Trump's "appeasement" with Putin will lead to more of this...

I heard that was what he wore during the filming of the Russian piss video.

How many stations do you get now?

basically....according to both Lavrov and Tillerson......Trump told Putin...."well,OK, let bygones be bygones about your you want to have a big mac with me?]"

But, here's an unpleasant reality that escapes both Trump and his ass kissers on this forum.

We should let the B-52's out and put an end to the Russian meddling once and for all! After all, they are subverting our country!
My gosh how much classified information did Hillary give to Putin through her unsecured server.
All of it.

Nothing. They never hacked Hillary. Not one of the emails hacked by the Russians and posted on WikiLeaks originated from Clinton's server. Some of her emails were attachments to other correspondence on the DNC, but the Russians never hacked Clinton.
Left hates any cooperation between Trump & Putin but adored when Obama kissed the ass of the Muslim world. Amazing.
My gosh how much classified information did Hillary give to Putin through her unsecured server.
All of it.

Nothing. They never hacked Hillary. Not one of the emails hacked by the Russians and posted on WikiLeaks originated from Clinton's server. Some of her emails were attachments to other correspondence on the DNC, but the Russians never hacked Clinton.
LOL. It is beyond foolish to think that Clinton's email server was not hacked. Simply because Wikileaks did not reveal them does not mean that they were not gleened. There are reasons why classified information is kept on secured servers. Hers was not secured.

My gosh how much classified information did Hillary give to Putin through her unsecured server.
So you're mad at her that she didn't flat out tell the Russians, like your idol?
Israeli agent undercover in ISIS at risk due to Trump intelligence leak, ABC reports
Shit happens, the doctor that helped the cia track bin laden. Still tots in jail after Obama revealed his identity. Obama let him rot in their while he traded 4 terrorist for the traitor bergdahl.
the doctor that helped the cia track bin laden. Still tots in jail after Obama revealed his identity. Obama let him rot in their

You're "correct"....We should invade Pakistan tomorrow....Please check with the orange clown and get this going....
Left hates any cooperation between Trump & Putin but adored when Obama kissed the ass of the Muslim world. Amazing.
Yeah, just ask Osama bin Laden about the ass-kissing he gave him. Oops! That's right. You can't.

any president would have killed bin laden. who wouldn't kill bin laden? who wouldn't kill bin laden?

are you kidding me? you're a fucking joke!
the doctor that helped the cia track bin laden. Still tots in jail after Obama revealed his identity. Obama let him rot in their

You're "correct"....We should invade Pakistan tomorrow....Please check with the orange clown and get this going....
Pakistani jail Tater Tots are best served with there own special sauce.

It's kind of like shooting fish in a bucket at times, isn't it?
Left hates any cooperation between Trump & Putin but adored when Obama kissed the ass of the Muslim world. Amazing.
Yeah, just ask Osama bin Laden about the ass-kissing he gave him. Oops! That's right. You can't.

any president would have killed bin laden. who wouldn't kill bin laden? who wouldn't kill bin laden?

are you kidding me? you're a fucking joke!
Well, you claimed Obama was a Muslim ass-kisser, so surely he wouldn't harm the top Muslim, right?
basically....according to both Lavrov and Tillerson......Trump told Putin...."well,OK, let bygones be bygones about your you want to have a big mac with me?]"

But, here's an unpleasant reality that escapes both Trump and his ass kissers on this forum.

Russians hacked US nuclear power plant systems: report

It is being reported by other credible sources, as well.
What I wonder is, why did the Russians hack information such as personnel? Are they going to look at turning a few and making future attacks easier?

This is not good. It is equally not good that half the country is refusing to listen. Boy, it didn't take the Russian propaganda long to work, did it? Well done, Putin. You've accomplished your goal.

This is frightening, the Americans more than the Russians, imo.

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