Trump's approval rating is skyrocketing as we speak.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2020
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
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538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump :)....very satisfying. and let's get the house and senate and have a wonderful 4 years driving the orange clown crazy lol.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's an easy question to answer.
If a people find themselves to be dissatisfied in achieving what they want through their current activity, then they must adapt to conquer the failures.

Now if they expect everyone to change, or the whole system to change in order to suit their desires, that's just foolish.
They need to adjust what they do in order to accomplish their goals.

If sitting on their rear ends feeling comfortable with their decisions where they are, doing what they always do, doesn't cut the mustard ...
Then they need to do something else.
It doesn't matter how many people in the same place want one thing, if they don't have that same influence outside of that place.

The key is not to marginalize yourself, by thinking you are more significant than you are because you are big, when how big you are isn't the determining factor ... :thup:

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Let's see how well this ages tomorrow when your shiny new polls look suspiciously like the same painted turds they showed you last time.
Get ready for major disappointment, turning to denial, then anger and ending in pathetic impotence.
Trump wins easily. Denial won't stop it
Trump won in 2016 by 80,000 votes. Spread across three states

The likelyhood of that happening again is nearly impossible if all the votes get counted
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

The system was set up for 50 elections to keep us from majority protect the small states so they aren't simply slaves of the bigger was a check and balance put in place to restrict the flow of power works.
Trump won in 2016 by 80,000 votes. Spread across three states

The likelyhood of that happening again is nearly impossible if all the votes get counted

Agreed. This time it could only be 10,000 votes across six states or 200,000 across 2 states. Either way though, Trump still wins.
So after pulling an inside straight last time you’re counting an inside straight flush?
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.
The thing is, I already know that it wouldn't matter if Trump got HALF the votes Biden did. His flock would give him full carte blanche to continue shoving his entire agenda down our throats, and he sure as hell would.

Sadly, the same probably applies to the other party, as well.

Wingers know what's best for the rest of us, dontcha know.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.

Yupp! Yupp! Yupp! :clap: :clap::clap:
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.

It's a GREAT thing. Above all else, the Founders wanted our president to truly represent our NATION, complete across a diversity of its people and regions, not just one small group. It did just that in 2016. Of the 3,141 counties in the USA, Trump won 3,084 of them. Hillary, only 57. Of the nearly 3,800,000 square miles of this nation, Trump won 3,796,581 square miles of it, Hillary, 319 square miles.

If not for the blessed Electoral College, your "popular" vote would have those mere 319 square miles of land, or 0.0084% of the country deciding for the rest of us how to live and be governed.

If you want the "popular" vote and the EC to be more consistent in agreement, STEP ONE will be to break up California into TWO STATES.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.

America is not a democracy. It is a democratic Representative Republic. Time you learned the difference.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.
The thing is, I already know that it wouldn't matter if Trump got HALF the votes Biden did. His flock would give him full carte blanche to continue shoving his entire agenda down our throats, and he sure as hell would.

Sadly, the same probably applies to the other party, as well.

Wingers know what's best for the rest of us, dontcha know.

If Biden wins, I hope he pursues a more centrist approach - a drastic swing to the left, even though I support some of the policies, would just create another pendulum swing.

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