Trump's America is not very happy

Nearly all of the most unhappy people I see have some things in common... they are hyper partisan/radical bleeding heart sjw types and/or they have advanced cases of TDS.
The people that are happy have one thing in common they are white supremacists.

There we have it, according to the leftist the white supremacists are the happiest.

And that is probably true, because they have some of the most supreme jobs.

The rich are happy, the middle class so so and the lower class not so much. Since america is all about who has the most first and foremost it stands to reason. That being said it's not one man's fault. The fact is a great work ethic is no guarantee you won't live in poverty. That is indisputable.
The rich are happy, the middle class so so and the lower class not so much. Since america is all about who has the most first and foremost it stands to reason. That being said it's not one man's fault. The fact is a great work ethic is no guarantee you won't live in poverty. That is indisputable.

However, a non-existing work ethic is a guarantee you will live in poverty.

So stop complaining.
Stating a FACT isn't complaining. I'm retired and happy to be free of the GODFORSAKEN american ratrace. america stands for the dollar first and foremost. That's the way it is. I did my time, served my work sentence. Thank God I got a college education as you can't live on $20 an hour in this nation anymore.
Trump's America is not very happy

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — It’s been a rough year for the American psyche. Folks in the U.S. are more unhappy today than they’ve been in nearly 50 years.

This bold — yet unsurprising — conclusion comes from the COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. It finds that just 14% of American adults say they’re very happy, down from 31% who said the same in 2018. That year, 23% said they’d often or sometimes felt isolated in recent weeks. Now, 50% say that.

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The truth is, Progs are not happy. Its constant conflict with you. And you infect others. Like a contagious disease.

Covid aint got nothing on TDS.
"I will be President for all Americans. As long as they are mindless, obedient Trumpsters. The rest of you can go fuck yourselves."


President for all Americans, as long as they are Americans.

It's not difficult.

I assume Norman is an American. He could be a Russian. For argument's sake let's say Norman is an American.

As an American, I am extremely embarrassed by a disgusting piece of rat dung like Norman being an American. I say we vote him out.

dont get cocky elmer there are many here who would vote your ass out too....

On this Trump supporting website, I am sure that is the case. But with normal people, they want me to stay.

sure they do sure they tell you that.....

No, they do. Normal people love me.
Nearly all of the most unhappy people I see have some things in common... they are hyper partisan/radical bleeding heart sjw types and/or they have advanced cases of TDS.
The people that are happy have one thing in common they are white supremacists.

There we have it, according to the leftist the white supremacists are the happiest.

And that is probably true, because they have some of the most supreme jobs.

Sounds like Norman is a white supremacist for sure. Not a surprise.
White people who have nothing else going for them, flaunt their color.
Nearly all of the most unhappy people I see have some things in common... they are hyper partisan/radical bleeding heart sjw types and/or they have advanced cases of TDS.
The people that are happy have one thing in common they are white supremacists.

There we have it, according to the leftist the white supremacists are the happiest.

And that is probably true, because they have some of the most supreme jobs.

Sounds like Norman is a white supremacist for sure. Not a surprise.
White people who have nothing else going for them, flaunt their color.

Oh I wish I were, they are the happiest! Sadly it appears they exist mostly under the beds of the leftists.
The rich are happy, the middle class so so and the lower class not so much. Since america is all about who has the most first and foremost it stands to reason. That being said it's not one man's fault. The fact is a great work ethic is no guarantee you won't live in poverty. That is indisputable.
I do not feel all rich people are happy. I think Donald Trump is a great example. He is obsessed on gaining more wealth and more power. He is never satisfied. He is one of the most insecure man I have seen. He cannot take any criticism. He is paranoid. He trusts no one.
Donald Trump appears to be pissed off most the time.
Nearly all of the most unhappy people I see have some things in common... they are hyper partisan/radical bleeding heart sjw types and/or they have advanced cases of TDS.
The people that are happy have one thing in common they are white supremacists.

There we have it, according to the leftist the white supremacists are the happiest.

And that is probably true, because they have some of the most supreme jobs.


Tell your black friends to grow and speak english. They'll get jobs too.
True happiness means understanding that all the political bs that has occurred in the last 100 years just keeps recycling itself. In the end it matters not. Not for even a second.
True happiness means understanding that all the political bs that has occurred in the last 100 years just keeps recycling itself. In the end it matters not. Not for even a second.

No, true happiness means white supremacy!

Ask your leftist friend, he got it.
Church burners and people who vandalize white house are protesters...

Media has been having some difficulty with this term.

It is you that is the idiot. There was no problem at all with gassing them.

I challenge you to find me a link that says the WH was vandalized. Trump's response to the protesters in the park was to go to the bunker and hide out for a bit, then, the next day, they extended the perimeter around the WH with large fences. Exactly when and how was the WH vandalized as you claim?
I do not feel all rich people are happy. I think Donald Trump is a great example. He is obsessed on gaining more wealth and more power. He is never satisfied. He is one of the most insecure man I have seen. He cannot take any criticism. He is paranoid. He trusts no one.
Donald Trump appears to be pissed off most the time.

A friend of mine had a good term for people like that. He called them "egomaniacs with an inferiority complex", and Trump fits that to a t.
True happiness means understanding that all the political bs that has occurred in the last 100 years just keeps recycling itself. In the end it matters not. Not for even a second.

I prefer the definition of happiness I heard a long time ago..................

"True happiness isn't getting what you want, it's wanting what you get."

And, focusing on the things and people in your life that you love and respect helps to stop focusing on all the B.S. going around nowadays.
Nearly all of the most unhappy people I see have some things in common... they are hyper partisan/radical bleeding heart sjw types and/or they have advanced cases of TDS.
The people that are happy have one thing in common they are white supremacists.
Nearly all of the most unhappy people I see have some things in common... they are hyper partisan/radical bleeding heart sjw types and/or they have advanced cases of TDS.
The people that are happy have one thing in common they are white supremacists.

Well, at least you are being totally reasonable..hah! How's calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a white supremacist working out? Sounds like you can't wait to usher in another 4 years of Trump!
Trump's America is not very happy

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — It’s been a rough year for the American psyche. Folks in the U.S. are more unhappy today than they’ve been in nearly 50 years.

This bold — yet unsurprising — conclusion comes from the COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. It finds that just 14% of American adults say they’re very happy, down from 31% who said the same in 2018. That year, 23% said they’d often or sometimes felt isolated in recent weeks. Now, 50% say that.

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Don't you ever tire of running to the teacher at recess to play show and tell. YOU are obsessed with DJT's every breath, move, heartbeat and shed fleck of dead skin. One might even say you worship the man. Do try and be less of a groupie. It's very stifling and not at all polite, in a civilized society.
Actually every fucking day we are faced with yet another stupid thing Trump did , said or tweeted.
Trump's America is not very happy

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — It’s been a rough year for the American psyche. Folks in the U.S. are more unhappy today than they’ve been in nearly 50 years.

This bold — yet unsurprising — conclusion comes from the COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. It finds that just 14% of American adults say they’re very happy, down from 31% who said the same in 2018. That year, 23% said they’d often or sometimes felt isolated in recent weeks. Now, 50% say that.

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Don't you ever tire of running to the teacher at recess to play show and tell. YOU are obsessed with DJT's every breath, move, heartbeat and shed fleck of dead skin. One might even say you worship the man. Do try and be less of a groupie. It's very stifling and not at all polite, in a civilized society.
I will not stop until Trump is no longer President and his low life followers are chased back into their rat holes, where they came from.
Good luck.
Actually every fucking day we are faced with yet another stupid thing Trump did , said or tweeted.

That's not the sad part Dave, the really sad part is that the American people are getting so used to it that we just look at it as another day. And, it seems that if you look at the start of his presidency, he's gotten crazier and stupider as time goes on, because Republicans and his supporters will defend any stupid crap that comes outta his head. We have become calloused to stupidity because of Trump.

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