Trumps 45 min speech on Wed

These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity


I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
No you don’t.
Seems that Quasar knows where to correctly place a "comma", Joe fat fuck, the bloated, card carrying commie. Pathetic pieces of commie filth like yourself are in a very bad's a "no win" situation for those of your ilk. Shall I explain that to you? Should I avoid multi-syllable words?

Seriously, it seems that those of us with triple digit IQ scores have been tasked with the thankless job of trying to communicate with the "short bus" clientele (that are more prone than not) that smears their shit in bathroom stalls.
My goodness.

You guys really need to get a grip.
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity


I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
No you don’t.
Seems that Quasar knows where to correctly place a "comma", Joe fat fuck, the bloated, card carrying commie. Pathetic pieces of commie filth like yourself are in a very bad's a "no win" situation for those of your ilk. Shall I explain that to you? Should I avoid multi-syllable words?

Seriously, it seems that those of us with triple digit IQ scores have been tasked with the thankless job of trying to communicate with the "short bus" clientele (that are more prone than not) that smears their shit in bathroom stalls.
My goodness.

You guys really need to get a grip.
You’re taking about the end of democracy and the power to vote
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity


What makes you think the judges aren't paid off or are blackmailed so their hands are tied. Plus they want to keep their jobs and also not have their legs broken and families destroyed by the Clinton, Obama cartel.
The very idea is ludicrous. If any judge fears anything it's being removed for judicial misconduct. They might really want to help Trump out but he's got to give them something to work with. Making a favorable ruling without supporting evidence puts their career in jeopardy for someting that will be overturned anyway.

You really don't know how corrupt the system is do you? :D
I know exactly how corrupt it is if you are a nobody with no money. High profile cases with a lot at stake are a different story. No one with deep pockets has ever had to wonder if they got a fair hearing in court.
1) gop banned from watching in big cities
2) trucks pulling in with millions of ballots that many were freshly made with zero creases and having the same signatures
3) voting polls that had millions of dead folks and folks who moved
4) employee running massive batches of Biden votes dozens of times in the machine
5) stacks of Trump votes tossed out
6) zero signature verifications

etc etc
Lying out of his ass. No proof at all.
You have Mounds and mounds of affidavits and massive irregularities
You’re too stupid to understand basic law or even common sense
I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
You have the intellect? Let me give you some more dots than.

There is a process for challenging election results. That process involves the courts. In those courts you have the opportunity to provide proof of your claims. This proof includes expert witnesses. This includes actual mathematicians. At the moment not a single of those lawsuits that allege voter fraud has been ruled favorably on. A lot of them have been dismissed tough. They have been dismissed by judges nominated by Trump, Obama and W.

Now use yourr intellect and connect those dots.
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity
For someone who has "the intellect" you sure seem to need to call people names a lot. You also seem to make some weird intellectual leaps. Judges appointed by Trump are leftists? How do you connect that dot? Barr also says there was no wide spread voter fraud. Is he a leftist?

I'll give you a more likely premise... You are wrong.
Sob, sob.....sniffle, sniffle....did somebody here hurt your lil tender feelins'?

Dry your little tears.... have your mommy squeeze your pathetic excuse for a physique against her massive, fat-filled "Daisy, the dairy cow" sized teats for you to suckle from when you get all "butthurt", ya candy ass pussy.
Nope not at all. I just know that people who don't have an argument just throw those little tantrums. It just tells me how little actual intellect they actually have.

A smart person knows how to show somebody that they're dumb without actually having to call them that.

Just so your tiny brain understands I'll make it blatant this time. I just called you dumb.
1) gop banned from watching in big cities
2) trucks pulling in with millions of ballots that many were freshly made with zero creases and having the same signatures
3) voting polls that had millions of dead folks and folks who moved
4) employee running massive batches of Biden votes dozens of times in the machine
5) stacks of Trump votes tossed out
6) zero signature verifications

etc etc
Lying out of his ass. No proof at all.
You old , filthy Commie from the 60s
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity


I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
No you don’t.
Seems that Quasar knows where to correctly place a "comma", Joe fat fuck, the bloated, card carrying commie. Pathetic pieces of commie filth like yourself are in a very bad's a "no win" situation for those of your ilk. Shall I explain that to you? Should I avoid multi-syllable words?

Seriously, it seems that those of us with triple digit IQ scores have been tasked with the thankless job of trying to communicate with the "short bus" clientele (that are more prone than not) that smears their shit in bathroom stalls.
My goodness.

You guys really need to get a grip.
Little Mac proclaims "My goodness"!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! Could you even possibly come across as more of an "out of the closet fag"? HOLY shit, Macey......those two words uttered by an alleged man with two testicles reeks of someone that suffers from a "touch of the "lavender" and "putts from the other side of the green"....


Macey, were you cyber-wringing your tiny hands as you wrote that angst-filled post? Turn in your "man card", ya homo.
I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
You have the intellect? Let me give you some more dots than.

There is a process for challenging election results. That process involves the courts. In those courts you have the opportunity to provide proof of your claims. This proof includes expert witnesses. This includes actual mathematicians. At the moment not a single of those lawsuits that allege voter fraud has been ruled favorably on. A lot of them have been dismissed tough. They have been dismissed by judges nominated by Trump, Obama and W.

Now use yourr intellect and connect those dots.
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity
For someone who has "the intellect" you sure seem to need to call people names a lot. You also seem to make some weird intellectual leaps. Judges appointed by Trump are leftists? How do you connect that dot? Barr also says there was no wide spread voter fraud. Is he a leftist?

I'll give you a more likely premise... You are wrong.
Sob, sob.....sniffle, sniffle....did somebody here hurt your lil tender feelins'?

Dry your little tears.... have your mommy squeeze your pathetic excuse for a physique against her massive, fat-filled "Daisy, the dairy cow" sized teats for you to suckle from when you get all "butthurt", ya candy ass pussy.
Nope not at all. I just know that people who don't have an argument just throw those little tantrums. It just tells me how little actual intellect they actually have.

A smart person knows how to show somebody that they're dumb without actually having to call them that.

Just so your tiny brain understands I'll make it blatant this time. I just called you dumb.

Some things are just so blatantly obvious that to skirt the issue and try to be "clever" would be a waste 'o' time. On the best day that you ever had, you couldn't take me on in a debate and come away with any semblance of dignity. You would get your ass kicked so bad that you would either:

A: Abandon this forum....
B: Sneak back on this site using a different ID.

My bowels spew out bigger turds than you. Shall we revisit past correspondence here? I slapped you around like a pimp does a crack-addicted whore. It was brutal and you took a big time "beat down". You begged for it and you got it......

Pretty much sums up the biggest fraud in world history
I suggest you watch it
Simple question, just curious:

Did you believe everything he said?
All we have to do is sit back and watch how corporations all around the country are censoring Trump and conservatives to see how things have been rigged.

Not hard really. It truly is a massive conspiracy.

But really its just common sense. You could say that the only conspiracy would be to find a way to turn a blind eye to it all.
All we have to do is sit back and watch how corporations all around the country are censoring Trump and conservatives to see how things have been rigged. Not hard really. It truly is a massive conspiracy. But really its just common sense. You could say a conspiracy would be to find a way to turn a blind eye to it all.
Is it possible, on any level, that more voters just didn't want a second Trump term, based on their personal priorities, life experiences, positions on the issues and perspectives?
All we have to do is sit back and watch how corporations all around the country are censoring Trump and conservatives to see how things have been rigged. Not hard really. It truly is a massive conspiracy. But really its just common sense. You could say a conspiracy would be to find a way to turn a blind eye to it all.
Is it possible, on any level, that more voters just didn't want a second Trump term, based on their personal priorities, life experiences, positions on the issues and perspectives?
Trump hate based on what? Based on 24/7 negative news coverage of Trump? Based on censoring all communication about the Hunter Biden scandal and censoring all information about the allegations of Tara Reade being raped by Joe? based on the news lying about things like Trump banning all Muslims into the country when it turned out well over 90% would have been allowed in with his travel ban? Hmm?

It's all rigged
All we have to do is sit back and watch how corporations all around the country are censoring Trump and conservatives to see how things have been rigged. Not hard really. It truly is a massive conspiracy. But really its just common sense. You could say a conspiracy would be to find a way to turn a blind eye to it all.
Is it possible, on any level, that more voters just didn't want a second Trump term, based on their personal priorities, life experiences, positions on the issues and perspectives?
Trump hate based on what? Based on 24/7 negative news coverage of Trump? Based on censoring all communication about the Hunter Biden scandal and censoring all information about the allegations of Tara Reade being raped by Joe? based on the news lying about things like Trump banning all Muslims into the country when it turned out well over 90% would have been allowed in with his travel ban? Hmm?

It's all rigged
I didn't say "Trump hate", you did.

So your answer is no, there is simply no chance.

Is that correct?
All we have to do is sit back and watch how corporations all around the country are censoring Trump and conservatives to see how things have been rigged. Not hard really. It truly is a massive conspiracy. But really its just common sense. You could say a conspiracy would be to find a way to turn a blind eye to it all.
Is it possible, on any level, that more voters just didn't want a second Trump term, based on their personal priorities, life experiences, positions on the issues and perspectives?
Trump hate based on what? Based on 24/7 negative news coverage of Trump? Based on censoring all communication about the Hunter Biden scandal and censoring all information about the allegations of Tara Reade being raped by Joe? based on the news lying about things like Trump banning all Muslims into the country when it turned out well over 90% would have been allowed in with his travel ban? Hmm?

It's all rigged
I didn't say "Trump hate", you did.

So your answer is no, there is simply no chance.

Is that correct?
You are a sad human being
All we have to do is sit back and watch how corporations all around the country are censoring Trump and conservatives to see how things have been rigged. Not hard really. It truly is a massive conspiracy. But really its just common sense. You could say a conspiracy would be to find a way to turn a blind eye to it all.
Is it possible, on any level, that more voters just didn't want a second Trump term, based on their personal priorities, life experiences, positions on the issues and perspectives?
Trump hate based on what? Based on 24/7 negative news coverage of Trump? Based on censoring all communication about the Hunter Biden scandal and censoring all information about the allegations of Tara Reade being raped by Joe? based on the news lying about things like Trump banning all Muslims into the country when it turned out well over 90% would have been allowed in with his travel ban? Hmm?

It's all rigged
I didn't say "Trump hate", you did.

So your answer is no, there is simply no chance.

Is that correct?
You are a sad human being
It's a simple question. I can see that you don't want to provide a clear answer.

Always interesting. I think this indicates that, at some level, you know better.
I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
You have the intellect? Let me give you some more dots than.

There is a process for challenging election results. That process involves the courts. In those courts you have the opportunity to provide proof of your claims. This proof includes expert witnesses. This includes actual mathematicians. At the moment not a single of those lawsuits that allege voter fraud has been ruled favorably on. A lot of them have been dismissed tough. They have been dismissed by judges nominated by Trump, Obama and W.

Now use yourr intellect and connect those dots.
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity
For someone who has "the intellect" you sure seem to need to call people names a lot. You also seem to make some weird intellectual leaps. Judges appointed by Trump are leftists? How do you connect that dot? Barr also says there was no wide spread voter fraud. Is he a leftist?

I'll give you a more likely premise... You are wrong.
Sob, sob.....sniffle, sniffle....did somebody here hurt your lil tender feelins'?

Dry your little tears.... have your mommy squeeze your pathetic excuse for a physique against her massive, fat-filled "Daisy, the dairy cow" sized teats for you to suckle from when you get all "butthurt", ya candy ass pussy.
Nope not at all. I just know that people who don't have an argument just throw those little tantrums. It just tells me how little actual intellect they actually have.

A smart person knows how to show somebody that they're dumb without actually having to call them that.

Just so your tiny brain understands I'll make it blatant this time. I just called you dumb.

Some things are just so blatantly obvious that to skirt the issue and try to be "clever" would be a waste 'o' time. On the best day that you ever had, you couldn't take me on in a debate and come away with any semblance of dignity. You would get your ass kicked so bad that you would either:

A: Abandon this forum....
B: Sneak back on this site using a different ID.

My bowels spew out bigger turds than you. Shall we revisit past correspondence here? I slapped you around like a pimp does a crack-addicted whore. It was brutal and you took a big time "beat down". You begged for it and you got it......

Well since I don't remember ever being "beat down" by you it couldn't have been all that brutal. Come to mention it I don't think you would recognise a debate if you ever saw one.

A debate is something you do without resorting to personal attacks, or fallacious arguments. Very doubtful you can survive without them.

But in the interest of fairness. Review our past correspondence (not that I believe there is much) and show me this brutal beatdown. Or better yet pick a topic and let's do the bull ring.
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity
These are fake judges and nothing else
You have hundreds of eyewitness affidavits, you moron

They don't want to see the truth cause they want Biden as POTUS even if he got there in a fraudulent election.

If he had won fair and square I wouldn't be saying a thing and neither would the rest of us.
I am not a mathematician but I have the intellect to connect “‘the dots “
You have the intellect? Let me give you some more dots than.

There is a process for challenging election results. That process involves the courts. In those courts you have the opportunity to provide proof of your claims. This proof includes expert witnesses. This includes actual mathematicians. At the moment not a single of those lawsuits that allege voter fraud has been ruled favorably on. A lot of them have been dismissed tough. They have been dismissed by judges nominated by Trump, Obama and W.

Now use yourr intellect and connect those dots.
These are hack , leftist judges in dirty , filthy rotten robe- they’re the lowest form of humanity
For someone who has "the intellect" you sure seem to need to call people names a lot. You also seem to make some weird intellectual leaps. Judges appointed by Trump are leftists? How do you connect that dot? Barr also says there was no wide spread voter fraud. Is he a leftist?

I'll give you a more likely premise... You are wrong.
Sob, sob.....sniffle, sniffle....did somebody here hurt your lil tender feelins'?

Dry your little tears.... have your mommy squeeze your pathetic excuse for a physique against her massive, fat-filled "Daisy, the dairy cow" sized teats for you to suckle from when you get all "butthurt", ya candy ass pussy.
Nope not at all. I just know that people who don't have an argument just throw those little tantrums. It just tells me how little actual intellect they actually have.

A smart person knows how to show somebody that they're dumb without actually having to call them that.

Just so your tiny brain understands I'll make it blatant this time. I just called you dumb.

Some things are just so blatantly obvious that to skirt the issue and try to be "clever" would be a waste 'o' time. On the best day that you ever had, you couldn't take me on in a debate and come away with any semblance of dignity. You would get your ass kicked so bad that you would either:

A: Abandon this forum....
B: Sneak back on this site using a different ID.

My bowels spew out bigger turds than you. Shall we revisit past correspondence here? I slapped you around like a pimp does a crack-addicted whore. It was brutal and you took a big time "beat down". You begged for it and you got it......

Well since I don't remember ever being "beat down" by you it couldn't have been all that brutal. Come to mention it I don't think you would recognise a debate if you ever saw one.

A debate is something you do without resorting to personal attacks, or fallacious arguments. Very doubtful you can survive without them.

But in the interest of fairness. Review our past correspondence (not that I believe there is much) and show me this brutal beatdown. Or better yet pick a topic and let's do the bull ring.
Here ya go, ya creepy little "fuckup"......find a thread from this assortment of exchanges where you believe that you "won".

As far as your challenge to debate in the "bullring" goes???? I eagerly accept....... create the topic. Crushing your contentions is going to be an effortless endeavor.


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