Trump's approval rating is skyrocketing as we speak.

538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about mob rule.

True. But there is also nothing virtuous about a tyranny by a minority.
So if Bob Smith owns 10k acres in Montana and pays $1mil in taxes and employs five people why should his vote count the same as Bob Jones, an unemployed vagabond from Cali who lives with his parents? No such thing as equality no matter how you slice it.
Why shouldn’t it? Only the rich matter?
They only have rights?
Not what I said but obviously Bob Smith contributes a lot more than Bob Jones so the policies of the Democrats would be a lot less appealing. Both Bob Smith and Bob Jones have equal rights, what do you mean?

I'll give you another example, in five years my oldest will be 18 and I'll be 45...why should she have the same voting power as I do when she has literally lived under my roof and survives due to me and my wife and remains on our health insurance? Not saying she shouldn't but you see where I am coming from here. There may be arguments from both sides here.

We tout the popular vote but thats because many like "free shit" promised by the Blue Brand. Very young and very old both....
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.
The EC exists to protect the smaller states, otherwise the pols would only care about the 3 or 4 big states.
Each of the 50 state's EC vote number is based on the census, so the Electoral College is more than fair, state-by-state.
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Nope- The EC is the last vestige of slavery.

Why should a vote in Wyoming population half a million carry 2-3 times the weight of a vote in Texas or California?
because that's how the Founding Fathers set it up, dipshit.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about mob rule.
We saw the “mob” attacking that Biden bus the other day

They were merely expressing their right to voice their support! You support people voicing their views don't you? You supported CHAZ/CHOP, Portland, and all those riots! And they supported giving the Biden bus a safe and secure escort out of the state where they are not wanted. And don't come back.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about mob rule.

True. But there is also nothing virtuous about a tyranny by a minority.
So if Bob Smith owns 10k acres in Montana and pays $1mil in taxes and employs five people why should his vote count the same as Bob Jones, an unemployed vagabond from Cali who lives with his parents? No such thing as equality no matter how you slice it.
Why shouldn’t it? Only the rich matter?
They only have rights?
You don't have any right to ram your preferences down someone else's throat.
If Biden wins, I hope he pursues a more centrist approach - a drastic swing to the left, even though I support some of the policies, would just create another pendulum swing.
Yep, back and forth, back and forth. Narcissistic politicians pandering to their narcissistic bases. Narcissistic bases who are convinced that they're at "war" and that it's winner-take-all.

Seems to me that an incremental approach would be smarter. Prove that you can do a few things and do them well. Then you earn the chance to do more. Keep doing things well, and you no longer have to worry about just pleasing your crazed base.

But that would take patience and reason, two of the critical attributes we now lack.
because that's how the Founding Fathers set it up, dipshit.
Texas and Wyoming did not exist when the Founding Fathers were around.

The Founding Fathers envisioned the electoral college to exercise independent judgement. Not be bound by the popular vote of their state.
If Biden wins, I hope he pursues a more centrist approach - a drastic swing to the left, even though I support some of the policies, would just create another pendulum swing.
Yep, back and forth, back and forth. Narcissistic politicians pandering to their narcissistic bases. Narcissistic bases who are convinced that they're at "war" and that it's winner-take-all.

Seems to me that an incremental approach would be smarter. Prove that you can do a few things and do them well. Then you earn the chance to do more. Keep doing things well, and you no longer have to worry about just pleasing your crazed base.

But that would take patience and reason, two of the critical attributes we now lack.
IMO raising taxes would be a bad idea and ending fracking would be another bad idea. Lastly, stating publicly that the country is systemically racist would create a divide that could be incurable when coming from the Commander in Chief.
because that's how the Founding Fathers set it up, dipshit.
Texas and Wyoming did not exist when the Founding Fathers were around.

The Founding Fathers envisioned the electoral college to exercise independent judgement. Not be bound by the popular vote of their state.
Neither did California. I do not follow your point.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about mob rule.

True. But there is also nothing virtuous about a tyranny by a minority.
So if Bob Smith owns 10k acres in Montana and pays $1mil in taxes and employs five people why should his vote count the same as Bob Jones, an unemployed vagabond from Cali who lives with his parents? No such thing as equality no matter how you slice it.

Only landowners and taxpayers should have a right to vote, as they are true shareholders in the country rather than mere OCCUPANTS.
He will, Biden will govern to the right of Obama and IMHO, Obama was very much CENTER left.
Yes he was which is why I find it funny when people call him a commie.
They don't know any better. They're just reduced to grunting two- and three-syllable words at this point. They don't even know what communism actually is.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about mob rule.

True. But there is also nothing virtuous about a tyranny by a minority.
So if Bob Smith owns 10k acres in Montana and pays $1mil in taxes and employs five people why should his vote count the same as Bob Jones, an unemployed vagabond from Cali who lives with his parents? No such thing as equality no matter how you slice it.

Only landowners and taxpayers should have a right to vote, as they are true shareholders in the country rather than mere OCCUPANTS.
That was the initial intent as I understand it.
If Biden wins, I hope he pursues a more centrist approach - a drastic swing to the left, even though I support some of the policies, would just create another pendulum swing.
Yep, back and forth, back and forth. Narcissistic politicians pandering to their narcissistic bases. Narcissistic bases who are convinced that they're at "war" and that it's winner-take-all.

Seems to me that an incremental approach would be smarter. Prove that you can do a few things and do them well. Then you earn the chance to do more. Keep doing things well, and you no longer have to worry about just pleasing your crazed base.

But that would take patience and reason, two of the critical attributes we now lack.
How would that work in practice?
Says who? where did you get this information, how can you know be for the vote is counted?
He will, Biden will govern to the right of Obama and IMHO, Obama was very much CENTER left.
Yes he was which is why I find it funny when people call him a commie.
They don't know any better. They're just reduced to grunting two- and three-syllable words at this point. They don't even know what communism actually is.
What an ignorant statement. My parents came from the old Soviet Union. They certainly do and they are petrified of where the Democrats are taking this country. Tax payers, both, have a right to their opinion. Lost 99% of both their families to WW2 and the Holocaust. Go on and tell them to shove it and that their opinions don't matter.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about mob rule.

True. But there is also nothing virtuous about a tyranny by a minority.
So if Bob Smith owns 10k acres in Montana and pays $1mil in taxes and employs five people why should his vote count the same as Bob Jones, an unemployed vagabond from Cali who lives with his parents? No such thing as equality no matter how you slice it.
Why shouldn’t it? Only the rich matter?
They only have rights?
Why should the dumbest 51% of our population rule over the other 49%?

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