Trumps blame Biden for China instead of Republicans

No, I am talking about the ones you assfuck Republicans did like the Trump Tax cuts & unfunded increases in spending. The ones in 2017,2018 & 2019.
Oh so you don't want to point fingers at democrats. The major spenders have always been democrats. But complain about only one party because of your blinders. Got it.
Do you only believe there is only one gender? Do you only make right hand turns?
Because that trillion in deficits made you happy?

The country has done better under Democrats as proven by Clinton & Obama VS Bush & Trump.

Funny, we were talking about Trade. And now you want to change the subject. How strange.

I give you your indian name, "Wally".


Well, I don't give up. Your evasive techniques show that you know you lost the debate. You lose.
You inferred the Rust Belt was China's fault. I'm still laughing about that one.

The Rust Belt is due to bad trade policy. In the 70s that was mostly about Japan. Today it is more about China.

That you seem confused about this is hard to credit. It is a simple enough concept.

While we are at it, do you need to be informed that our Trade Deficit is not limited to China?

What other obvious facts are you planning to pretend to not know, to dodge serious debate?
Trump is a maybe? You've seen 3 1/2 years of him.

Trade is a big and complex issue. Initial signs have been good, but I want MOAR.

YOur side seems to be a mix of lack of concern and actual enmity. Response range from libs who just don't care about me and mine to those who are happy at the idea of us being harmed.

In that environment, for you to attack us for being stupid for not support those that obviously hate us?

Is you being assholes.
The Rust Belt is due to bad trade policy. In the 70s that was mostly about Japan. Today it is more about China.

That you seem confused about this is hard to credit. It is a simple enough concept.

While we are at it, do you need to be informed that our Trade Deficit is not limited to China?

What other obvious facts are you planning to pretend to not know, to dodge serious debate?

So you admit the Rust Belt had nothing to do with China. See, even you can still learn shit.
Trade is a big and complex issue. Initial signs have been good, but I want MOAR.

YOur side seems to be a mix of lack of concern and actual enmity. Response range from libs who just don't care about me and mine to those who are happy at the idea of us being harmed.

In that environment, for you to attack us for being stupid for not support those that obviously hate us?

Is you being assholes.

Trump has failed at trade.

1) He pulled out of the TPP & China took our place.

2) He failed with China & bankrupted farmers & hurt manufacturing.

3) He renamed NAFTA with a couple of tweaks & it is still not in place

4) No major trade deals anywhere

Trade is complicated that is why you don't put someone in charge who knows nothing abiout it but think they do. Truymp's bullying stye flopped & he has no backup plan.
So you admit the Rust Belt had nothing to do with China. See, even you can still learn shit.

I want pro-jobs trade policy, today and moving forward.

You and yours do not.

Quibbling over the which trade partner was more an issue when, is just you trying to distract form the fact that you support the status quo trade policy.

Which shows that you know that your position is not what is good for America or Americans, yet you want that anyways.
Trump has failed at trade.

1) He pulled out of the TPP & China took our place.

2) He failed with China & bankrupted farmers & hurt manufacturing.

3) He renamed NAFTA with a couple of tweaks & it is still not in place

4) No major trade deals anywhere

Trade is complicated that is why you don't put someone in charge who knows nothing abiout it but think they do. Truymp's bullying stye flopped & he has no backup plan.

None of the Free Trade zones worked out the way they were supposed to. So, China is welcome to it.

Let's see how Manufacturing does as we leave the Convid Recession.
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.
the blame belongs to all three baby boomer presidents as well as congress

trump is trying to fix the mess that they created

but thats history

the present situation is that many in washington are puppets of their chinese masters
I'm reading too much garbage here.

The mind of many is clogged with so much news poopering.

Why is so hard for you guys to understand politics?

President Trump is 100% correct when he blames Biden for the current China issue. And here you will LEARN why.

China isolated itself from the whole word in the 50s, 60s. It was under a revolutionary government which found no other choice but to homogenize its population in all social and economical aspects. Like to say everybody dressing with clothes color grey, including the army uniform.

Contrary to what you learn from wikipedia and other sources, the first western nation to have official trade with China was Peru, a south American country which took that initiative because the US imposed an embargo at the end of the 60s, due to some issues with a petroleum company and that country. After that, it wasn't Mao but the US the one looking for having trade with China. The reason...

... here it was the greater opportunity to have an ally against the Soviet Union right just crossing the street.

The strategy was political more than economical.

China was supposed to eventually becoming a democratic country and to adapt the western system and culture. Such was the primary goal. Having China becoming "like us" it would not only accelerate the falling of the Soviet Union but also making the Russians to adapt our system.

But China didn't go that far, and in order to incite better the desired change in that country, the economic trade favoring China was offered. Here is when Biden, who started to be a politic figure, acted with complete negligence in conjunction with other several politicians, they offered too much at exchange of NOTHING.

Biden and others forgot the initial goal, and didn't push enough to convert China as an ally. Totally the contrary, China took advantage of the free help, grew up and opted to become independent from the western politics, it concentrated solely in the economic trade.

We have then, 40 years of failure from Biden, a politician who practically betrayed the original plan, and together with others, dedicated himself to please the demands of the private sector here to be let produce in China, bring the goods and sell them here, with hundreds percent more profit in many items.

Donald Trump, the business man, he indeed might have also took advantage of that hole created by politicians like Biden, why not?

But, today president Trump is in charge, and if you haven't noticed, he is fighting against that political hole, and the best way is pressuring China in the economic sector. If the population of China feels their economy going down, they might wake up and do something to change their current government system.

China is decided to be the Russian ally even when the greater economic trade is with the US and western countries. Thanks to politicians like Biden, the opportunity to have China in our side has been lost. President Trump is right when he blames Biden, of course he is.

You just can blame Donal Trump if he also took the opportunity for cheap labor from China, because that was Donald Trump the business man, but today Donald Trump is the US president, and he is not thinking about his private business but he is looking for the best for the entire country.

But you can blame Biden, because he never worked for the entire country but just for the private sector which helped him to be re-elected each time he run for a political position.

Shame on him.
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I'm reading too much garbage here.

The mind of many is clogged with so much news poopering.

Why is so hard for you guys to understand politics?

President Trump is 100% correct when he blames Biden for the current China issue. And here you will LEARN why.

China isolated itself from the whole word in the 50s, 60s. It was under a revolutionary government which found no other choice but to homogenize its population in all social and economical aspects. Like to say everybody dressing with clothes color grey, including the army uniform.

Contrary to what you learn from wikipedia and other sources, the first western nation to have official trade with China was Peru, a south American country which took that initiative because the US imposed an embargo at the end of the 60s, due to some issues with a petroleum company and that country. After that, it wasn't Mao but the US the one looking for having trade with China. The reason...

... here it was the greater opportunity to have an ally against the Soviet Union right just crossing the street.

The strategy was political more than economical.

China was supposed to eventually becoming a democratic country and to adapt the western system and culture. Such was the primary goal. Having China becoming "like us" it would not only accelerate the falling of the Soviet Union but also making the Russians to adapt our system.

But China didn't go that far, and in order to incite better the desired change in that country, the economic trade favoring China was offered. Here is when Biden, who started to be a politic figure, acted with complete negligence in conjunction with other several politicians, they offered too much at exchange of NOTHING.

Biden and others forgot the initial goal, and didn't push enough to convert China as an ally. Totally the contrary, China took advantage of the free help, grew up and opted to become independent from the western politics, it concentrated solely in the economic trade.

We have then, 40 years of failure from Biden, a politician who practically betrayed the original plan, and together with others, dedicated himself to please the demands of the private sector here to be let produce in China, bring the goods and sell them here, with hundreds percent more profit in many items.

Donald Trump, the business man, he indeed might have also took advantage of that hole created by politicians like Biden, why not?

But, today president Trump is in charge, and if you haven't noticed, he is fighting against that political hole, and the best way is pressuring China in the economic sector. If the population of China feels their economy going down, they might wake up and do something to change their current government system.

China is decided to be the Russian ally even when the greater economic trade is with the US and western countries. Thanks to politicians like Biden, the opportunity to have China in our side has been lost. President Trump is right when he blames Biden, of course he is.

You just can blame Donal Trump if he also took the opportunity for cheap labor from China, because that was Donald Trump the business man, but today Donald Trump is the US president, and he is not thinking about his private business but he is looking for the best for the entire country.

But you can blame Biden, because he never worked for the entire country but just for the private sector which helped him to be re-elected each time he run for a political position.

Shame on him.
If you blame Biden, blame McConnell & all the fucking Republicans that voted for it too. All they did ewas open the door.
It was corporate America that gave them our jobs.
None of the Free Trade zones worked out the way they were supposed to. So, China is welcome to it.

Let's see how Manufacturing does as we leave the Convid Recession.
It was heading downhill before it.
Trump is going after Biden's record in voting for trade status with China. Yet it was made permanent in 2001 by George W Bush after over 6 years of Republican Congresses.

Look at any vote that favored trade to be open with China that Biden voted yes, you will see a lot of long time Republicans making the same vote.

He blames Biden when we lost one third of our manufacturing jobs under the Bush administration.

Trump lies & claim our trade deficit with China is 500 billion. It has never been that high.

A trade deficit is not a loss. I have a $1400 trade deficit with my electric company,. Those assdfucks!!!!

China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave those jobs to China when they opt to buy from China instead of US companies.

China did not steal our technology, corporate America gave it to them when they sent drgs & technical details to get their parts made in China. They hired US experts to show them how to do it.

Trump & Ivanka sent jobs to China to make their crap.

Trump's tariffs have backfired and bankrupted farmers & hurt US manufacturing.

His attempts to blame Biden for China may dupe his uninformed , uneducated base but will do little outside that group.
Your level of ignorance on this is why Trump will win again in 2020. :)
Having his items made there played no role?
He followed the rules and laws now, didn't he? When Trump ran, he ran on many issues that politicians and citizens voiced concern with on both sides of the aisle over the years. Both domestically and in foreign affairs. But something happened. He actually tried to do something and that upset the apple cart. He won because of those issues. They were not extreme right conservative issues.

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