trump's anger with Meadows "through the roof"

No it doesn’t. And that’s the point. You either lack comprehension or you are hostile to honesty. Chief that is a non-argument. "no it doesn't" is an argument a child would use. Grow up and get in the game, or stop wasting people's time.
Practice what you so hypocritically preach.

Parroting some comments I’ve directed at you — with good cause — doesn’t elevate your rhetoric when you attempt it without good cause.
“Fascist” is a word with a meaning. How would anything said by Trump to the Election official in Georgia serve to meet that definition? Perhaps BMK is simply using the word despite not knowing what it actually means?

Also, for a syllogism to be both true and valid, the individual premises need to be true. BMK seems to ignore that rule of construction. For even though he talks about what Trump said, he couches it as a “demand” and he reframes the request as a demand to commit a fraud. Neither of those premises is true.

Yep. BMK has bit off more than he can chew. His own fault. His own words.
I realize that BWK is too invested in his racist mutterings and anger to think clearly, but still, as a conservative I am obliged to feel a little compassion for him:

When President Trump had his conversation he didn’t demand or ask that the vote total be changed. He wanted the missing votes found. This is clear in the context of that ENTIRE conversation.

He repeatedly DID request that the ginned up numbers being officially counted be CORRECTED. (This is true even if his beliefs were misguided because he spoke clearly on the matter and said that he had “heard” such accounts and that he believed that the official count had been improperly tabulated due to illegal activities.). It is a separate debate whether that information he had heard was itself correct or off base.

I go through those points because when YOU offer what he “said” via your selective filter and editing, YOU end up falsely accusing Trump of “racism.” None of that has anything to do with the meaning of “fascist”, anyway.
Pedaling lies I see. Nothing in my discussion relates to race. You are a liar.

Trump always speaks in code. Trump didn't get what he wanted from Raffensberger, so now his job his on the line. That's prime example of how a fascist operates.

And Trump's claim about missing votes never existed. Trump had zero evidence of that. He's a liar, and you are lying on his behalf.

There existed no "ginned up numbers". Finding votes is inventing votes. Trump is always "hearing." His whole life has been about "hearing." :auiqs.jpg: He's "hearing" the fairies in his head telling him what he wants to believe. And it's absolutely amazing the number of people who buy into his bull shit.
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“Fascist” is a word with a meaning. How would anything said by Trump to the Election official in Georgia serve to meet that definition? Perhaps BMK is simply using the word despite not knowing what it actually means?

Also, for a syllogism to be both true and valid, the individual premises need to be true. BMK seems to ignore that rule of construction. For even though he talks about what Trump said, he couches it as a “demand” and he reframes the request as a demand to commit a fraud. Neither of those premises is true.

Yep. BMK has bit off more than he can chew. His own fault. His own words.

Definition of FASCISM and forcible suppression of opposition. Revenge can be a form of suppression against your opposition.
Pedaling lies I see. Nothing in my discussion relates to race. You are a liar.

Trump always speaks in code. Trump didn't get what he wanted from Raffensberger, so now his job his on the line. That's prime example of how a fascist operates.

And Trump's claim about missing votes never existed. Trump had zero evidence of that. He's a liar, and you are lying on his behalf.

There existed no "ginned up numbers". More lies. Trump is always "hearing." His whole life has been about "hearing." :auiqs.jpg: He's "hearing" the fairies in his head telling him what he wants to believe. And it's absolutely amazing the number of people who buy into his bull shit.
No. You remain the one peddling lies.

Your accusation is that Trump uses code words. But the problem with that (one of many) is that you have zero basis to make the claim. Instead, us usual, you lie. You make it up and state it as a fact. Then you conclude it because it was your premise.

Logic no work that way.

Another example is found when you drivel on about Trump speaking about “missing votes.” Fuck sake. Lots of us heard about that. So, by definition, it couldn’t be a “lie” if HE heard it and believed it. But yet again, you state it as a fact (which it isn’t), you derive that conclusion from your own erroneous premise, and think that amounts to “logic.” It ain’t. It’s actually called “fallacy.”

I already stipulated that what he heard and believed might not be correct. It is a separate discussion. I’m focusing on YOUR argument. When your alleged facts aren’t actual facts, your syllogism can’t help but fail.
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Definition of FASCISM and forcible suppression of opposition. Revenge can be a form of suppression against your opposition.
1. The first word was “and”. So clearly, there is a LOT more to the definition of “fascism.”

2. There was no force. It was a phone call.

3. To the extent that “revenge” is a form of suppression, you cannot just assume “revenge.” Civil and criminal consequences for civil wrongs and criminal conduct are not “revenge.”

4. And it still isn’t “fascism” to demand that an electoral vote be accurate.
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One need not couch what Trump said. His revenge is clear and it is real.
Disagree. Unlike you, my view is that he truly believed the stuff he heard (which does out to the side any discussion of whether it should have been considered believable). What he actually DID say supports my view that he did believe it.

In that case, it isn’t about “revenge.” It was more about enforcing the law via the law or even by a reminding folks about the consequences of breaking the law.
Still no stalking. I realize for asshole libtarded shot stains like you that words can’t be required to have a waning. Nevertheless, the actually so.

Also, posting something isn’t “answering for” another. Of course you are an obviously dishonest hypocrite. For, we’ve all seen you do the very thing you claim constitutes “answering for others.”

You know, as big, fat, smelly, stupid, libtarded trolls go, you really should.

wazzamadda skanky? Can’t stalk anyone else today?
View attachment 576135

This ^ might be an actual photograph of boredtoseeya at the sizing event for her new kilt from Omar the Tent Maker — but the face is edited out because it may have been photoshopped. (It is too recognizably human.)
And stalking con-tinues. Talk about you not having a life. How'd that Romney victory work for you in 2012?
One need not couch what Trump said. His revenge is clear and it is real.
From your link:

"Likely"? In other words, an opinion.
Your thread title is a lie, claiming Trump's anger is "through the roof".
Stop parroting fake news, it makes you look like a fool.
actually, being a fool is usually what makes someone look like one...

(of course Fool is in the eye of the beholder... except for those of us who attempt to think objectively... and succeed a lot of the time)
You only follow a dementia suffering, incestuous pedophile. And constantly defend and deflect from his actions. There’s true cult behavior.
Except for one thing, you just told a bald faced lie. There is zero evidence of pedophilia. You are a confirmed, proven liar.

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