Trump's cabinet meeting...WTF???


A bare-knuckled, Texas Death Cage match to see which Cabinet member has the most love for Trump

Oh, what a dark, empty, shallow, useless life you must lead. You live to hate a guy you've never met, don't even know, who has barely begun to do his job, and are so brainwashed you already think you know him and everything he will do and how he will do it in the future.

You shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It all over the internet and the world is laughing at your hero!
Man, am I happy I'm not you!

Screw the world. America first!
Honest to God. Another ass kisser that despises America. America First is the old cry of the Nazi Bund. Now, after that Cabinet meeting, we truly understand why the fat senile old orange clown chose that for his theme.
Never saw the cabinet meeting. Don't know what went on during the cabinet meeting. Don't give a fat fuck about an insignificant cabinet meeting. But if it pisses off liberal progressive pukes it must have been a doozy.

Another example to mock Trump "Making America Great Again"
" I am so honored hat you picked me to be your VP. I bask in your light as I am truly blessed. We thank you for your leadership. Your wonderful guidance as you lead our country back to the glory days of Jim Crow & making bigotry to once again be the golden rule.
Poor fat senile old orange clown demonstrating what sad lying ass kissers you and those in his cabinet are.

Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Name Cling? Do you even listen to what you cannot type? Another 6th grade educated liberal.
It's a typo. Deal with it.

I'm sorry. I'm still waiting for you to answer my questions about the Sun several threads back after you proclaimed to know its minor role in climate!
Was that when you claimed that since solar cycles affect our climate that nothing else could possible affect the climate? That dumber than shit post you made?

I answered it.
Why can't your party win elections based on the ability to govern & new ideas?

Can't win elections? Since 2008's election of Baraff Oblama, the GOP has won:
10 State Governorships,
13 Senate Seats,
69 House Seats,
910 State Legislators,
and 1 Presidency.

Gerrymandering & voter suppression can be effective,

How many seats lost in the House & Senate in the 2016 election?

When was the last time Republicans successfully ran the country? 1992?
What a tempest in a teapot.
I love t how you Trtumpettes pretend this is normal to have a cabinet meeting & want all those attending to give you praise & homage.

I remember when Obama had just become President and Conservatives were outraged that a kindergarten class sang a song praising him

Meanwhile, Trump requires grown men to grovel and praise him at every opportunity
" I am so honored hat you picked me to be your VP. I bask in your light as I am truly blessed. We thank you for your leadership. Your wonderful guidance as you lead our country back to the glory days of Jim Crow & making bigotry to once again be the golden rule.
Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.

Really. A trump supporter bitching about name cling? Really. DO you even listen to what your orange buddy says?

Democrats gained seats in 2016.

Name Cling? Do you even listen to what you cannot type? Another 6th grade educated liberal.
It's a typo. Deal with it.

I'm sorry. I'm still waiting for you to answer my questions about the Sun several threads back after you proclaimed to know its minor role in climate!
Was that when you claimed that since solar cycles affect our climate that nothing else could possible affect the climate? That dumber than shit post you made?

I answered it.

HaHa. You don't play dumb very well. Or is your memory as faulty as your facts? Several threads ago you were the solar expert claiming that man affected the climate more than the Sun ever could. Not only is that a preposterously ignorant claim, I asked you two questions about the Sun to see if you really knew anything about the Sun at all in the first place, one very general and easy and the other one very specific, and you disappeared. If you try to look these questions up on the web and copy the answers, I will know. So here goes, I will try again one more time in front of all these people watching now to see if you really know what you claim to know or are just another armchair hack spewing out crap and half-truths about every topic:

1). What kind of star is Sol by H-R type?

2). What is the other stable isotope to protium and how does it involve the p-p chain?

You can't bluff me on this stuff because I used to teach it. If you really know anything about solar science, you can rattle off answers to these questions easily without even blinking. I will await your answers again.
Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.
They've got their sights on a full, vigorous impeachment. They are counting on it. They. Are planning on it. They know that Trump stepped into it for sure this time. It's a done deal. I'm letting all the BLM folks in on the news. The democrats are guaranteeing it.
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It was the first full cabinet meeting of Trump's Cabinet after 6 months thanks to liberal democrats obstruction It's traditional to open the first cabinet meeting this way with speeches by the Secretaies to point out what their plans are. Obama had his, so has every other President. Usually they are ignored by the MSM, but they decided to use this opportunity to ridicule the President.

The last member took office April 28th. It took the Dumpster 6 weeks to call a meeting?
The Trump Cabinet works and have to clear schedules. Obama had like what, two meetings?
Meantime, that "fat old clown" runs the country, calls all the shots and the democrats run nothing, have lost a thousand seats in the legislature, and now they are losing their own party! Donald Trump is everything and the democrats are nothing! You've got nothing left but bitter name calling like little children.
They've got their sights on a full, vigorous impeachment. They are counting on it. They. Are planning on it. They know that Trump stepped into it for sure this time. It's a done deal. I'm letting all the BLM folks in on the news. The democrats are guaranteeing it.

The democrats guaranteed a White House win too. They are getting real good on falling short of delivering.
Another example to mock Trump "Making America Great Again
It's very telling that liberals like you hate our wonderful's new slogan.

Yes, who would have ever thought that Americans would actually ridicule making their own country great again. Maybe they are Americans in name only. Or maybe they are just so fucked in the head they actually thought the past 8 or 16 years have been great?
Trump Cabinet meeting

OK everyone.....Whoever says the nicest things about me gets a cookie
Everything not leftist is bizarre to leftists, what's new? The libs were so hoping the cabinet would abandon Trump so sniveling is all they can do. Poor little snowflakes.

No one expected the cabinet to abandon Trump. They're all their to help themselves from the public trough. When Betsy De Vos gets done with the education system, there will be a lot more children attending the charter schools her family's business provides resources for. That's why they paid $1 million to Republican Senators to get her appointed.

Rex Tillerson was supposed to get that oil deal with Putin back on track. That may be more difficult now that Congress has passed a law saying Donnie can't lift sanctions without their consent.
When did Trump say he was lifting sanctions? I heard him say the opposite. Hate and propaganda is all you do. Literally 100% of the time.

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