over time, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to internalize the idea that your job as an opinion journalist is to carry water for your party, at least on TV. The last thing a producer wants is some pundit offering nuanced criticism of his own side. Everything has to be a fight between the extremes...
But Trump’s ascendency made things much worse at Fox. Because Trump is a thin-skinned narcissist, he has no tolerance for criticism, and neither do his very vocal fans among the viewers and the punditocracy...
Traditionally, conservatives — including conservative politicians — influence presidents by praising them when they make the right decisions and criticizing them when they don’t. Trump was impervious to criticism, and over time, many conservatives stopped offering it and Fox stopped providing opportunities to present any kind of critique...

I’ve talked to scores of elected Republicans and conservative pundits, with opinions ranging from principled disagreement to outright contempt for Trump. But good luck getting many of them to say it publicly. The message, amplified constantly by Trump and his boosters, is that all “true” conservatives love Trump in every regard.
In the wake of the Jan. 6 riot, it became routine for Trump partisans to claim that criticism of his effort to steal the election amounted to an insult to everyone who voted for Trump, as if 74 million people voted for the riot and the lies that led to it.
That’s the propagandistic mindset behind that new “war on terror” nonsense. The government is not coming for “half the country” — it’s lawfully prosecuting a few hundred people who broke the law on Jan. 6. But we’re supposed to believe that the Trump base is not merely indivisible but defined by a tiny sliver of the worst actors on the right. That’s the real insult to the 74 million.
The Goldberg/Hayes saga is a manifestation of a larger trend. The audience of right-wing media such as Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network wants little to do with resisting Trump, even if that means they are resisting the truth. Republicans who don't get news from these networks are far more unfavorable to Trump.
You know who writes posts as long as this ? People who lack confidence in their ability to con job who they're talking to. 😐
I can't speak for those "libs" that fester in your noggin, but The Daily Stormer Endorsing Donald Trump for President is free speech, and I support the right of any neo-nazis to express their support.
You mean you even support brains-falling-out-of-his-head, Joe Biden ?
After Trump sunk in Georgia and pulled down two Republican Senators with him, intra-potty mayhem has ensued.

‘It’s almost like insanity’: GOP base continues to lash out over Trump’s defeat
There’s no evidence of election fraud in Georgia. Even so, the party rank and file is fixated on it — even if it costs them in the midterms.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Nowhere has the post-Trump era been more painful for the Republican Party than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists’ war on Republican elected officials is still raging, at great cost.
After the presidential election, lost by Republicans in Georgia for the first time since 1992, the party crumpled in the January Senate runoffs. In the Atlanta suburbs, once a citadel of conservatism, Republicans were blown out.
Yet if that was cause for any introspection, it was not readily apparent as Republicans gathered at county conventions in recent days to chart their course for the midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024.
In Cobb County, the archetype of the GOP’s suburban erosion, Republican activists over the weekend were still re-litigating Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud while drafting resolutions to rebuke the state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and other Republican officials for their unwillingness to overturn Trump’s loss. The Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has been all but excommunicated.
The once dominant Georgia GOP might be in meltdown in the suburbs, but the rank and file remains obsessed with Trump and the perceived wrongs of the last election.
As party activists vented at their county convention, the chair of the Cobb County Young Republicans, DeAnna Harris, stewed in the parking lot of her local party office.
“Huge mistake,” she said of the hostilities directed at Kemp and the reliving of 2020. “We’ve got to get out of this mindset. It’s almost like insanity.”
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea.
While we were marching through Georgia!
poor old senile turd joe will save us all from the pro usa crowd
You mean you even support brains-falling-out-of-his-head, Joe Biden ?
You can bleat about the President if you need to but, no.

He is not relevant to the Loser's persistence in lying about the 2020 election.

A year after he was dumped by the American electorate, the Loser has contrived no credible evidence to present in a court of law or any other legitimate venue, neither national nor in any state, to prop up his self-serving lie. His shrill demand for audits have actually added slightly to the President's margin of victory in Arizona and Wisconsin.

His goons who attacked Congress and injured 140 outnumbered police are being brought to justice, and the weird worshipers of one dude continue to crap on our democratic institutions in vain.
Odd, Virginia did not seem to be "ravaged" earlier this month. Trump voters turned out in unprecedented numbers in the red counties and that, combined with Youngkin making inroads in the NOtVA blue-burbs due to dem missteps got us a win.....Just call it a team effort. ;)
Worry about your own side.
Hyper-partisan extremists alienated from America wallow in their divisive agenda, but respecting the verdict of the American electorate is not a factional matter. It is a patriotic affirmation of democracy.

A goon attack on our Congress is not:

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Hyper-partisan extremists alienated from America wallow in their divisive agenda, but respecting the verdict of the American electorate is not a factional matter. It is a patriotic affirmation of democracy.

A goon attack on our Congress is not:

I know folks (good upstanding citizens in my AO) that attended the rally and I suspect if you would call them a "goon" to their face you would have a very, very, bad day. Like myself they don't suffer such foolishness very well.
Hyper-partisan extremists alienated from America wallow in their divisive agenda, but respecting the verdict of the American electorate is not a factional matter. It is a patriotic affirmation of democracy.
A goon attack on our Congress is not:
One man's goon is another man's hero.
Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.

Please respect the will of the American electorate, even if your veneration makes you pissy.
I do respect the will of the American electorate. It is the 2020 election fraud dirtbags who don't.
You can bleat about the President if you need to but, no.

He is not relevant to the Loser's persistence in lying about the 2020 election.

A year after he was dumped by the American electorate, the Loser has contrived no credible evidence to present in a court of law or any other legitimate venue, neither national nor in any state, to prop up his self-serving lie. His shrill demand for audits have actually added slightly to the President's margin of victory in Arizona and Wisconsin.

His goons who attacked Congress and injured 140 outnumbered police are being brought to justice, and the weird worshipers of one dude continue to crap on our democratic institutions in vain.
FALSE! TONS of credible evidence was presented to the courts, Courts chose to not look at it, Ho hum. And I myself, have presented tons of credible evidence right here in this forum..

Too bad your goons who have been attacking people, statues, police cars, police stations, stores, etc., for 2 years have NOT been brought to justice, because of crooked, filthy criminal Democrat mayors/politicians.

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