trump's anger with Meadows "through the roof"

Hey dumbfuck, it’s in that diary that you assholes can’t decide if it was stolen or doesn’t exist. But of course you’re okay with this kind of behavior due to who’s doing it.
Good point. I marvel at the metaphysical magical thinking of the pathetic liberal “mind.”

“The diary you stole that doesn’t exist in the first place. You know. The one that never existed which was ‘given back by Project Veritas to the FBI.’ “
Except for one thing, you just told a bald faced lie. There is zero evidence of pedophilia. You are a confirmed, proven liar.
Ignorance of hundreds of pics posted in multiple threads. Classic cult behavior.
Ignorance of hundreds of pics posted in multiple threads. Classic cult behavior.
What an idiot. This subject has nothing to do with cult behavior. I've seen no pictures of Biden Pedophilia. Do you know what Pedophilia actually is?
What an idiot. This subject has nothing to do with cult behavior. I've seen no pictures of Biden Pedophilia. Do you know what Pedophilia actually is?
Now admitting he ignores evidence. What a good cultist. 15 days boy. Tick tock.....
Hey dumbfuck, it’s in that diary that you assholes can’t decide if it was stolen or doesn’t exist. But of course you’re okay with this kind of behavior due to who’s doing it.
In 2010, he was sentenced to three years of probation after pleading guilty to entering a federal building — the district office of then-senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana — under false pretences after being caught with three other conservative activists after entering the office dressed as telephone repairmen. Whatever anyone thinks about this story, just consider the source. If you believe Okeefe, then I guess you would believe anything.
You only follow a dementia suffering, incestuous pedophile. And constantly defend and deflect from his actions. There’s true cult behavior.
There are no proven actions. And Okeefe the criminal, isn't going to produce any either.
In 2010, he was sentenced to three years of probation after pleading guilty to entering a federal building — the district office of then-senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana — under false pretences after being caught with three other conservative activists after entering the office dressed as telephone repairmen. Whatever anyone thinks about this story, just consider the source. If you believe Okeefe, then I guess you would believe anything.
Everyone should remember Russia and consider the sources that lied for over three years.
We don't like Stalinist type investigations either.
I'll try and pretend this post of yours resembles something intelligent, so, describe exactly how this investigation is Stalinist?

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