trump's anger with Meadows "through the roof"

Trump has been out of office for 10 months 23 days yet we have another TDS poster starting another TDS thread. Here is some free advice for all the TDS infected lefties here who are to dumb to take it if you don't want the TDS card used against you get over your TDS. Here is a really good first step try focusing your attention on the man who has been President for the last 10 months 23 days and counting not the one who has not if you are incapable of doing this fine enjoy being mocked for the next three years by continuing to obsess over a man who holds no political office is not currently running for one and has been banned from social something most of you cheered yet you still can't move on from the man. Last I would suggest all of you take a real serious look at your Trump obsession but serious thought and self reflection does not seem to be part of your mental makeup so instead I will just say get help goodluck and goodbye.
Poor cultists.....TDS! TDS! TDS!
Dude, I don't need exoneration. The truth did that for me, and always will.

As for a rebuttal to my quoted statements from my link, we'll, you didn't provide any. Did I mention that you normally never do? Your comebacks are usually accompanied with chicken shit labels and the magical thinking that comes out of your ass.

Your vested interest is to cover your ass with attacks directed towards me. What will I ever do? :eek:

And here's my advise to you; if you're giving advise, make sure you know how to practice the advise you are giving. Because, a Patrick Henry rant, with magical thinking, ain't cutting it.

In conclusion, whatever you want to think about the diary, here's the good news that will let you sleep better at nights; there has been nothing found on Biden relating to the diary. Sweet dreams! :auiqs.jpg:

Snorting KoolAid from the can is not healthy
Dude, I don't need exoneration. The truth did that for me, and always will.

As for a rebuttal to my quoted statements from my link, we'll, you didn't provide any. Did I mention that you normally never do? Your comebacks are usually accompanied with chicken shit labels and the magical thinking that comes out of your ass.

Your vested interest is to cover your ass with attacks directed towards me. What will I ever do? :eek:

And here's my advise to you; if you're giving advise, make sure you know how to practice the advise you are giving. Because, a Patrick Henry rant, with magical thinking, ain't cutting it.

In conclusion, whatever you want to think about the diary, here's the good news that will let you sleep better at nights; there has been nothing found on Biden relating to the diary. Sweet dreams! :auiqs.jpg:

Showering with your adult daughter is not normal behavior, but because it's Biden, you take a knee
Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump understands us. Trump holds the same values we do. Trump realizes how important our heritage is. Trump realizes the border wall is necessary to protect our heritage.
Trump understands that he incited violence at the Capitol, used others to do it, along with plotting to overthrow the election, and now all that is exposed.

And yes, Trump does understand you. He understands how easy it was to manipulate you and the rest of his goons. Just look at the fools he
made of FOX news hosts;
Showering with your adult daughter is not normal behavior, but because it's Biden, you take a knee
You know nothing concerning the details of what went on there do you? That tells us you make shit up, because that is your desired narrative. You are dishonest.
You know nothing concerning the details of what went on there do you? That tells us you make shit up, because that is your desired narrative. You are dishonest.

Tell us the "context" involved with a grown man showering with his adult daughter
Trump understands that he incited violence at the Capitol, used others to do it, along with plotting to overthrow the election, and now all that is exposed.

And yes, Trump does understand you. He understands how easy it was to manipulate you and the rest of his goons. Just look at the fools he
made of FOX news hosts;

FOX news exposed this as a violent attack, but the Right claimed it was very peaceful. You're all liars.
Tell us the "context" involved with a grown man showering with his adult daughter
You tell me. You made the claim didn't you? That's right, you don't know. But you're a lying pos who makes shit up. That's what you are.
Trump could care less about the vaccination. Why would he force it?

1. You're off your meds. Tell the Nurse
2. You claimed Trump was a Fascist. I know you were just told to say that, but using small words, tell us what you think that means
You do realize, I trust, that your new post fails to exonerate you.

Simple fact. If you were unclear, it’s easier to just say “oh ok. Let me clarify.” Nobody will hold a little honesty against you. You’re a dildo. We get it. But a little honesty once In a while from a lummox like you could assist you in gaining your first-ever vestige of credibility.

Unlike you, I do discuss and debate. What you attempt to pawn off as “facts,” however, are actually just your usual fare of opinion with a little veil of someone else’s opinion, as cover.

So, I share with you a free tip. When you imagine you have something coherent to say, try stating it in the form of a factual premise. If your premise is indeed a “fact,” cool. Proceed. If not, you won’t get too far.

Then, step 2: state another factual premise. If it contains an actual fact, great! You can justifiably proceed. But if your second premise is not stating an actual fact, again, you will run into trouble.

Sometimes you may need more than just two premises. That’s ok. Proceed as above.

Then you can wrap it up by stating your proposed “conclusion” and offer the logic that establishes that the premises validly LEAD to the conclusion. (I can’t help but notice that the final step trips you up, too.)

Give that a try some day. I’m sure the effort will be informative. 🤔
Once again we see the boredtoseeya downvote. She disagrees with the idea of making a coherent argument utilizing logic.
this is not a revelation. But it is fascinating to see the enormous tartan tent wearing tub of stupid acknowledge her opposition to logic.

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