Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service deserve sustained, red-alert coverage from the media

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service deserve sustained, red-alert coverage from the media

So Trump steals mailboxes all over the country and takes away barcode readers from post workers. Trump is attacking democracy and American's democratic right to vote. You have to be the dumbest and most imbecilic American to support this orange turd of a president. Trump will pull a Putin and steal the election and make American a facsimile of Russia.
I'll say this in advance: You can tell how stupid and ignorant someone is by how readily they use TDS. I don't know, do they think it actually works or something? It's like drooling idiots, "TDS TDS duh drool smack drool. I'm sooooo smart". Pathetic.
I'll say this in advance: You can tell how stupid and ignorant someone is by how readily they use TDS. I don't know, do they think it actually works or something? It's like drooling idiots, "TDS TDS duh drool smack drool. I'm sooooo smart". Pathetic.
Well... When you say stupid things, people tend to treat you as stupid. I don't think you are worth my time, so I'll post a video for you to ignore. But I suggest you watch it, so ... You don't look stupid continuing along these lines. Up to you.

I'll say this in advance: You can tell how stupid and ignorant someone is by how readily they use TDS. I don't know, do they think it actually works or something? It's like drooling idiots, "TDS TDS duh drool smack drool. I'm sooooo smart". Pathetic.
And yet you idiots that are the main supporters of the cult of dementia are almost always the first to prove your ignorance. then when you realize that you have proven beyond a doubt that you don’t have a clue you resort to calling names.
Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service deserve sustained, red-alert coverage from the media

So Trump steals mailboxes all over the country and takes away barcode readers from post workers. Trump is attacking democracy and American's democratic right to vote. You have to be the dumbest and most imbecilic American to support this orange turd of a president. Trump will pull a Putin and steal the election and make American a facsimile of Russia.

So Trump steals mailboxes all over the country

He's gonna put them back into black neighborhoods, filled with heroin.

Because all blacks are junkies..........
I'll say this in advance: You can tell how stupid and ignorant someone is by how readily they use TDS. I don't know, do they think it actually works or something? It's like drooling idiots, "TDS TDS duh drool smack drool. I'm sooooo smart". Pathetic.


You've been a member for a little over a year and under 250 posts
20 times in June, 18 times in July, 20 times in August
You didn't post all of Sept., only 1 time in Oct., nothing in Nov, Dec., or Jan,
3 times in February, show back up on the 12th of March
For some reason was fond of china, pro WHO

I won't bother with May-July

You can't stop what's coming
Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service deserve sustained, red-alert coverage from the media

So Trump steals mailboxes all over the country and takes away barcode readers from post workers. Trump is attacking democracy and American's democratic right to vote. You have to be the dumbest and most imbecilic American to support this orange turd of a president. Trump will pull a Putin and steal the election and make American a facsimile of Russia.
LOL, the USPS removes a few unused mail collection boxes and you morons flip out. I don’t have a collection box anywhere in my neighborhood. Am I being oppressed?
You Chinese trolls really are desperate.
So these lefties want us to put our one and only ballot in one of these blue mailboxes sitting out in public with no one guarding them. Does anyone believe that the rabid BLM/Antifa mobs won’t break into these, steal them, or set them on fire on election night?

You’ve got to be a fucking idiot to think your vote is safe in the hands of the USPS. I was never mailed my ballot when I was overseas, I will never trust the USPS with my ballot no matter who is President. The President can’t control the actions of all its employees, nor can they guarantee the security of the ballot throughout the entire mailing system.
the mail boxes on my first route were all removed because of repeated was set on fire twice destroying any mail in had a broken bottle of whisky in it and the mail was floating in a few inches whisky.....the same box had dog shit dumped into it.....these boxes were by a HS.....unless its in a good area never throw mail in them...
I'll say this in advance: You can tell how stupid and ignorant someone is by how readily they use TDS. I don't know, do they think it actually works or something? It's like drooling idiots, "TDS TDS duh drool smack drool. I'm sooooo smart". Pathetic.

To be fair, the defining character of insanity is that the person diagnosed as insane won't accept the diagnosis.

Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service deserve sustained, red-alert coverage from the media

So Trump steals mailboxes all over the country and takes away barcode readers from post workers. Trump is attacking democracy and American's democratic right to vote. You have to be the dumbest and most imbecilic American to support this orange turd of a president. Trump will pull a Putin and steal the election and make American a facsimile of Russia.

The post office is 169 billion dollars in the red.......the Post office was F****D up long before Trump.......
So these lefties want us to put our one and only ballot in one of these blue mailboxes sitting out in public with no one guarding them. Does anyone believe that the rabid BLM/Antifa mobs won’t break into these, steal them, or set them on fire on election night?

You’ve got to be a fucking idiot to think your vote is safe in the hands of the USPS. I was never mailed my ballot when I was overseas, I will never trust the USPS with my ballot no matter who is President. The President can’t control the actions of all its employees, nor can they guarantee the security of the ballot throughout the entire mailing system.
Reminds me when the USPS lost the laptop and thumb drive Monica Hanley said she mailed
to the Clinton team after Justin Cooper helped her transfer Hillary's emails while SoS
over the phone onto said devices....

Oh bad...the FBI found the laptop and thumb drive in Hanley's house

I think it was a case of Return to Sender
Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service deserve sustained, red-alert coverage from the media

So Trump steals mailboxes all over the country and takes away barcode readers from post workers. Trump is attacking democracy and American's democratic right to vote. You have to be the dumbest and most imbecilic American to support this orange turd of a president. Trump will pull a Putin and steal the election and make American a facsimile of Russia.


But the fact is the removal of mail collection boxes has been going on for years as part of cost-cutting efforts for the postal service and had nothing to do with the 2020 election.

In September 2016, the USPS inspector general noted that “Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years.” This means that the USPS, during the Obama-Biden administration, removed thousands of mail collection boxes. Was this a diabolical plan by Obama and Biden to suppress the vote in 2020? Did Trump make them do it?

The decision to do so was explained thusly:

Some customers have complained the U.S. Postal Service has gone too far and removed too many collection boxes in neighborhoods. They’ve also questioned whether this effort is saving USPS money in the long run.
It’s a tough balancing act for the Postal Service. Some collection boxes are barely used and are expensive to maintain. On the other hand, mail collection boxes are a visible representation of the Postal Service to the American public, and their disappearance has been noted. They also are reliable, secure, and convenient receptacles for mail.
As part of its efforts to keep its collection infrastructure proportionate to customers’ needs at a reasonable cost, the Postal Service has eliminated underused collection boxes that on average receive fewer than 25 pieces a day; it has also added collection boxes where they are convenient for customers.
USPS spokeswoman Kimberly Frum told The Hill that installation and removal of USPS collection boxes has been going on for decades. “It is a fluid process and figures can vary from day-to-day. Historically, mail boxes have been removed for lack of use and installed in growth areas,” she explained. “When a collection box consistently receives very small amounts of mail for months on end, it costs the Postal Service money in fuel and workhours for letter carriers to drive to the mailbox and collect the mail. Removing the box is simply good business sense in that respect. It is important to note that anyone with a residential or business mailbox can use it as a vehicle to send outgoing mail.”

The Postal Service is 169 billion dollars in the Red and it is losing billions of dollars every single year...........they can't handle day to day duties much less handle the surge of mail in voting....

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