Trump's cabinet meeting...WTF???

Dumb ass, nobody could ridicule that cabinet meeting as well as the people that attended it and spent their time praising the fat senile old orange clown as if he were a deity.
Haters like you gotta hate, I guess. Is it getting harder to come up with an outrage each day to masterbate over? You people are clowns.
Looks like the OP is right there with today's talking points.
No, the only talking points here are what the people in cabinet meeting said. The fact that you 'Conservatives' defend that meeting shows that you are no better than the people in Italy and Germany that empowered Mussolini and Hitler. In all of American History, there has never been an ass kissing session in a public cabinet meeting like that one. It is what one would expect in North Korea today.

Oh good god give me a break.
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"Tina Nguyen is a reporter for "The Hive"" How appropriate!

Trump Appointees Take Turns Praising Him in Bizarre Meeting
Okay, she opined in there, but the quotes from the cabinet members and the round table praise fest speaks for itself. Trump may say he hates the fake news media, but he put on this show specifically for them.

I agree this country could use some straight reporting on Washington and less opining on Trump's failings, but his way of getting out the "good news" backfired.
Dumb ass, nobody could ridicule that cabinet meeting as well as the people that attended it and spent their time praising the fat senile old orange clown as if he were a deity.
Haters like you gotta hate, I guess. Is it getting harder to come up with an outrage each day to masterbate over? You people are clowns.
It was the first full cabinet meeting of Trump's Cabinet after 6 months thanks to liberal democrats obstruction It's traditional to open the first cabinet meeting this way with speeches by the Secretaies to point out what their plans are. Obama had his, so has every other President. Usually they are ignored by the MSM, but they decided to use this opportunity to ridicule the President.
What plans ? I didn't hear plans....
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
So, you thought the Cabinet Meeting round table was special? I bet you get on your knees & thank Trump every day fore the blessings he bestows upon you.

Even a dumbass like you knows the meeting was an embarrassment but you can't ever say anything bad about the dumpster. Just like you like his rather ignorant & lying tweets.
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
So, you thought the Cabinet Meeting round table was special? I bet you get on your knees & thank Trump every day fore the blessings he bestows upon you.

Even a dumbass like you knows the meeting was an embarrassment but you can't ever say anything bad about the dumpster. Just like you like his rather ignorant & lying tweets.
I don't live in your hate bubble and don't see the worse case scenario at every opportunity. I do thank Trump almost daily, or when I think of it. He has single handedly reduced the left to helpless sniveling fools. It isn't something just anyone could have done. It's a gift.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

I know what he does, dipstick. I know the lies he tells. I know his history of lying & being a fraud & business cheat. I know his plans.

Why the fuck don't you?

And yes, he pisses me off because his plans mean a worse future for my children ^& grandchildren. Why don't you care about yours?
& lying tweets. don't live in your hate bubble and don't see the worse case scenario at every opportunity. I do thank Trump almost daily, or when I think of it. He has single handedly reduced the left to helpless sniveling fools. It isn't something just anyone could have done. It's a gift.
You would fit right in the Trump Cabinet...they need suck up talent
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
So, you thought the Cabinet Meeting round table was special? I bet you get on your knees & thank Trump every day fore the blessings he bestows upon you.

Even a dumbass like you knows the meeting was an embarrassment but you can't ever say anything bad about the dumpster. Just like you like his rather ignorant & lying tweets.
I don't live in your hate bubble and don't see the worse case scenario at every opportunity. I do thank Trump almost daily, or when I think of it. He has single handedly reduced the left to helpless sniveling fools. It isn't something just anyone could have done. It's a gift.
You live the orange bubble of lies, ignorance & stupidity.
Trump hasn't reduced the left, he has reduced the right to fools who are stuck supporting a man who they thought would actually drop the tweets & name calling & act like a frickin President instead of a giant orange clown. No matter what he does, you are stuck defending him like the fool he made you.

You can't even admit that opening to the cabinet meeting was weird.
It is funny how many people here live in a fantasy internet bubble. Do you folks touting this Trump cabinet meeting story realize that out in the real world, this isn't a small story, it is no story at all? Purely driven by the internet, including here, for people who need to stroke themselves with the Trump-bashing story of the day, meantime, the real story you've completely missed---- while you have been jacking off to this non-issue, while you weren't looking, you've been dealt a death blow. HaHaHaHaHa! Itinerant morons!
LOL Well now, this non-story is all over the news channels, with video showing each of the sycophants kissing the fat senile old clown's ass.

Maybe the fake news channels you bow down to kiss the feet of! I've watched several hours of news last night with real news about real stories and issues and there wasn't any mention of the cabinet meeting other than to say that Trump had his first one! Imagine that! His cabinet actually had good, positive things to say supportive of their efforts to move forward to the nation! Story at Five! Idiots! You missed the real story which spells doom to the democratic party!
Unbelievable that this is happening in the US. Have these people no shame?

Vanity Fair ?

Lmfao what's next old rocks you going to post a link from cosmopolitan?

My goodness, we are not discussing sources. We are discussing a cabinet meeting that competed with tin pot third world dictators meetings. That is what the fat senile old orange clown means by loyalty. Ever time he puts on this kind of display, Comey is vindicated for his stand.
You stupid ole fuck it took that long for Congress to approve them. Not Trumps fault.
That Republican Congress.
It is funny how many people here live in a fantasy internet bubble. Do you folks touting this Trump cabinet meeting story realize that out in the real world, this isn't a small story, it is no story at all? Purely driven by the internet, including here, for people who need to stroke themselves with the Trump-bashing story of the day, meantime, the real story you've completely missed---- while you have been jacking off to this non-issue, while you weren't looking, you've been dealt a death blow. HaHaHaHaHa! Itinerant morons!
LOL Well now, this non-story is all over the news channels, with video showing each of the sycophants kissing the fat senile old clown's ass.

Maybe the fake news channels you bow down to kiss the feet of! I've watched several hours of news last night with real news about real stories and issues and there wasn't any mention of the cabinet meeting other than to say that Trump had his first one! Imagine that! His cabinet actually had good, positive things to say supportive of their efforts to move forward to the nation! Story at Five! Idiots! You missed the real story which spells doom to the democratic party!
What news channels were those.

I need a good laugh.
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
You messed were supposed to say "Donald First!" Your trump sycophant card has been revoked!

Yeah, but my NRA membership is up to date.
You are blessed then.
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Don't worry, I will be just fine. Whatever this story is about, I know it is just another media-created spin that if it were Obama doing it, would be highly touted and revered. I don't pay attention to anything the internet tells me, I actually judge things for myself. The more people ridicule Trump for not being another cookie-cutter stuffed suit, the better I know he is doing his job.

You seem not understand, only Donald and Kim Jong-Um would do that! Think about that!

You seem not understand, yoo too stupid not speak even English to understand anything at all!

Ouch! You really told me and thing or two! :laugh:

I really tell you and thing or and too? Me not think and or speak english two well but and think I know and politics an make funny! HaHa.
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
So, you thought the Cabinet Meeting round table was special? I bet you get on your knees & thank Trump every day fore the blessings he bestows upon you.

Even a dumbass like you knows the meeting was an embarrassment but you can't ever say anything bad about the dumpster. Just like you like his rather ignorant & lying tweets.
I don't live in your hate bubble and don't see the worse case scenario at every opportunity. I do thank Trump almost daily, or when I think of it. He has single handedly reduced the left to helpless sniveling fools. It isn't something just anyone could have done. It's a gift.
You live the orange bubble of lies, ignorance & stupidity.
Trump hasn't reduced the left, he has reduced the right to fools who are stuck supporting a man who they thought would actually drop the tweets & name calling & act like a frickin President instead of a giant orange clown. No matter what he does, you are stuck defending him like the fool he made you.

You can't even admit that opening to the cabinet meeting was weird.
Anyone reading this forum knows better. Before the election you were all prancing around in smug victory. Now all you do is cry like newborns.
The last time I seen a fuck fast that fucked up, Trump was talking to Howard Stern about his daughter being a good lay....the man is creepy as hell.

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