Trump's cabinet meeting...WTF???

It was the first full cabinet meeting of Trump's Cabinet after 6 months thanks to liberal democrats obstruction It's traditional to open the first cabinet meeting this way with speeches by the Secretaies to point out what their plans are. Obama had his, so has every other President. Usually they are ignored by the MSM, but they decided to use this opportunity to ridicule the President.

The last member took office April 28th. It took the Dumpster 6 weeks to call a meeting?
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Lets face it, Donald Trump is not a well man...this guy is so stuck on creepy And his peeps, these motherfuckers have got to have micro chips in the brain...nobody can be that pathetic and be normal. I'm curious on how much of my tax dollars these robotic bitches are being paid to talk shit like that to man whore, its gotta be a lot?
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.
So, you thought the Cabinet Meeting round table was special? I bet you get on your knees & thank Trump every day fore the blessings he bestows upon you.

Even a dumbass like you knows the meeting was an embarrassment but you can't ever say anything bad about the dumpster. Just like you like his rather ignorant & lying tweets.
I don't live in your hate bubble and don't see the worse case scenario at every opportunity. I do thank Trump almost daily, or when I think of it. He has single handedly reduced the left to helpless sniveling fools. It isn't something just anyone could have done. It's a gift.
You live the orange bubble of lies, ignorance & stupidity.
Trump hasn't reduced the left, he has reduced the right to fools who are stuck supporting a man who they thought would actually drop the tweets & name calling & act like a frickin President instead of a giant orange clown. No matter what he does, you are stuck defending him like the fool he made you.

You can't even admit that opening to the cabinet meeting was weird.
Anyone reading this forum knows better. Before the election you were all prancing around in smug victory. Now all you do is cry like newborns.
Maybe if onion head would tweet the fuck up, the crying would stop!!

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

I know what he does, dipstick. I know the lies he tells. I know his history of lying & being a fraud & business cheat. I know his plans.

Why the fuck don't you?

And yes, he pisses me off because his plans mean a worse future for my children ^& grandchildren. Why don't you care about yours?

You think you know what he does from lapping up the fake stories you revel in.
You have to know the truth before you can know a lie.
All you know of his history is the fake stories you've been fed to make you a working useful idiot for The Cause of being another useless attack clown.
You are brainwashed you think you know the plans of someone thousands of miles away you've never even met.
You are pissed off because of a phony future you've made up in your own mind while all crashes and burns around you that you don't even see yet from your own making!
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

I know what he does, dipstick. I know the lies he tells. I know his history of lying & being a fraud & business cheat. I know his plans.

Why the fuck don't you?

And yes, he pisses me off because his plans mean a worse future for my children ^& grandchildren. Why don't you care about yours?

You think you know what he does from lapping up the fake stories you revel in.
You have to know the truth before you can know a lie.
All you know of his history is the fake stories you've been fed to make you a working useful idiot for The Cause of being another useless attack clown.
You are brainwashed you think you know the plans of someone thousands of miles away you've never even met.
You are pissed off because of a phony future you've made up in your own mind while all crashes and burns around you that you don't even see yet from your own making!

So, you claim he did not undo regulations that provided for cleaner air & water. You claim he did not abandon the Paris Accord? Really?
Unbelievable that this is happening in the US. Have these people no shame?

Vanity Fair ?

Lmfao what's next old rocks you going to post a link from cosmopolitan?

My goodness, we are not discussing sources. We are discussing a cabinet meeting that competed with tin pot third world dictators meetings. That is what the fat senile old orange clown means by loyalty. Ever time he puts on this kind of display, Comey is vindicated for his stand.
You stupid ole fuck it took that long for Congress to approve them. Not Trumps fault.
That Republican Congress.

The stupid ass speaks. He knows that half the Congress is still democrats who do nothing but tie things up and make noise, just like here. Lot of noise. Not much action.
Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Good! Good! Truly delusional as Rome burns all around your fat, tired, useless old party!

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

And now the final death blow comes from a fat, old, socialist that you also tried to screw!
Unbelievable that this is happening in the US. Have these people no shame?

Vanity Fair ?

Lmfao what's next old rocks you going to post a link from cosmopolitan?

My goodness, we are not discussing sources. We are discussing a cabinet meeting that competed with tin pot third world dictators meetings. That is what the fat senile old orange clown means by loyalty. Ever time he puts on this kind of display, Comey is vindicated for his stand.
You stupid ole fuck it took that long for Congress to approve them. Not Trumps fault.
That Republican Congress.

The stupid ass speaks. He knows that half the Congress is still democrats who do nothing but tie things up and make noise, just like here. Lot of noise. Not much action.
Tie things up? Like a supreme court nominee Garland? Do us all a favor, get off the computer and get some air, your brain stinks!!
The last member took office April 28th. It took the Dumpster 6 weeks to call a meeting?

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

I know what he does, dipstick. I know the lies he tells. I know his history of lying & being a fraud & business cheat. I know his plans.

Why the fuck don't you?

And yes, he pisses me off because his plans mean a worse future for my children ^& grandchildren. Why don't you care about yours?

You think you know what he does from lapping up the fake stories you revel in.
You have to know the truth before you can know a lie.
All you know of his history is the fake stories you've been fed to make you a working useful idiot for The Cause of being another useless attack clown.
You are brainwashed you think you know the plans of someone thousands of miles away you've never even met.
You are pissed off because of a phony future you've made up in your own mind while all crashes and burns around you that you don't even see yet from your own making!

So, you claim he did not undo regulations that provided for cleaner air & water. You claim he did not abandon the Paris Accord? Really?

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Name Cling? Do you even listen to what you cannot type? Another 6th grade educated liberal.
" I am so honored hat you picked me to be your VP. I bask in your light as I am truly blessed. We thank you for your leadership. Your wonderful guidance as you lead our country back to the glory days of Jim Crow & making bigotry to once again be the golden rule.
can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Name Cling? Do you even listen to what you cannot type? Another 6th grade educated liberal.

It's a typo. Deal with it.
can I get you a tissue "Jejune triggered souffle" you know going through life "sad weak bimbo and submissive to some Orange Freak" is undignified

Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.

Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Good! Good! Truly delusional as Rome burns all around your fat, tired, useless old party!

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

And now the final death blow comes from a fat, old, socialist that you also tried to screw!

Take Pennsylvania. Funny how the state is fairly evenly split between Republicans & Democrats yet there are twice as many Republican US Congressmen as Democrat. Ummmm I wonder why that is? The Republicans control the legislature & have for years. First they had two rounds of gerrymandering. Then they tried Photo Voter ID i.e. voter suppression. Its a riot listen to the Republicans blame our Democrat Governor for problems they could not solve with a Republican governor.

Why can't your party win elections based on the ability to govern & new ideas?
Unbelievable that this is happening in the US. Have these people no shame?

Vanity Fair ?

Lmfao what's next old rocks you going to post a link from cosmopolitan?

My goodness, we are not discussing sources. We are discussing a cabinet meeting that competed with tin pot third world dictators meetings. That is what the fat senile old orange clown means by loyalty. Ever time he puts on this kind of display, Comey is vindicated for his stand.
You stupid ole fuck it took that long for Congress to approve them. Not Trumps fault.
That Republican Congress.

The stupid ass speaks. He knows that half the Congress is still democrats who do nothing but tie things up and make noise, just like here. Lot of noise. Not much action.

As you cry & whine & blame Democrats for your orange hero cabinet you are too fucking stupid to know it took Obama just as long to get his complete cabinet.
" I am so honored hat you picked me to be your VP. I bask in your light as I am truly blessed. We thank you for your leadership. Your wonderful guidance as you lead our country back to the glory days of Jim Crow & making bigotry to once again be the golden rule.
Poor Chucky.....down to doing his own SNL skits....only even lamer than SNL.
Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Name Cling? Do you even listen to what you cannot type? Another 6th grade educated liberal.
It's a typo. Deal with it.

I'm sorry. I'm still waiting for you to answer my questions about the Sun several threads back after you proclaimed to know its minor role in climate!
One reporter called it “the most exquisitely awkward public event I’ve ever seen.”

Trump Appointees Take Turns Praising Him in Bizarre Meeting

On reading the comments during the Cabinet meeting, one could easily see this as a cabinet meeting in North Korea.

Circle Jerk

The way to get ahead in a Trump presidency. Other countries are picking up on the tactic. Praise him to the hilt, give him awards and accolades then ask him for his support
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.

No one expected the cabinet to abandon Trump. They're all their to help themselves from the public trough. When Betsy De Vos gets done with the education system, there will be a lot more children attending the charter schools her family's business provides resources for. That's why they paid $1 million to Republican Senators to get her appointed.

Rex Tillerson was supposed to get that oil deal with Putin back on track. That may be more difficult now that Congress has passed a law saying Donnie can't lift sanctions without their consent.

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