Trumps blame Biden for China instead of Republicans

Having his items made there played no role?
He followed the rules and laws now, didn't he?

"Everyone else is doing it" is a valid excuse?

When Trump ran, he ran on many issues that politicians and citizens voiced concern with on both sides of the aisle over the years. Both domestically and in foreign affairs. But something happened. He actually tried to do something and that upset the apple cart. He won because of those issues. They were not extreme right conservative issues.

Nothing has changed.
I'm reading too much garbage here.

The mind of many is clogged with so much news poopering.

Why is so hard for you guys to understand politics?

President Trump is 100% correct when he blames Biden for the current China issue. And here you will LEARN why.

China isolated itself from the whole word in the 50s, 60s. It was under a revolutionary government which found no other choice but to homogenize its population in all social and economical aspects. Like to say everybody dressing with clothes color grey, including the army uniform.

Contrary to what you learn from wikipedia and other sources, the first western nation to have official trade with China was Peru, a south American country which took that initiative because the US imposed an embargo at the end of the 60s, due to some issues with a petroleum company and that country. After that, it wasn't Mao but the US the one looking for having trade with China. The reason...

... here it was the greater opportunity to have an ally against the Soviet Union right just crossing the street.

The strategy was political more than economical.

China was supposed to eventually becoming a democratic country and to adapt the western system and culture. Such was the primary goal. Having China becoming "like us" it would not only accelerate the falling of the Soviet Union but also making the Russians to adapt our system.

But China didn't go that far, and in order to incite better the desired change in that country, the economic trade favoring China was offered. Here is when Biden, who started to be a politic figure, acted with complete negligence in conjunction with other several politicians, they offered too much at exchange of NOTHING.

Biden and others forgot the initial goal, and didn't push enough to convert China as an ally. Totally the contrary, China took advantage of the free help, grew up and opted to become independent from the western politics, it concentrated solely in the economic trade.

We have then, 40 years of failure from Biden, a politician who practically betrayed the original plan, and together with others, dedicated himself to please the demands of the private sector here to be let produce in China, bring the goods and sell them here, with hundreds percent more profit in many items.

Donald Trump, the business man, he indeed might have also took advantage of that hole created by politicians like Biden, why not?

But, today president Trump is in charge, and if you haven't noticed, he is fighting against that political hole, and the best way is pressuring China in the economic sector. If the population of China feels their economy going down, they might wake up and do something to change their current government system.

China is decided to be the Russian ally even when the greater economic trade is with the US and western countries. Thanks to politicians like Biden, the opportunity to have China in our side has been lost. President Trump is right when he blames Biden, of course he is.

You just can blame Donal Trump if he also took the opportunity for cheap labor from China, because that was Donald Trump the business man, but today Donald Trump is the US president, and he is not thinking about his private business but he is looking for the best for the entire country.

But you can blame Biden, because he never worked for the entire country but just for the private sector which helped him to be re-elected each time he run for a political position.

Shame on him.
If you blame Biden, blame McConnell & all the fucking Republicans that voted for it too. All they did ewas open the door.
It was corporate America that gave them our jobs.

Agreed. And if Trump was running against a GOP challenger, especially a Free Trader, I hope he would be hitting that Republican with the same, completely valid charge.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus in support of Free Trade for a long time now. And as a policy, it has failed to deliver.

TIme to change it. Part of that is holding the people that were wrong about it, accountable.
I'm reading too much garbage here.

The mind of many is clogged with so much news poopering.

Why is so hard for you guys to understand politics?

President Trump is 100% correct when he blames Biden for the current China issue. And here you will LEARN why.

China isolated itself from the whole word in the 50s, 60s. It was under a revolutionary government which found no other choice but to homogenize its population in all social and economical aspects. Like to say everybody dressing with clothes color grey, including the army uniform.

Contrary to what you learn from wikipedia and other sources, the first western nation to have official trade with China was Peru, a south American country which took that initiative because the US imposed an embargo at the end of the 60s, due to some issues with a petroleum company and that country. After that, it wasn't Mao but the US the one looking for having trade with China. The reason...

... here it was the greater opportunity to have an ally against the Soviet Union right just crossing the street.

The strategy was political more than economical.

China was supposed to eventually becoming a democratic country and to adapt the western system and culture. Such was the primary goal. Having China becoming "like us" it would not only accelerate the falling of the Soviet Union but also making the Russians to adapt our system.

But China didn't go that far, and in order to incite better the desired change in that country, the economic trade favoring China was offered. Here is when Biden, who started to be a politic figure, acted with complete negligence in conjunction with other several politicians, they offered too much at exchange of NOTHING.

Biden and others forgot the initial goal, and didn't push enough to convert China as an ally. Totally the contrary, China took advantage of the free help, grew up and opted to become independent from the western politics, it concentrated solely in the economic trade.

We have then, 40 years of failure from Biden, a politician who practically betrayed the original plan, and together with others, dedicated himself to please the demands of the private sector here to be let produce in China, bring the goods and sell them here, with hundreds percent more profit in many items.

Donald Trump, the business man, he indeed might have also took advantage of that hole created by politicians like Biden, why not?

But, today president Trump is in charge, and if you haven't noticed, he is fighting against that political hole, and the best way is pressuring China in the economic sector. If the population of China feels their economy going down, they might wake up and do something to change their current government system.

China is decided to be the Russian ally even when the greater economic trade is with the US and western countries. Thanks to politicians like Biden, the opportunity to have China in our side has been lost. President Trump is right when he blames Biden, of course he is.

You just can blame Donal Trump if he also took the opportunity for cheap labor from China, because that was Donald Trump the business man, but today Donald Trump is the US president, and he is not thinking about his private business but he is looking for the best for the entire country.

But you can blame Biden, because he never worked for the entire country but just for the private sector which helped him to be re-elected each time he run for a political position.

Shame on him.
If you blame Biden, blame McConnell & all the fucking Republicans that voted for it too. All they did ewas open the door.
It was corporate America that gave them our jobs.

Agreed. And if Trump was running against a GOP challenger, especially a Free Trader, I hope he would be hitting that Republican with the same, completely valid charge.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus in support of Free Trade for a long time now. And as a policy, it has failed to deliver.

TIme to change it. Part of that is holding the people that were wrong about it, accountable.
It has niot failed at all. The only failure is that of corporate America. Who supports corporate America the most?
I'm reading too much garbage here.

The mind of many is clogged with so much news poopering.

Why is so hard for you guys to understand politics?

President Trump is 100% correct when he blames Biden for the current China issue. And here you will LEARN why.

China isolated itself from the whole word in the 50s, 60s. It was under a revolutionary government which found no other choice but to homogenize its population in all social and economical aspects. Like to say everybody dressing with clothes color grey, including the army uniform.

Contrary to what you learn from wikipedia and other sources, the first western nation to have official trade with China was Peru, a south American country which took that initiative because the US imposed an embargo at the end of the 60s, due to some issues with a petroleum company and that country. After that, it wasn't Mao but the US the one looking for having trade with China. The reason...

... here it was the greater opportunity to have an ally against the Soviet Union right just crossing the street.

The strategy was political more than economical.

China was supposed to eventually becoming a democratic country and to adapt the western system and culture. Such was the primary goal. Having China becoming "like us" it would not only accelerate the falling of the Soviet Union but also making the Russians to adapt our system.

But China didn't go that far, and in order to incite better the desired change in that country, the economic trade favoring China was offered. Here is when Biden, who started to be a politic figure, acted with complete negligence in conjunction with other several politicians, they offered too much at exchange of NOTHING.

Biden and others forgot the initial goal, and didn't push enough to convert China as an ally. Totally the contrary, China took advantage of the free help, grew up and opted to become independent from the western politics, it concentrated solely in the economic trade.

We have then, 40 years of failure from Biden, a politician who practically betrayed the original plan, and together with others, dedicated himself to please the demands of the private sector here to be let produce in China, bring the goods and sell them here, with hundreds percent more profit in many items.

Donald Trump, the business man, he indeed might have also took advantage of that hole created by politicians like Biden, why not?

But, today president Trump is in charge, and if you haven't noticed, he is fighting against that political hole, and the best way is pressuring China in the economic sector. If the population of China feels their economy going down, they might wake up and do something to change their current government system.

China is decided to be the Russian ally even when the greater economic trade is with the US and western countries. Thanks to politicians like Biden, the opportunity to have China in our side has been lost. President Trump is right when he blames Biden, of course he is.

You just can blame Donal Trump if he also took the opportunity for cheap labor from China, because that was Donald Trump the business man, but today Donald Trump is the US president, and he is not thinking about his private business but he is looking for the best for the entire country.

But you can blame Biden, because he never worked for the entire country but just for the private sector which helped him to be re-elected each time he run for a political position.

Shame on him.
If you blame Biden, blame McConnell & all the fucking Republicans that voted for it too. All they did ewas open the door.
It was corporate America that gave them our jobs.

Agreed. And if Trump was running against a GOP challenger, especially a Free Trader, I hope he would be hitting that Republican with the same, completely valid charge.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus in support of Free Trade for a long time now. And as a policy, it has failed to deliver.

TIme to change it. Part of that is holding the people that were wrong about it, accountable.
It has niot failed at all. The only failure is that of corporate America. Who supports corporate America the most?

Increased competition was supposed to spur increased productivity from American manufacturers and that combined with new jobs from new high tech industries was supposed to make the hit from Free Trade, a temporary dip until employment and wages would start rising again.

Productivity did increase. But the jobs did not come back. THe new high tech jobs were filled with cheap immigration labor. The quality of us manufacturing improved. But our exports did not.

THe policy has failed. We can discuss the reasons. But the time for action is long past. CHANGE THE POLICY.
I'm reading too much garbage here.

The mind of many is clogged with so much news poopering.

Why is so hard for you guys to understand politics?

President Trump is 100% correct when he blames Biden for the current China issue. And here you will LEARN why.

China isolated itself from the whole word in the 50s, 60s. It was under a revolutionary government which found no other choice but to homogenize its population in all social and economical aspects. Like to say everybody dressing with clothes color grey, including the army uniform.

Contrary to what you learn from wikipedia and other sources, the first western nation to have official trade with China was Peru, a south American country which took that initiative because the US imposed an embargo at the end of the 60s, due to some issues with a petroleum company and that country. After that, it wasn't Mao but the US the one looking for having trade with China. The reason...

... here it was the greater opportunity to have an ally against the Soviet Union right just crossing the street.

The strategy was political more than economical.

China was supposed to eventually becoming a democratic country and to adapt the western system and culture. Such was the primary goal. Having China becoming "like us" it would not only accelerate the falling of the Soviet Union but also making the Russians to adapt our system.

But China didn't go that far, and in order to incite better the desired change in that country, the economic trade favoring China was offered. Here is when Biden, who started to be a politic figure, acted with complete negligence in conjunction with other several politicians, they offered too much at exchange of NOTHING.

Biden and others forgot the initial goal, and didn't push enough to convert China as an ally. Totally the contrary, China took advantage of the free help, grew up and opted to become independent from the western politics, it concentrated solely in the economic trade.

We have then, 40 years of failure from Biden, a politician who practically betrayed the original plan, and together with others, dedicated himself to please the demands of the private sector here to be let produce in China, bring the goods and sell them here, with hundreds percent more profit in many items.

Donald Trump, the business man, he indeed might have also took advantage of that hole created by politicians like Biden, why not?

But, today president Trump is in charge, and if you haven't noticed, he is fighting against that political hole, and the best way is pressuring China in the economic sector. If the population of China feels their economy going down, they might wake up and do something to change their current government system.

China is decided to be the Russian ally even when the greater economic trade is with the US and western countries. Thanks to politicians like Biden, the opportunity to have China in our side has been lost. President Trump is right when he blames Biden, of course he is.

You just can blame Donal Trump if he also took the opportunity for cheap labor from China, because that was Donald Trump the business man, but today Donald Trump is the US president, and he is not thinking about his private business but he is looking for the best for the entire country.

But you can blame Biden, because he never worked for the entire country but just for the private sector which helped him to be re-elected each time he run for a political position.

Shame on him.
If you blame Biden, blame McConnell & all the fucking Republicans that voted for it too. All they did ewas open the door.
It was corporate America that gave them our jobs.

Agreed. And if Trump was running against a GOP challenger, especially a Free Trader, I hope he would be hitting that Republican with the same, completely valid charge.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus in support of Free Trade for a long time now. And as a policy, it has failed to deliver.

TIme to change it. Part of that is holding the people that were wrong about it, accountable.
It has niot failed at all. The only failure is that of corporate America. Who supports corporate America the most?

Increased competition was supposed to spur increased productivity from American manufacturers and that combined with new jobs from new high tech industries was supposed to make the hit from Free Trade, a temporary dip until employment and wages would start rising again.

Productivity did increase. But the jobs did not come back. THe new high tech jobs were filled with cheap immigration labor. The quality of us manufacturing improved. But our exports did not.

THe policy has failed. We can discuss the reasons. But the time for action is long past. CHANGE THE POLICY.
Bullshit. American corporation had shit made in China because it was cheaper. That sent our jobs to China.

Just like in the past, they were sent to India or Taiwan or Japan or Mexico.

Trump put tariffs on steel to make US steel more competitive here in the US. What did steel companies do? Raise their prices. Raising pricing on US manufactured goods & hurtying exports. Your fat assed orange piece of shit knows NOTHING about manufacturing or traded.

Corpioreate Amderfic a nededs refgiormedf butr yiouy & your party arer therifr lap dogs.
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.
Yes, those old Republicans were also responsible for China.

Are they running for President now? Nope, just old Joe.

President Trump successfully changed the GOP to be anti-CCP.
It was a shitstain obama and a Fingers Biden whitehouse for 8 years. China is their baby.
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.
Yes, those old Republicans were also responsible for China.

Are they running for President now? Nope, just old Joe.

President Trump successfully changed the GOP to be anti-CCP.
It was a shitstain obama and a Fingers Biden whitehouse for 8 years. China is their baby.

Biden seems to look like Trump..
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Cocaine Mitch and his wife have made millions them selves with China. I do hope that comes out and is made an issue during his campaign for reelection. Don't change the fact though, Jose Biden is an empty shell. He can't speak a sentence without forgetting what he was saying. He can't go out for more then an hour at a time be wise his depends get to full. Face it. We will have to listen to 4 more years of stupid tests crying and burning shit.
It is real existing capitalism, sometimes euphemistically called “free market capitalism,” or “free trade capitalism,” or “Classic Liberalism,” but in reality better described as “corporate capitalism,” “finance capitalism,” imperialist state capitalism, crony capitalism, etc, that has ... “worked its magic.“

Our polluting industrial jobs, unionized and providing a reasonable living after WWII, are mostly gone. Not just to China! As people indicated, they first went to Japan, then Korea, to Mexico, to Vietnam, to India, to everywhere. Americans enjoyed the lower prices, the cheap gasoline, the good life that came with living in the top dog country. We also enjoyed our overvalued currency. This was not a “sellout” of any individual or party. It was a natural economic process, the development of world capitalist relations and the spread of commodity culture.

Real economic solutions can never come from withdrawing from world trade, “decoupling” from China, or “sanctioning” our ideological “enemies” or allied competitors who have different economic interests. The old trade-unionist “Buy American” trade policy of one wing of the Democratic Party was understandable, but never viable.

The road forward is through strengthening and reforming international trade and multinational organizations, allowing for a dramatic decline in the U.S. dollar and an end to dollar imperialism. Negotiations over economic differences are inevitable, not something that has an endpoint called “fair trade.”

This must be a long-term ongoing process that requires political compromise and sophisticated statesmanship, especially in dealing with countries with different political systems and at different stages of development. Especially dealing with very competitive “state capitalist“ economies and rising authoritarian powers like China.

Just as domestic economic problems require creative social democratic political solutions, so do international problems. Those who tear up and deprecate international economic organization, who despise political compromise internationally ... must also destroy domestic progress. Reactionary international policy goes with reactionary domestic policy.
If you blame Biden, blame McConnell & all the fucking Republicans that voted for it too. All they did ewas open the door.
It was corporate America that gave them our jobs.
This is about president Trump and candidate Biden for the White House. Got it?

No shit Shertlock. We are talking about by your fat assed piece of shit Trump blaming Biden for jobs lost to China. When Trump & Ivanka sent jobs when he bought his shit there.
None of the Free Trade zones worked out the way they were supposed to. So, China is welcome to it.

Let's see how Manufacturing does as we leave the Convid Recession.
It was heading downhill before it.

It was a very old economic expansion. Trump deserves credit for keeping it going as long as he did.
I get it, it was someone else fault & Trump did a great job in allowing it to fail more slowly?
When has Biden been president?

He has a record from his time in Congress. Discussing it is valid.
Yet a Senator holds less power than a president, no?

Sure. So what? THat is not a reason to not look at both their records and compare, when deciding who to vote for.

Both of them, at this point in time, have records to look at and judge them by.

And who do you think has a better record on the economy? Trump or Biden? Not counting votes in the Senate from 73 to 2008 & blaing everythinbg bad or what you perceive as bad on one man who never was calling the shots .

Wer know Fat Donnie put on the tariffs. We know fat Donnie pulled out of trade agreemernts. We know fat Donnie has nothing positive for trade.
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.
Thanks, Obama!
None of the Free Trade zones worked out the way they were supposed to. So, China is welcome to it.

Let's see how Manufacturing does as we leave the Convid Recession.
It was heading downhill before it.

It was a very old economic expansion. Trump deserves credit for keeping it going as long as he did.
I get it, it was someone else fault & Trump did a great job in allowing it to fail more slowly?

That is a nice strawman you built there. I can see you are proud of it. I respectfully decline your invitation to join you in tandem play with it. It is yours, and has nothing to do with me, or anything I said.

Moving back to what I actually SAID, my point stands, until you address it.

It was a very old economic expansion. Trump deserves credit for keeping it going as long as he did.
When has Biden been president?

He has a record from his time in Congress. Discussing it is valid.
Yet a Senator holds less power than a president, no?

Sure. So what? THat is not a reason to not look at both their records and compare, when deciding who to vote for.

Both of them, at this point in time, have records to look at and judge them by.

And who do you think has a better record on the economy? Trump or Biden? Not counting votes in the Senate from 73 to 2008 & blaing everythinbg bad or what you perceive as bad on one man who never was calling the shots .

Wer know Fat Donnie put on the tariffs. We know fat Donnie pulled out of trade agreemernts. We know fat Donnie has nothing positive for trade.

So, you want to run a Senator for the office of the Presidency and you want to "not count" his votes in the Senate?

That is insane of you. Literally insane.
When has Biden been president?

He has a record from his time in Congress. Discussing it is valid.
Yet a Senator holds less power than a president, no?

Sure. So what? THat is not a reason to not look at both their records and compare, when deciding who to vote for.

Both of them, at this point in time, have records to look at and judge them by.

And who do you think has a better record on the economy? Trump or Biden? Not counting votes in the Senate from 73 to 2008 & blaing everythinbg bad or what you perceive as bad on one man who never was calling the shots .

Wer know Fat Donnie put on the tariffs. We know fat Donnie pulled out of trade agreemernts. We know fat Donnie has nothing positive for trade.

So, you want to run a Senator for the office of the Presidency and you want to "not count" his votes in the Senate?

That is insane of you. Literally insane.
You can count them. You just can't blame one man for the actions of Congress. If you are going to blame Biden for the supposed effects of trade with China then you best be having a fit about the Republiucans who voted yes & the Republican Presidents that pushed it.

You can't blame those who did not foresee how corporate America would react. Over the past, you probably purchased all kinds of things made in China. So it is also your fault.

To give China trade status was not the problem. They have a huge market for US companies. But Corporate America are the ones that abused it.

Trump decided on tariffs. Trump decided to try to bully China. Definite actions by one man.

The idea you are too stupid to get that is beyond comprehension.

Chicken farmers sending dead chickens to China for processing. This is Corporate America selling out our country and the Amnerican people buying it.

You can go to Walmart & buy a wrench made in China or you can pay twice as much & get a brand name wrench that was made in China. That has nothing to do with Trade policy.
None of the Free Trade zones worked out the way they were supposed to. So, China is welcome to it.

Let's see how Manufacturing does as we leave the Convid Recession.
It was heading downhill before it.

It was a very old economic expansion. Trump deserves credit for keeping it going as long as he did.
I get it, it was someone else fault & Trump did a great job in allowing it to fail more slowly?

That is a nice strawman you built there. I can see you are proud of it. I respectfully decline your invitation to join you in tandem play with it. It is yours, and has nothing to do with me, or anything I said.

Moving back to what I actually SAID, my point stands, until you address it.

It was a very old economic expansion. Trump deserves credit for keeping it going as long as he did.
It just took time for Trump to fuck it up. You know it. I know it.

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