Trump's "appeasement" with Putin will lead to more of this...

I heard that was what he wore during the filming of the Russian piss video.

How many stations do you get now?

I get all of them, and I don't have to wear that silly hat you are wearing in that picture to get them.
Putin: We didn't hack you
Trump: Say no more!

Obama: Here's my long-form birth certificate
Trump: I need to Interview the Doctor present at your Birth
Tyrone, what is "funny" is that Hillary is the first one to use Obama's own Harvard Law posting to call him "Kenyan."

Who wrote that bio for O since you think someone else did???

Did O really write his papers at Harvard, or was there a "ghost" writer for the Affirmative Action "Prince of Preferences?"
What I wonder is, why did the Russians hack information such as personnel? Are they going to look at turning a few and making future attacks easier?

Yes, THAT is the usual procedure.....hack what seems innocuous info to test the firewalls......and then..............
Tyrone, what is "funny" is that Hillary is the first one to use Obama's own Harvard Law posting to call him "Kenyan."

Who wrote that bio for O since you think someone else did???

Did O really write his papers at Harvard, or was there a "ghost" writer for the Affirmative Action "Prince of Preferences?"
The subject of this thread is Trump appeasing the Russians ...Fuck off lightweight freak
What I wonder is, why did the Russians hack information such as personnel? Are they going to look at turning a few and making future attacks easier?

Yes, THAT is the usual procedure.....hack what seems innocuous info to test the firewalls......and then..............
Maybe after the Russians hack in and cause a meltdown of one of our plants, they will wake up and listen, the fucking idiots. Doubt many will believe it is the CIA at that point (except Dale).
Maybe after the Russians hack in and cause a meltdown of one of our plants, they will wake up and listen, the fucking idiots

True.........FOX will blame the meltdown on left leaning socialists or BLM or the LGBT community.....and, heck, even Planned Parenthood...
of course he is not going after Russians ....God Knows what the Russians have on Trump Jr

REVEALED: Russian lawyer offered Trump Jr. ‘damaging’ info on Clinton to get June 2016 meeting
The Russian lawyer who meet with Donald Trump Jr. and top officials from President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign dangled the possibility of handing over damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

'Following a disastrous G20 summit, the former Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Sally Yates, issued a scathing rebuke of Trump’s “refusal to confirm Russian election interference” on Twitter.'

"POTUS' inexplicable refusal to confirm Russian election interference insults career intel pros & hinders our ability to prevent in future."

'Yates referred to the fact that Trump seems more than willing to believe Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claims that he “did not meddle in our election” over our own intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, and the Director of National Intelligence. All of these agencies had “high confidence” that Russian spies interfered in our election on the orders of Putin.'>>>

Sally Yates’ 2nd Ever Tweet Just Broke The Internet
of course he is not going after Russians ....God Knows what the Russians have on Trump Jr

REVEALED: Russian lawyer offered Trump Jr. ‘damaging’ info on Clinton to get June 2016 meeting
The Russian lawyer who meet with Donald Trump Jr. and top officials from President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign dangled the possibility of handing over damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Is it really "wrong" in the midst of a campaign to welcome dirt on your opponent? Don't you think they all do it? Of course they do.
Let's keep our feet on the ground, here, folks.
Anything that damaged/damaging to the Hildabeast is good for the country
Is it really "wrong" in the midst of a campaign to welcome dirt on your opponent? Don't you think they all do it? Of course they do.
Let's keep our feet on the ground, here, folks.
Not just any source ...we are talking of a source linked to a Foreign Nation's intelligence services...this was not National Enquirer providing dirt...then there were the denials of any such meetings....its not an "they all do it"

Imagine Hillary Clinton's inner circle getting Info on Trump from Chinese Communist Intelligence services and using that then denying they did it .
Is it really "wrong" in the midst of a campaign to welcome dirt on your opponent? Don't you think they all do it? Of course they do.
Let's keep our feet on the ground, here, folks.

The problem, however my dear, is that in THIS case, it is not only a foreign power doing the dirt digging. but also an adversarial foreign power.........

I don't think that Russia cares a hell of beans if the president is a dem or a rep....Russian are looking for stooges and patsies to manipulate.....and they sure got one.
basically....according to both Lavrov and Tillerson......Trump told Putin...."well,OK, let bygones be bygones about your you want to have a big mac with me?]"

But, here's an unpleasant reality that escapes both Trump and his ass kissers on this forum.


There was no appeasement, you fail liar.

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