Trump's 4% GDP growth promise update

Look, you have your belief about AGW, and I have mine. We can agree to disagree on that one.

But we can BOTH agree on one truth----------->at some point in time, alternative energy will become cheaper than fossil fuels. At that point in time, everything will change in the world as we know it, and all the funding by OPEC and Russia to scare the hell out of you will stop.

So, now AGW is a hoax by OPEC and Russia?

I thought your boy in the White House said it was a hoax by China.

I guess when one gets their science from FoxNews as you do, the story will often change.

You are putting words in mouth. Show me where I said hoax?

Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)
So then, which party wants to add 30 trillion to the debt with new programs, when they haven’t even explained how to pay for their past programs?

Just asking!

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Which party added 1.48 trillion to the debt in a single CY during a booming economy, not talked about it but added it when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Which one.

I mean certainly you aren't talking about when Republicans left the worst recession in 80 years to Obama? You can't be that stupid, can you?
the right wing barely remembers that recession and only remember the Debt due to the social programs that automatically stabilized our economy.

What the Left fails to remember is-------->many social programs helped push us into the position we found ourselves in.

So your logic goes something like this---------------> DOCTOR-------->OMG I cut off the wrong foot! PATIENT---------->your an a**hole! DOCTOR--------->but look, I supplied a prosthetic to replace it, so kiss my a** cause I did you a great favor by providing it. PATIENT WALKS AWAY SCRATCHING HIS HEAD!
So, now AGW is a hoax by OPEC and Russia?

I thought your boy in the White House said it was a hoax by China.

I guess when one gets their science from FoxNews as you do, the story will often change.

You are putting words in mouth. Show me where I said hoax?

Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

LOL, see, that just shows how narrow minded you are. If you can't figure out a scenario where fossil fuels being bad for America is good for them, then your business sense is not as strong as I thought it was Golf.

I guess my imagination is just not as good as yours. I guess that is why I do not get my science from the news media
So, now AGW is a hoax by OPEC and Russia?

I thought your boy in the White House said it was a hoax by China.

I guess when one gets their science from FoxNews as you do, the story will often change.

You are putting words in mouth. Show me where I said hoax?

Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.
You are putting words in mouth. Show me where I said hoax?

Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

LOL, see, that just shows how narrow minded you are. If you can't figure out a scenario where fossil fuels being bad for America is good for them, then your business sense is not as strong as I thought it was Golf.

I guess my imagination is just not as good as yours. I guess that is why I do not get my science from the news media

I am not imagining things at all, these are facts. I did not say the studies are correct, or incorrect. All I did was point out who many of the studies are funded by. I don't understand why pointing this out is such a big deal.

NOTICE-----------> All I said was that the instant renewable energy becomes cheaper than fossil fuels, our world will change, and for whatever reason they are funding these studies, they will stop doing it. (the last part is a reasonable assumption, because if they are telling us the numbers to save us, they will no longer have to. If they are fudging them, it no longer will do them any good)

I find no fallacy in that logic at all. Do you?
So then, which party wants to add 30 trillion to the debt with new programs, when they haven’t even explained how to pay for their past programs?

Just asking!

Sent from my iPhone using

Which party added 1.48 trillion to the debt in a single CY during a booming economy, not talked about it but added it when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Which one.

I mean certainly you aren't talking about when Republicans left the worst recession in 80 years to Obama? You can't be that stupid, can you?
the right wing barely remembers that recession and only remember the Debt due to the social programs that automatically stabilized our economy.

What the Left fails to remember is-------->many social programs helped push us into the position we found ourselves in.

So your logic goes something like this---------------> DOCTOR-------->OMG I cut off the wrong foot! PATIENT---------->your an a**hole! DOCTOR--------->but look, I supplied a prosthetic to replace it, so kiss my a** cause I did you a great favor by providing it. PATIENT WALKS AWAY SCRATCHING HIS HEAD!
the right wing has less problem with corporate welfare than they do with equal protection of the law for the Poor, for unemployment compensation, for simply being unemployed.
So then, which party wants to add 30 trillion to the debt with new programs, when they haven’t even explained how to pay for their past programs?

Just asking!

Sent from my iPhone using

Which party added 1.48 trillion to the debt in a single CY during a booming economy, not talked about it but added it when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Which one.

I mean certainly you aren't talking about when Republicans left the worst recession in 80 years to Obama? You can't be that stupid, can you?
the right wing barely remembers that recession and only remember the Debt due to the social programs that automatically stabilized our economy.

What the Left fails to remember is-------->many social programs helped push us into the position we found ourselves in.

So your logic goes something like this---------------> DOCTOR-------->OMG I cut off the wrong foot! PATIENT---------->your an a**hole! DOCTOR--------->but look, I supplied a prosthetic to replace it, so kiss my a** cause I did you a great favor by providing it. PATIENT WALKS AWAY SCRATCHING HIS HEAD!

Which ones?
You are putting words in mouth. Show me where I said hoax?

Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.
Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.
Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)
Oh come now, at least have a little bit of pride and integrity. What the hell else were you talking about when you said that OPEC and Russia was funding it?

I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

They cannot, but they can shift planting seasons. It has helped. 5 years ago a yield of 200 bushels an acre was rare, this year we had farms hitting 260 and above.

Eventually you are right, they will no longer be the bread basket for the nation.
I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)

Production will shift northward, that is for sure.
You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)

Production will shift northward, that is for sure.

If the scenario some suggest is coming, then we both agree. The American breadbasket will become Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota, amongst a few others.
I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)

Production will shift northward, that is for sure.

If the scenario some suggest is coming, then we both agree. The American breadbasket will become Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota, amongst a few others.

Which of course brings about a whole new set of problems.
You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)

Production will shift northward, that is for sure.
I was implying that they are funding the studies. I never said their conclusions were right or wrong. I leave that to the individual.

You said they were doing it to "scare the hell out of..."

Why would OPEC and Russia be paying for studies that show fossil fuel is bad for the planet when both rely totally on selling said fuel?

You are making little sense here.

I would urge you to notice----------->that all these wonderful plans exempt China, Russia, OPEC countries, and all emerging markets from doing what we are told we need do. Does that help you-)

They do? The Paris Accord did not exempt any of them.

But then again, I do not support any of the wonderful plans. I believe we are well past the point of "fixing it" and that we should instead put our energies towards preparing for the inevitable changes.

many people have been doing this. The farmers in the Midwest have been adding irrigation and tiling to their land to offset the changes in the environment, specifically rainfall patterns. They do not have time to worry about the politics of it all, they are doing what they need to do to be able to continue to grow the crops that they are.

Won't save the Midwest farmers.
Corn loses a percentage of its production with each degree day above 90/95 degrees. They can't stop the heat.

Nope, but we can move the farms-)
So you think that the soils are the same everywhere? Moisture the same? You can irrigate when it is too ry but what di you do if it were to be too wet especially at the wrong time?

It is so naive to just think Montana will become the new Iowa.

And to ignore the cost & the devastation to the Iowa farmers whose families have farmerd their land for generations.

All because we are too fucking stupid to cut emissions?
So you think that the soils are the same everywhere? Moisture the same? You can irrigate when it is too ry but what di you do if it were to be too wet especially at the wrong time?

It is so naive to just think Montana will become the new Iowa.

And to ignore the cost & the devastation to the Iowa farmers whose families have farmerd their land for generations.

All because we are too fucking stupid to cut emissions?

I am not ignoring anything, I understand the cost.

We can bitch and moan about it, but people are not going to change, the "fixes" will be too late to save the heartland even if they are applied. People need to prepare for the changes vice whining about how stupid people are.
So you think that the soils are the same everywhere? Moisture the same? You can irrigate when it is too ry but what di you do if it were to be too wet especially at the wrong time?

It is so naive to just think Montana will become the new Iowa.

And to ignore the cost & the devastation to the Iowa farmers whose families have farmerd their land for generations.

All because we are too fucking stupid to cut emissions?

I am not ignoring anything, I understand the cost.

We can bitch and moan about it, but people are not going to change, the "fixes" will be too late to save the heartland even if they are applied. People need to prepare for the changes vice whining about how stupid people are.
So, you think we should not make the effort to reduce emissions?
We should just STFU & not try to elect smart people to make the commitment to reduce the emissions?
We should allow the stupid to be duped & just accept it????
So you think that the soils are the same everywhere? Moisture the same? You can irrigate when it is too ry but what di you do if it were to be too wet especially at the wrong time?

It is so naive to just think Montana will become the new Iowa.

And to ignore the cost & the devastation to the Iowa farmers whose families have farmerd their land for generations.

All because we are too fucking stupid to cut emissions?

I am not ignoring anything, I understand the cost.

We can bitch and moan about it, but people are not going to change, the "fixes" will be too late to save the heartland even if they are applied. People need to prepare for the changes vice whining about how stupid people are.
So, you think we should not make the effort to reduce emissions?
We should just STFU & not try to elect smart people to make the commitment to reduce the emissions?
We should allow the stupid to be duped & just accept it????

I am a pragmatist, not an idealist. I understand human nature well enough to know we will not cut emission fast enough to stop many of the changes.

We are already cutting emissions, almost all countries are, even China.

But the "new green deal" will never become a reality (nor should it) and as such we need to prepare for changes, instead of fighting over who's fault it is.
So you think that the soils are the same everywhere? Moisture the same? You can irrigate when it is too ry but what di you do if it were to be too wet especially at the wrong time?

It is so naive to just think Montana will become the new Iowa.

And to ignore the cost & the devastation to the Iowa farmers whose families have farmerd their land for generations.

All because we are too fucking stupid to cut emissions?

I am not ignoring anything, I understand the cost.

We can bitch and moan about it, but people are not going to change, the "fixes" will be too late to save the heartland even if they are applied. People need to prepare for the changes vice whining about how stupid people are.
So, you think we should not make the effort to reduce emissions?
We should just STFU & not try to elect smart people to make the commitment to reduce the emissions?
We should allow the stupid to be duped & just accept it????

I am a pragmatist, not an idealist. I understand human nature well enough to know we will not cut emission fast enough to stop many of the changes.

We are already cutting emissions, almost all countries are, even China.

But the "new green deal" will never become a reality (nor should it) and as such we need to prepare for changes, instead of fighting over who's fault it is.
Trump is taking us backwards. Republicans are taking us backwards.

Maybe you will sit on your ass & do nothing, I will continue to push.

I will call out each & every fucking idiot denying AGW. Here, in my local paper, during the elections, eyc.

I will not allow my children & grandchildren to suffer because I gave up.

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