Trump's cabinet meeting...WTF???


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
What the heck was that? Taking turns praising & thanking Trump. Really. I nearly threw up.

A bare-knuckled, Texas Death Cage match to see which Cabinet member has the most love for Trump
It sounds like a scene out of a Marx Brothers comedy. But five months into the Trump presidency, such tin-pot theatrics have become commonplace.
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
It sounds like a scene out of a Marx Brothers comedy. But five months into the Trump presidency, such tin-pot theatrics have become commonplace.
never!.....Rufus T.Firefly would never stoop to such shenanigans!.....Hail Freedonia!...
Unbelievable that this is happening in the US. Have these people no shame?

Vanity Fair ?

Lmfao what's next old rocks you going to post a link from cosmopolitan?

My goodness, we are not discussing sources. We are discussing a cabinet meeting that competed with tin pot third world dictators meetings. That is what the fat senile old orange clown means by loyalty. Ever time he puts on this kind of display, Comey is vindicated for his stand.
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
Dumb ass, that cabinet meeting was truly bizarre. There is not other words that fit it. I hope that every person that took part is permanently removed from the American Political scene. That kind of public ass kissing has no place in this nation.
Trump is creating a 3rd world Presidency.

Institutional DC will destroy him if he keeps it up.

I think he wants to see just how far he will go.
Marion, you are the one that likes that sort of really dumb bullshit session that the fat senile old orange clown arranged. That is something that I would expect to hear in the history channel in a cabinet of Stalin or Hitler. It is exactly the kind of thing we hear from North Korea. That you think this is fine is an indication that you have zero understanding of what this nation is.
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified


Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.
Here we have another sycophant, stating his love of the fat senile old orange clown. Anyone that could listen to that meeting without feeling nauseous does not understand this nation. That you love an obvious ass kissing session says all that is needed that concerning your morals and ethics.

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