trump's anger with Meadows "through the roof"

Except, of course, I never claimed the FBI stole it.

You’ve been hitting the crack pipe pretty hard today, evidently.
If they ended up with it, in your teeny tiny “mind” that means they must have been the ones to “steal” it? Please, indulge us, minus your wacky riddles?
If they ended up with it, in your teeny tiny “mind” that means they must have been the ones to “steal” it? Please, indulge us, minus your wacky riddles?
You are the idiot who accused the right wing group verity’s of stealing the diary, you moron.

Then, to try to rebut my comment, you advised us that Beritas turned it over to the FBI.

I suppose that it’s possible that you are just so wholly lacking in the ability to use those “word” things, that you meant something else. But it appeared to be your effort to suggest that Verona’s must have stolen it if they have it to the FBI.

SO, I noted that — to a simpleton like you — one thing must follow from the other. But of course, it isn’t true.

I can only assist a jerkoff like you but so much. Get yourself a nursemaid.
What did Trump do that was fascist? No diary, no cigar, troll.
The fat smug dope (boredtoseeya that is) posted a picture which appears to show President Trump fondling his grown daughter’s breast. Looks to me like he was reaching for her shoulder but landed with a crappy left wing but photo op. The fat smug dope (boredroseeya) could never be honest enough to admit that, however.

just watch.
You are the idiot who accused the right wing group verity’s of stealing the diary, you moron.

Then, to try to rebut my comment, you advised us that Beritas turned it over to the FBI.

I suppose that it’s possible that you are just so wholly lacking in the ability to use those “word” things, that you meant something else. But it appeared to be your effort to suggest that Verona’s must have stolen it if they have it to the FBI.

SO, I noted that — to a simpleton like you — one thing must follow from the other. But of course, it isn’t true.

I can only assist a jerkoff like you but so much. Get yourself a nursemaid.
Semantics is certainly not your forte. Since the conservative group did in fact have it, O’Keefe, a controversial conservative political activist, said Project Veritas never published anything from the diary, which Ashley Biden reported as one of several items stolen during a burglary last October. Details from her diary were later published by a conservative website, including handwritten pages taken directly from the diary itself. according to the article, they later tried to turn it over to authorities. Why did they have it? There was a burglary right? Nothing to see right? Lol!

But, in the middle of my explanation, you try and hijack the conversation with gobbly goo nonsense that the FBI must have stolen it. Whatever! And you're the one talking about lacking ability? Lol! That's rich right there.

Once you are confronted with a few facts you contort to trash talk, insults, bs, and the like. You don't really show up to this forum to debate actual facts. Your emotions and hate, far remove you from any chance of that. Carry on.
Semantics is certainly not your forte. Since the conservative group did in fact have it, O’Keefe, a controversial conservative political activist, said Project Veritas never published anything from the diary, which Ashley Biden reported as one of several items stolen during a burglary last October. Details from her diary were later published by a conservative website, including handwritten pages taken directly from the diary itself. according to the article, they later tried to turn it over to authorities. Why did they have it? There was a burglary right? Nothing to see right? Lol!

But, in the middle of my explanation, you try and hijack the conversation with gobbly goo nonsense that the FBI must have stolen it. Whatever! And you're the one talking about lacking ability? Lol! That's rich right there.

Once you are confronted with a few facts you contort to trash talk, insults, bs, and the like. You don't really show up to this forum to debate actual facts. Your emotions and hate, far remove you from any chance of that. Carry on.
You do realize, I trust, that your new post fails to exonerate you.

Simple fact. If you were unclear, it’s easier to just say “oh ok. Let me clarify.” Nobody will hold a little honesty against you. You’re a dildo. We get it. But a little honesty once In a while from a lummox like you could assist you in gaining your first-ever vestige of credibility.

Unlike you, I do discuss and debate. What you attempt to pawn off as “facts,” however, are actually just your usual fare of opinion with a little veil of someone else’s opinion, as cover.

So, I share with you a free tip. When you imagine you have something coherent to say, try stating it in the form of a factual premise. If your premise is indeed a “fact,” cool. Proceed. If not, you won’t get too far.

Then, step 2: state another factual premise. If it contains an actual fact, great! You can justifiably proceed. But if your second premise is not stating an actual fact, again, you will run into trouble.

Sometimes you may need more than just two premises. That’s ok. Proceed as above.

Then you can wrap it up by stating your proposed “conclusion” and offer the logic that establishes that the premises validly LEAD to the conclusion. (I can’t help but notice that the final step trips you up, too.)

Give that a try some day. I’m sure the effort will be informative. 🤔
From your link:

"Likely"? In other words, an opinion.
Your thread title is a lie, claiming Trump's anger is "through the roof".
Stop parroting fake news, it makes you look like a fool.
Forget it. Libs need their Comfort Zones and security blankies.
Why does this surprise you? The cultists are lying low, as we get a new daily update on another thing the orange pile of shit did to overthrow the government. Or another indictment.
Whatever lies you have to tell yourself to justify your cult membership.
Thanks for showing what con-stant grooming by the fat former fascist guy will do. You can include grooming the orange cult to distrust education, medicine, and science.
This crap is your excuse why independents don’t trust the media and are abandoning your racist party in droves? Whine harder.
That doesn’t make it “apparent,” you ignorant trout. In fact, given the recent history of the FBI, it has the hallmarks of more government fuckery.
Project Veritas had ZERO to do with that diary being “stolen”. You know, that diary these clowns claimed didn’t exist.
Here's the thing, everyone already knew this was coming. We just didn't have as many details then, as we do now. These people are criminals. And Trump is their leading criminal. There really is not much for them to explain. The motives are there, the crimes are there, the plotting is there, and their actions are there. We really don't need too much more to prosecute the whole lot. Put these terrorists on an Island indefinitely and they can fight amongst themselves.


All conjecture. No proof!! :gives:
"Grisham started as a press aide on the Trump campaign in 2016 and steadily rose through the ranks in Trumpworld, ultimately serving as the White House press secretary and a top aide to the first lady. In her memoir, "I'll Take Your Questions Now," she describes the Trump White House as deeply chaotic and incompetent and writes that she and other staffers "got heady with power" and "didn't think about serving the country." She adds that she's "terrified" of a second term of Trump.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump understands us. Trump holds the same values we do. Trump realizes how important our heritage is. Trump realizes the border wall is necessary to protect our heritage.
Agreed. I'd like to know how the dumbass AP knows what Trump thinks??

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. Good Lord. Trump on the brain is right.

All conjecture. No proof!! :gives:
The documents and the texts lay out a great case for prosecution already for multiple players around Trump. This whole scheme with it's parts, put together in a sloppy kind of way, are piecing together nicely.

A document is not conjecture. A text message is not conjecture. And the committee has thousands.
You do realize, I trust, that your new post fails to exonerate you.

Simple fact. If you were unclear, it’s easier to just say “oh ok. Let me clarify.” Nobody will hold a little honesty against you. You’re a dildo. We get it. But a little honesty once In a while from a lummox like you could assist you in gaining your first-ever vestige of credibility.

Unlike you, I do discuss and debate. What you attempt to pawn off as “facts,” however, are actually just your usual fare of opinion with a little veil of someone else’s opinion, as cover.

So, I share with you a free tip. When you imagine you have something coherent to say, try stating it in the form of a factual premise. If your premise is indeed a “fact,” cool. Proceed. If not, you won’t get too far.

Then, step 2: state another factual premise. If it contains an actual fact, great! You can justifiably proceed. But if your second premise is not stating an actual fact, again, you will run into trouble.

Sometimes you may need more than just two premises. That’s ok. Proceed as above.

Then you can wrap it up by stating your proposed “conclusion” and offer the logic that establishes that the premises validly LEAD to the conclusion. (I can’t help but notice that the final step trips you up, too.)

Give that a try some day. I’m sure the effort will be informative. 🤔
Dude, I don't need exoneration. The truth did that for me, and always will.

As for a rebuttal to my quoted statements from my link, we'll, you didn't provide any. Did I mention that you normally never do? Your comebacks are usually accompanied with chicken shit labels and the magical thinking that comes out of your ass.

Your vested interest is to cover your ass with attacks directed towards me. What will I ever do? :eek:

And here's my advise to you; if you're giving advise, make sure you know how to practice the advise you are giving. Because, a Patrick Henry rant, with magical thinking, ain't cutting it.

In conclusion, whatever you want to think about the diary, here's the good news that will let you sleep better at nights; there has been nothing found on Biden relating to the diary. Sweet dreams! :auiqs.jpg:

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