Trump's cabinet meeting...WTF???


A bare-knuckled, Texas Death Cage match to see which Cabinet member has the most love for Trump

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
Honest to God. Another ass kisser that despises America. America First is the old cry of the Nazi Bund. Now, after that Cabinet meeting, we truly understand why the fat senile old orange clown chose that for his theme.
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

I almost posted this but saw you beat me to it.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
You messed were supposed to say "Donald First!" Your trump sycophant card has been revoked!

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Don't worry, I will be just fine. Whatever this story is about, I know it is just another media-created spin that if it were Obama doing it, would be highly touted and revered. I don't pay attention to anything the internet tells me, I actually judge things for myself. The more people ridicule Trump for not being another cookie-cutter stuffed suit, the better I know he is doing his job.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
Honest to God. Another ass kisser that despises America. America First is the old cry of the Nazi Bund. Now, after that Cabinet meeting, we truly understand why the fat senile old orange clown chose that for his theme.
Never saw the cabinet meeting. Don't know what went on during the cabinet meeting. Don't give a fat fuck about an insignificant cabinet meeting. But if it pisses off liberal progressive pukes it must have been a doozy.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
You messed were supposed to say "Donald First!" Your trump sycophant card has been revoked!

Yeah, but my NRA membership is up to date.
What the heck was that? Taking turns praising & thanking Trump. Really. I nearly threw up.
These greedy white mf's have in their mist, an man who all you have to do is kiss his fat white ass and he'll sign and do anything you want and they know it. They know he's stupid and they know they can wrap that tiny fuckin brain around their wittlle bitty fingers to get what they want and that's control over this nation. They're out to fuck the poor, enhance the rich and that's their focus.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
Honest to God. Another ass kisser that despises America. America First is the old cry of the Nazi Bund. Now, after that Cabinet meeting, we truly understand why the fat senile old orange clown chose that for his theme.
Never saw the cabinet meeting. Don't know what went on during the cabinet meeting. Don't give a fat fuck about an insignificant cabinet meeting. But if it pisses off liberal progressive pukes it must have been a doozy.
Listen, horse shit.....this country is headed for dangerous grounds and I see it. The banks are on a hiring frenzy thanks to deregulations. Our economy is headed for the edge again and no Obama will be around to save you this time. So I want you to be on record white man, when we fall off this time. I want you to remember your ignorance, you inability to give a fuck, all for the sake of having a 401k yeild your sorry white ass extra Vasoline for your faggot life style.
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
Honest to God. Another ass kisser that despises America. America First is the old cry of the Nazi Bund. Now, after that Cabinet meeting, we truly understand why the fat senile old orange clown chose that for his theme.
Never saw the cabinet meeting. Don't know what went on during the cabinet meeting. Don't give a fat fuck about an insignificant cabinet meeting. But if it pisses off liberal progressive pukes it must have been a doozy.
Listen, horse shit.....this country is headed for dangerous grounds and I see it. The banks are on a hiring frenzy thanks to deregulations. Our economy is headed for the edge again and no Obama will be around to save you this time. So I want you to be on record white man, when we fall off this time. I want you to remember your ignorance, you inability to give a fuck, all for the sake of having a 401k yeild your sorry white ass extra Vasoline for your faggot life style.

Unbelievable that this is happening in the US. Have these people no shame?

Vanity Fair ?

Lmfao what's next old rocks you going to post a link from cosmopolitan?

My goodness, we are not discussing sources. We are discussing a cabinet meeting that competed with tin pot third world dictators meetings. That is what the fat senile old orange clown means by loyalty. Ever time he puts on this kind of display, Comey is vindicated for his stand.
You stupid ole fuck it took that long for Congress to approve them. Not Trumps fault.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Don't worry, I will be just fine. Whatever this story is about, I know it is just another media-created spin that if it were Obama doing it, would be highly touted and revered. I don't pay attention to anything the internet tells me, I actually judge things for myself. The more people ridicule Trump for not being another cookie-cutter stuffed suit, the better I know he is doing his job.

You seem not understand, only Donald and Kim Jong-Um would do that! Think about that!
Looks like the OP is right there with today's talking points.
No, the only talking points here are what the people in cabinet meeting said. The fact that you 'Conservatives' defend that meeting shows that you are no better than the people in Italy and Germany that empowered Mussolini and Hitler. In all of American History, there has never been an ass kissing session in a public cabinet meeting like that one. It is what one would expect in North Korea today.
first full Cabinet meeting i think . i saw some of it and liked it , looked like a bunch of Americans back in charge of USA Government too me .

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