Trumpf is picking up his ball and stabbing it with his knife

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No, he's stabbing loserterianism straight in its ass! It will set back this movement of backwards idiots 10 years.

Have you read up on the evolutionary development of altruism, and considered how it relates to the different views on social spending?

Mr Science?
Ted was right. You know it, I know it, he knows it.

But the party who brought us Palin, Wrongme, and W deserves every bit of this. Every bit.

I don't agree with cruz on policies but at least he is civilized and isnt the asshole that trump is.
I remember what was your signature a few months back. What happened?
Either scale you see it.

Here, you have the mindless minions parroting.

And they keep bringing in the mass hysteria being manufactured in the corrupt media.

The Right just can't do that for a number of reasons, even though I am sure there are those that would if they could.

We don't have the media, and we don't have the mob.
Check out this hysterical crapola, just for example. CNN's Cooper lets Khan lie his ass off.Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law
That didn't work right, I don't think. It's Tinydancer's new thread on it.

For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s). You are welcome to think about it and try again.
You are a silly boy, Correll. Comrade Donald's train wreck of a campaign just keeps getting worse every day..

You know what I don't recall you every discussing Jakey?ANY of Hillary's issues.What are they? Do you even know?Everyone knows Trump's issues, though a lot of you lefties are such dishonest assholes that you pretend not to.But Hillary? All she has is bullshit personal attacks and panic mongering.
Kasich would have allowed real Republicans to concentrate of HRC and her deficiencies. Kasich would have beat her easily. However, Comrade Donald Dangerous threatens the entire world with his lack of temperament, his massive personality disorder, that no sane person wants him near the nuclear codes. The sane Republicans are preparing now for 2020 since this campaign seems lost in space. And no one like Comrade Donald will even be considered as viable.

And thanks for proving my point completely.

NOt one iota about Hillary's issues, from a liberal who is gong to vote for her.

Some off topic nonsense.

And mostly HIllary's panic mongering and personal attack talking points.

Which is all she has and all she is.
I think he is out campaigning today so I have no idea what this picking up the ball thing is about.

Lefties have completely given up all pretense of Reason and are just spewing negative sounding spin.

You can ask him what he means. He will not answer.

THey are basing their hopes on shouting down any real discussion and turning the election into a screaming match that they know they can win because of the completely corrupt media.

They are vile pieces of shit.
There are plenty of RW's doing the same thing, ya know. Don't be polishing your halo just yet, guys.
Some people polish halos and others each his own.

Ted was right. You know it, I know it, he knows it.

But the party who brought us Palin, Wrongme, and W deserves every bit of this. Every bit.

I don't agree with cruz on policies but at least he is civilized and isnt the asshole that trump is.
I remember what was your signature a few months back. What happened?

Liberals need to demonize whoever is a threat to the agenda.

They don't remember, because they don't think about it, they just DO.

Stimulus Response. LIke an amoeba, only withe less higher brain involvement.
Check out this hysterical crapola, just for example. CNN's Cooper lets Khan lie his ass off.Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law
That didn't work right, I don't think. It's Tinydancer's new thread on it.

For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s). You are welcome to think about it and try again.
You are a silly boy, Correll. Comrade Donald's train wreck of a campaign just keeps getting worse every day..

You know what I don't recall you every discussing Jakey?ANY of Hillary's issues.What are they? Do you even know?Everyone knows Trump's issues, though a lot of you lefties are such dishonest assholes that you pretend not to.But Hillary? All she has is bullshit personal attacks and panic mongering.
Kasich would have allowed real Republicans to concentrate of HRC and her deficiencies. Kasich would have beat her easily. However, Comrade Donald Dangerous threatens the entire world with his lack of temperament, his massive personality disorder, that no sane person wants him near the nuclear codes. The sane Republicans are preparing now for 2020 since this campaign seems lost in space. And no one like Comrade Donald will even be considered as viable.
And thanks for proving my point completely.NOt one iota about Hillary's issues, from a liberal who is gong to vote for her.Some off topic nonsense.And mostly HIllary's panic mongering and personal attack talking points.Which is all she has and all she is.
McCain, Muslims, Hispanics, the disabled, women, Khan, McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Cruz, Kasich, Cain, so forth and so on.

These are not poison points, these are actual stupidities, or worse, by Comrade Donald Doofus.

I will vote for Gary Johnson.
For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s). You are welcome to think about it and try again.
You are a silly boy, Correll. Comrade Donald's train wreck of a campaign just keeps getting worse every day..

You know what I don't recall you every discussing Jakey?ANY of Hillary's issues.What are they? Do you even know?Everyone knows Trump's issues, though a lot of you lefties are such dishonest assholes that you pretend not to.But Hillary? All she has is bullshit personal attacks and panic mongering.
Kasich would have allowed real Republicans to concentrate of HRC and her deficiencies. Kasich would have beat her easily. However, Comrade Donald Dangerous threatens the entire world with his lack of temperament, his massive personality disorder, that no sane person wants him near the nuclear codes. The sane Republicans are preparing now for 2020 since this campaign seems lost in space. And no one like Comrade Donald will even be considered as viable.
And thanks for proving my point completely.NOt one iota about Hillary's issues, from a liberal who is gong to vote for her.Some off topic nonsense.And mostly HIllary's panic mongering and personal attack talking points.Which is all she has and all she is.
McCain, Muslims, Hispanics, the disabled, women, Khan, McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Cruz, Kasich, Cain, so forth and so on.

These are not poison points, these are actual stupidities, or worse, by Comrade Donald Doofus.

I will vote for Gary Johnson.

And still not one iota about your candidate HIllary's issues. Do you even know what they are?

Only a fucking asshole would call Trump a communist.

And Gary Johnson? LOL!!!


THanks for the bump, loser.
I think he is out campaigning today so I have no idea what this picking up the ball thing is about.

Lefties have completely given up all pretense of Reason and are just spewing negative sounding spin.

You can ask him what he means. He will not answer.

THey are basing their hopes on shouting down any real discussion and turning the election into a screaming match that they know they can win because of the completely corrupt media.

They are vile pieces of shit.
There are plenty of RW's doing the same thing, ya know. Don't be polishing your halo just yet, guys.
Some people polish halos and others each his own.

I have a bottle of scotch I plan to finish off on election night when we discover that America has finally elected its first female president--Bruce Jenner--in a massive write-in campaign.
You are a silly boy, Correll. Comrade Donald's train wreck of a campaign just keeps getting worse every day..

You know what I don't recall you every discussing Jakey?ANY of Hillary's issues.What are they? Do you even know?Everyone knows Trump's issues, though a lot of you lefties are such dishonest assholes that you pretend not to.But Hillary? All she has is bullshit personal attacks and panic mongering.
Kasich would have allowed real Republicans to concentrate of HRC and her deficiencies. Kasich would have beat her easily. However, Comrade Donald Dangerous threatens the entire world with his lack of temperament, his massive personality disorder, that no sane person wants him near the nuclear codes. The sane Republicans are preparing now for 2020 since this campaign seems lost in space. And no one like Comrade Donald will even be considered as viable.
And thanks for proving my point completely.NOt one iota about Hillary's issues, from a liberal who is gong to vote for her.Some off topic nonsense.And mostly HIllary's panic mongering and personal attack talking points.Which is all she has and all she is.
McCain, Muslims, Hispanics, the disabled, women, Khan, McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Cruz, Kasich, Cain, so forth and so on.

These are not poison points, these are actual stupidities, or worse, by Comrade Donald Doofus.

I will vote for Gary Johnson.

And still not one iota about your candidate HIllary's issues. Do you even know what they are?

Only a fucking asshole would call Trump a communist.

And Gary Johnson? LOL!!!


THanks for the bump, loser.
The thread is about Comrade Donald's Damfuckery, Correll, not HRC.

Your boy is getting his ass kicked, and it will continue until he gives up and runs away.
There are plenty of RW's doing the same thing, ya know. Don't be polishing your halo just yet, guys.

NO, there are not.

To make that type of propaganda work, you need control of the media and a vast herd of mindless minons to parrot their talking points over and over and over and over.

I'll be polishing my halo all day, oldlady.
I was talking about here, on USMB. I thought that is what we were talking about.

Either scale you see it.

Here, you have the mindless minions parroting.

And they keep bringing in the mass hysteria being manufactured in the corrupt media.

The Right just can't do that for a number of reasons, even though I am sure there are those that would if they could.

We don't have the media, and we don't have the mob.
Check out this hysterical crapola, just for example. CNN's Cooper lets Khan lie his ass off.Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law
That didn't work right, I don't think. It's Tinydancer's new thread on it.

For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s).

You are welcome to think about it and try again.
I don't see any examples from you, either. You will wilfully ignore any information that doesn't put forth your agenda, and I'm not wasting my time on it.
You know what I don't recall you every discussing Jakey?ANY of Hillary's issues.What are they? Do you even know?Everyone knows Trump's issues, though a lot of you lefties are such dishonest assholes that you pretend not to.But Hillary? All she has is bullshit personal attacks and panic mongering.
Kasich would have allowed real Republicans to concentrate of HRC and her deficiencies. Kasich would have beat her easily. However, Comrade Donald Dangerous threatens the entire world with his lack of temperament, his massive personality disorder, that no sane person wants him near the nuclear codes. The sane Republicans are preparing now for 2020 since this campaign seems lost in space. And no one like Comrade Donald will even be considered as viable.
And thanks for proving my point completely.NOt one iota about Hillary's issues, from a liberal who is gong to vote for her.Some off topic nonsense.And mostly HIllary's panic mongering and personal attack talking points.Which is all she has and all she is.
McCain, Muslims, Hispanics, the disabled, women, Khan, McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Cruz, Kasich, Cain, so forth and so on.

These are not poison points, these are actual stupidities, or worse, by Comrade Donald Doofus.

I will vote for Gary Johnson.

And still not one iota about your candidate HIllary's issues. Do you even know what they are?

Only a fucking asshole would call Trump a communist.

And Gary Johnson? LOL!!!


THanks for the bump, loser.
The thread is about Comrade Donald's Damfuckery, Correll, not HRC.

Your boy is getting his ass kicked, and it will continue until he gives up and runs away.

That was my point.

You hillary supporters CAN'T advance your agenda by touting your Candidate or her policies, because neither are defensible.

So you have NOTHING but the Politics of Personal Destruction, Panic Mongering and Divisiveness.

You have to lie to smear your enemies and to convince people that your enemies, ie your fellow Americans are monsters out to kill and oppress them.

And it it working, the polls are moving your way.

THe only small wrinkle is that it is tearing this nation apart.

People are dying so that you can have it your way.

And this hatred you are spreading, it is not going to go away any time soon. Especially since you will keep doing it, because you will need to every time something comes up, be it an issue or a scandal.

Because you can never just use the Truth.

The Truth is not on your side, and it is not in your nature, as you are vile lying trolls.
NO, there are not.

To make that type of propaganda work, you need control of the media and a vast herd of mindless minons to parrot their talking points over and over and over and over.

I'll be polishing my halo all day, oldlady.
I was talking about here, on USMB. I thought that is what we were talking about.

Either scale you see it.

Here, you have the mindless minions parroting.

And they keep bringing in the mass hysteria being manufactured in the corrupt media.

The Right just can't do that for a number of reasons, even though I am sure there are those that would if they could.

We don't have the media, and we don't have the mob.
Check out this hysterical crapola, just for example. CNN's Cooper lets Khan lie his ass off.Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law
That didn't work right, I don't think. It's Tinydancer's new thread on it.

For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s).

You are welcome to think about it and try again.
I don't see any examples from you, either. You will wilfully ignore any information that doesn't put forth your agenda, and I'm not wasting my time on it.

Are you seriously denying Hillary's panic mongering?

Here, ONE large example just to showcase her base theme. I can do this forever if you like.


Who does Trump and his 40% of America supposedly "hate"?

You know. Hillary's targeted audience knows.

She is tearing this nation apart.

She is telling her supporters and her partisans that their enemies are "haters".

YOu can see that on this site. You lefties are CONSTANTLY BEATING THE PANIC DRUMS.
Traveling from Utah trhough Colorado and New Mexico to our Hill County home in Texas has been somewhat surprising.

Almost no Trump signs.

Lots of support of Johnson, particularly in the military.

Clovis AFB personnel have no use for Trump and less for Clinton.

The ag commissioner in Amarillo is has failed in putting together a GOP agriculture committee for Trump in the panhandle. He asked 35 people and had three accept and one of those backed out.

Yes, this is anecdotal, but the folks I talked to (almost sixty at rest stops, convenience stores, gas stations, restaurants) are not excited.
I was talking about here, on USMB. I thought that is what we were talking about.

Either scale you see it.

Here, you have the mindless minions parroting.

And they keep bringing in the mass hysteria being manufactured in the corrupt media.

The Right just can't do that for a number of reasons, even though I am sure there are those that would if they could.

We don't have the media, and we don't have the mob.
Check out this hysterical crapola, just for example. CNN's Cooper lets Khan lie his ass off.Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law
That didn't work right, I don't think. It's Tinydancer's new thread on it.

For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s).

You are welcome to think about it and try again.
I don't see any examples from you, either. You will wilfully ignore any information that doesn't put forth your agenda, and I'm not wasting my time on it.

Are you seriously denying Hillary's panic mongering?

Here, ONE large example just to showcase her base theme. I can do this forever if you like.


Who does Trump and his 40% of America supposedly "hate"?

You know. Hillary's targeted audience knows.

She is tearing this nation apart.

She is telling her supporters and her partisans that their enemies are "haters".

YOu can see that on this site. You lefties are CONSTANTLY BEATING THE PANIC DRUMS.
Trump and hate mongers like you are trying to tear America apart, and, Correll, you folks will be crushed in the election.
Traveling from Utah trhough Colorado and New Mexico to our Hill County home in Texas has been somewhat surprising.

Almost no Trump signs.

Lots of support of Johnson, particularly in the military.

Clovis AFB personnel have no use for Trump and less for Clinton.

The ag commissioner in Amarillo is has failed in putting together a GOP agriculture committee for Trump in the panhandle. He asked 35 people and had three accept and one of those backed out.

Yes, this is anecdotal, but the folks I talked to (almost sixty at rest stops, convenience stores, gas stations, restaurants) are not excited.
hahahaha.... who are you kidding Jake?
Ha ha, flatcon-4, I am telling you what people told me.

Trump will lose CO and NM, may lose Utah and will squeak by in Tx.

The polls posted last night show Johnson solidly ahead with a plurality of the military vote, well ahead of Trump.
Either scale you see it.

Here, you have the mindless minions parroting.

And they keep bringing in the mass hysteria being manufactured in the corrupt media.

The Right just can't do that for a number of reasons, even though I am sure there are those that would if they could.

We don't have the media, and we don't have the mob.
Check out this hysterical crapola, just for example. CNN's Cooper lets Khan lie his ass off.Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law
That didn't work right, I don't think. It's Tinydancer's new thread on it.

For reasons plainly stated in my post, that you responded to, a single isolated example would NOT disprove, nor even slightly undermine my point(s).

You are welcome to think about it and try again.
I don't see any examples from you, either. You will wilfully ignore any information that doesn't put forth your agenda, and I'm not wasting my time on it.

Are you seriously denying Hillary's panic mongering?

Here, ONE large example just to showcase her base theme. I can do this forever if you like.


Who does Trump and his 40% of America supposedly "hate"?

You know. Hillary's targeted audience knows.

She is tearing this nation apart.

She is telling her supporters and her partisans that their enemies are "haters".

YOu can see that on this site. You lefties are CONSTANTLY BEATING THE PANIC DRUMS.
Trump and hate mongers like you are trying to tear America apart, and, Correll, you folks will be crushed in the election.

Says the asshole.
Trump and hate mongers like you are trying to tear America apart, and, Correll, you folks will be crushed in the election.
Says the asshole.
That's you projecting, oh pucker butt. :lol: Trump's endorsements of Ryan, McConnell, and Ayotte are just too late. And, besides, he, like you, are recidivistic assholes, and you and he will be reversing all your stated good intentions.
Trump and hate mongers like you are trying to tear America apart, and, Correll, you folks will be crushed in the election.
Says the asshole.
That's you projecting, oh pucker butt. :lol: Trump's endorsements of Ryan, McConnell, and Ayotte are just too late. And, besides, he, like you, are recidivistic assholes, and you and he will be reversing all your stated good intentions.

Says the asshole with a stated policy of not supporting his various personal attacks, and yet continuing to make attacks he cannot support.

That, in itself is the behavior of an asshole.

That the GOP leadership, in their assholeness, have been slow to admit their defeat and have still been toying with either sabotaging and subverting the Democratically expressed will of the Party Membership, AND/OR throwing the election, reflects badly ON THEM, not on Trump.

NOt surprising that you are taking that assholes' side.

Like attracts like.
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