Trumps blame Biden for China instead of Republicans

Agreed. Which is why it is a matter of serious political discussion. You support the status quo on trade? Vote Biden. You want change? VOTE Trump.
I'll take it the way it was before your buddy Trump bankrupted the farmers & hurt US manufacturing.
Excellent point, we bitch slapped the GOP traitors who sold us out to China and elected Trump president. Without any help from those establishment GOP assholes I might add. Dems on the other hand are still in bed with China selling our jobs to China to get rich. The Bidens for example.
Bullshit. You reelected them all to the House & Senate.

You stupid fuck, these were done with Republican run Congresses.,. Jesus fuck, get a God damn brain.
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.

That is not the point. Trump is showing how Biden was for China. It will work in conjunction with Hunter making Millions their thanx to Joe being vice president
Go for it. Aree you going to defend Trump's? How about you defend his more than doubling the deficit before the virus.

Defend Trump's what? HIs record on Trade?

NOpe. Too early to see the results. Some early indicators were good, but it seemed he was moving pretty slowly. Maybe that is just the nature of the beast. Maybe he was doing a crap job. AT this point, I'm not sure.

Of course, that alternative is to go with people like you, that plan to just let US be fucked, and who consider people like me being fucked to be a GOOD result of a policy.

So, that makes the choice of who to go with very easy.
I'll take it the way it was before your buddy Trump bankrupted the farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

Your pretense of missing the development of the Rust Belt since the 60s,, not to mention the long term wage stagnation of the middle class,

is not credible.

You support seeing US get fucked, probably because you hate America and Americans.
And you and others keep electing the likes of Biden, Bernie and Pelosi. So explain why you are not just as upset that the same are being elected by you and yours.
I am not crying & blaming China on one person or one party like you stupid fucks are doing.

I don't have that big an issue with China. If you want to stop sending our jobs to China, talk to your corporate buddies.'
Trump was buying shit from China. Ivanka was getting her shit made there & you love both of them. So fuck off.
I am not crying & blaming China on one person or one party like you stupid fucks are doing.

I don't have that big an issue with China. If you want to stop sending our jobs to China, talk to your corporate buddies.'
Trump was buying shit from China. Ivanka was getting her shit made there & you love both of them. So fuck off.

Your pretense that Chinese Trade policy and American trade policy are not valid issues,

is silly.

So, fuck off.
Your pretense of missing the development of the Rust Belt since the 60s,, not to mention the long term wage stagnation of the middle class,

is not credible.

You support seeing US get fucked, probably because you hate America and Americans.

The rust belt had little to do with China.
Your pretense that Chinese Trade policy and American trade policy are not valid issues,

is silly.

So, fuck off.
It is an issdue. But you think Trump is the answer when he was part of trhe problem./ Typical Trumpette. You believe what he says & ignore the failure of his China policy. He promised action & he has zero positive results. Just negative./ Why? Because your fat assed orange buddy knows nothing about trade or foreign policy.
It is an issdue. But you think Trump is the answer when he was part of trhe problem./ Typical Trumpette. You believe what he says & ignore the failure of his China policy. He promised action & he has zero positive results. Just negative./ Why? Because your fat assed orange buddy knows nothing about trade or foreign policy.

Trump is a maybe. YOur sides is a certain fucking. The choice is easy, and your pretense otherwise is just you being a dick.
Trump is a maybe. YOur sides is a certain fucking. The choice is easy, and your pretense otherwise is just you being a dick.
Because that trillion in deficits made you happy?

The country has done better under Democrats as proven by Clinton & Obama VS Bush & Trump.
I am not crying & blaming China on one person or one party like you stupid fucks are doing.

I don't have that big an issue with China. If you want to stop sending our jobs to China, talk to your corporate buddies.'
Trump was buying shit from China. Ivanka was getting her shit made there & you love both of them. So fuck off.
Roflol. Sure you weren't, you singled out Republicans plus Trump. Funny how you never even mentioned one democrat. But hey you weren't blaming one person or party. Do you want to buy a bridge?
So you don't have a problem with a country that keeps trying to steal government secrets? That has a strangle hold on manufacturing? You don't have a problem with a country that somehow had a virus outbreak that decimated the world and the worlds economies but told everyone that there was no human to human transmission, closed down flights into Wuhan but let flights leave? Are you just a simpathizer or just paid by them?
Where did you want them to get things made we don't make shit in the states anymore.
I love my wife, I care about others. Hell even someone as screwed up as you I would not want something to happen to. But no I don't love Trump but that was a rediculous fail on your part.
Because that trillion in deficits made you happy?

The country has done better under Democrats as proven by Clinton & Obama VS Bush & Trump.
You mean like the trillions in deficit the democrats authorized? Perhaps the more they want to authorize to bail out badly run democrat cities?
You mean like the trillions in deficit the democrats authorized? Perhaps the more they want to authorize to bail out badly run democrat cities?

No, I am talking about the ones you assfuck Republicans did like the Trump Tax cuts & unfunded increases in spending. The ones in 2017,2018 & 2019.

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