Trump's booming economy has dems struggling


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Multiple 2020 Democratic candidates are scrambling to put a negative spin on the state of the economy, with some resorting to incorrect or overblown suggestions that workers have to hold down two or three jobs to merely “survive” in the U.S.
Trump’s Booming Economy has 2020 Dems Struggling

Oh now they can't have the world believing Trump is doing good with the economy now can we. They will never settle for a " GOOD THING" begin done to came./
Americans better off without Obama

For all the fawning over Obama by the press for eight years, less than half of Americans felt they did well financially by the end of his regime in 2016.

In the third year of Donald John Trump's presidency, 56% of Americans report they are doing good or excellent financially. That's the highest percentage in 17 years.


Gallup reported, "A majority of Americans, 56%, rate their current financial situation as excellent (12%) or good (44%), while 29% rate it as only fair and 15% as poor. This overall positive rating has increased 10 percentage points since 2015 and is currently the highest since 2002. Likewise, the 57% of Americans who now say their overall financial situation is getting better has risen 10 points since 2016 and is at its highest numerical point since 2002."

This is the best the economy has been in the 21st century.

Unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years as it fell below 4%.

The stock market soared upon the election of Donald John Trump as president.

The stock market tanked upon Obama's election in 2008. The Federal Reserve bailed him out with its quantitative easements, which inflated stock prices and made his billionaire friends (Bill Gates, Buffett, and Bezos) even richer.

President Trump is cutting regulations, taxes, and imports. Everyone should do better in his economy because that is how capitalism -- not socialism -- works.

Obama thinks capitalism is obsolete.

Thank God he's gone.

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