Trumps Big Loss In Texas Sends Shockwaves Through His Inner Circle


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The loss of Donald Trump-endorsed Texas Republican Susan Wright in her House special election race sent "shockwaves through the former president's inner circle," according to POLITICO's Alex Isenstadt.
Trump-backed candidate in a special election next week in Ohio, who is locked in a close primary, could suffer the same fate.

"Advisers worry that a second embarrassing loss would raise questions about the power of Trump's endorsement — his most prized political commodity.

In Texas? That’s a bad sign for the Maganese.
How can this be since elections are so fair and all?

I just don't get it.
Dims were allowed to vote. There's your answer.

"We may eventually learn Democrat voters and anti-Trump Republicans voting together were enough to overcome Susan, which would be a result of the district's electoral make-up and not the president's influence in the Republican Party," Nick Maddux, vice president of Axiom Strategies, told Newsweek. "Once the voter data is finalized, this will become more clear weeks from now.

The loss of Donald Trump-endorsed Texas Republican Susan Wright in her House special election race sent "shockwaves through the former president's inner circle," according to POLITICO's Alex Isenstadt.
Trump-backed candidate in a special election next week in Ohio, who is locked in a close primary, could suffer the same fate.

"Advisers worry that a second embarrassing loss would raise questions about the power of Trump's endorsement — his most prized political commodity.

In Texas? That’s a bad sign for the Maganese.
What a bunch of horse shit.

Here was her opponent:
Here's the rest of the story:

On February 26, 2021, Ellzey announced his candidacy in Texas's 6th congressional district special election to replace Ron Wright, who had died in office on February 7.[10][11][12][13] In the 23-candidate nonpartisan blanket primary, Ellzey narrowly finished second to Wright's widow Susan, who had been endorsed by former President Donald Trump, and only 354 votes ahead of Democrat Jana Sanchez. On May 2, Sanchez conceded to Ellzey.[14] Governor Greg Abbott set July 27 as the special election runoff date.[15] In a low turnout election, Ellzey defeated Wright in the runoff 53% to 47%.
I'm not for any semblance of dynasty with giving the seat of a room temperature congressman to his/her spouse. Ellzey is a big trump supporter. This is merely the left's desire to give their base something to 'nya nya nya nya nya nyaaaa' about. Short lived as it is. no pun intended. maybe a little.
Shockwaves? There is no shortage of fake drama in left wing blogs like Raw and Politico these days. The polls were tight and and turnout was low. Wright lost to a fellow republican. No shockwave in Texas.
Not only that, but the term "shockwaves" is more applicable to the Demmie selffulfilling prophecy edge than to the Demmie fabrication that white men are all bad unless they are Joe Biden the KKK Extortion King and Election theft recipient.
The candidate who won is a retired Naval commander, Seal Team 5 member fighter pilot, conservative Christian and dingbat Dems thinks this hurts Trump. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What he isn't, is the candidate endorsed by the orange loser. And lets not mince words here. He's loser. A big loser. A twice impeached, one term loser. A loser who lost the office and Congress. A loser who will be facing indictment very soon, along with his children.

But I digress.

His endorsed candidate lost. In a state he won handily. This isn't about the candidate that won. This is about Trump is poison. He is no help to anyone in politics. Anything, or anyone he touches, loses.

And if that next election in Ohio doesn't go his candidates way, Trump is done. Finished. Not even worth another news cycle.

Which makes one wonder whose ass you lemmings will have their lips attached to next.
The loss of Donald Trump-endorsed Texas Republican Susan Wright in her House special election race sent "shockwaves through the former president's inner circle," according to POLITICO's Alex Isenstadt.
Trump-backed candidate in a special election next week in Ohio, who is locked in a close primary, could suffer the same fate.

"Advisers worry that a second embarrassing loss would raise questions about the power of Trump's endorsement — his most prized political commodity.

In Texas? That’s a bad sign for the Maganese.
I've never heard of any of these people.
And the guy that won is still an (R).
What he isn't, is the candidate endorsed by the orange loser. And lets not mince words here. He's loser. A big loser. A twice impeached, one term loser. A loser who lost the office and Congress. A loser who will be facing indictment very soon, along with his children.

But I digress.

His endorsed candidate lost. In a state he won handily. This isn't about the candidate that won. This is about Trump is poison. He is no help to anyone in politics. Anything, or anyone he touches, loses.

And if that next election in Ohio doesn't go his candidates way, Trump is done. Finished. Not even worth another news cycle.

Which makes one wonder whose ass you lemmings will have their lips attached to next.
^^^ TDS folks that's what it looks like. I just described the winning candidate as someone who would be extremely popular in Texas. That he won isn't a reflection on anything other that Texas has no use for slime Democrats. Come here snowflake :itsok:

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