trump's call to Ukraine was "crazy and frightening"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower

He got away with seeking aid from a foreign country before. Now....he is an old hand at it.

Think about it.....This country has NEVER had a presidential candidate who is depending on the aid of a foreign country to be re-eleced.....Not even Tricky Dick stooped this low.....

trump is despicable and a moral wasteland....
Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower

He got away with seeking aid from a foreign country before. Now....he is an old hand at it.

Think about it.....This country has NEVER had a presidential candidate who is depending on the aid of a foreign country to be re-eleced.....Not even Tricky Dick stooped this low.....

trump is despicable and a moral wasteland....
Donald is a mentally ill wanna be dictator and oligarch
Trump was downright stupid in the way he phrased his request for a favor

We need a favor “though”
Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower

He got away with seeking aid from a foreign country before. Now....he is an old hand at it.

Think about it.....This country has NEVER had a presidential candidate who is depending on the aid of a foreign country to be re-eleced.....Not even Tricky Dick stooped this low.....

trump is despicable and a moral wasteland....
Poor snowflake...does he need a safe space?
Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower Trump’s Ukraine Call Was ‘Crazy’ and ‘Frightening,’ Official Told Whistle-Blower

He got away with seeking aid from a foreign country before. Now....he is an old hand at it.

Think about it.....This country has NEVER had a presidential candidate who is depending on the aid of a foreign country to be re-eleced.....Not even Tricky Dick stooped this low.....

trump is despicable and a moral wasteland....
Donald is a mentally ill wanna be dictator and oligarch[tofunnUOTE]

I am hoping the impeachment inquiry pushes him over the edge and shows the world he is mentally ill. I expect staff to find him playing in the WH fountain any day.....
trump is despicable and a moral wasteland....

You may be right. I'm not sure.

But.....if Trump is "despicable and a moral wasteland", then by your own standards, that would make Obama an abomination and soul less morally bankrupt, enemy of America sow's rectum.....I guess that's what you're saying. :dunno:

I personally think you're being a bit hard on the brother....but oh well.
A 1999 treaty with Ukraine, signed by Bill Clinton, provides a rock-solid basis for President Trump’s request for Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden for alleged corruption.

The Bidens are in up to their armpits with regard to a potential renewed Burisma Holdings natural gas probe … an overdue investigation that was in fact initially stopped by VP Biden while he was in office … a fact that he subsequently bragged about.

On Thursday, Jesse Watters revealed on “The Five” that he found the treaty that provides solid legal ground for President Trump’s appeal for investigative assistance from Ukraine.

“I have found from 1999-2000 a treaty with Ukraine signed by Bill Clinton,” said Watters. “And the treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, which basically establishes a range of cooperation between the two governments of Ukraine and the United States about making testimony available, making people available, making documents and records available and assisting in the cooperation of mutual criminal matters. And they don’t even have to be criminal. They can just be allegations.
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.

Obama caught on a hot mic asking the president of Russia for help, letting them know he will have more leeway after his election...OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.

Obama caught on a hot mic asking the president of Russia for help, letting them know he will have more leeway after his election...OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Was Obama seeking political dirt on an opponent? He was negotiating in America's interests, not his own.

And I asked for no 'whataboutisms'. Oh. Snap.
Obama caught on a hot mic asking the president of Russia for help, letting them know he will have more leeway after his election...OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:

The hypocrisy is so far off the charts only mental derangement can explain the Left at this point.
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.

Obama caught on a hot mic asking the president of Russia for help, letting them know he will have more leeway after his election...OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:

Obama was still re-elected. He NEVER asked a foreign government to provide dirt on an opponent....NEVER!

No president has been so corrupt to seek foreign help to be elected....until now.

trump feels like he can break any law and Stooge Barr will look the other way.
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.

Obama caught on a hot mic asking the president of Russia for help, letting them know he will have more leeway after his election...OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:
Was Obama seeking political dirt on an opponent? He was negotiating in America's interests, not his own.

And I asked for no 'whataboutisms'. Oh. Snap.

Obama was asking for favors just like Bill Clinton did of Tony Blaire. You two faced hypocrites are laughable.
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.

Obama caught on a hot mic asking the president of Russia for help, letting them know he will have more leeway after his election...OH SNAP :auiqs.jpg:

Obama was still re-elected. He NEVER asked a foreign government to provide dirt on an opponent....NEVER!

No president has been so corrupt to seek foreign help to be elected....until now.

trump feels like he can break any law and Stooge Barr will look the other way.

We get it, when multiple Dem presidents seek assistance from foreign leaders during their elections its okay. Its only wrong if a Rep does it. :icon_rolleyes:
TDS thread of the day here it comes. :auiqs.jpg:
Please provide a full-throated defense for this phone call. If Trump is rooting out corruption, why does he want Biden and Biden alone investigated? Or is Biden the only corruption in all of Ukraine?

Please tell us why it is fitting and proper for a president to single out his political opponent? Tell us how soliciting foreign aid in a political campaign is not against the law? Tell us how, given Teump's track record on corruption is not hypocritical at best, criminal at worst.

I, for one, am eager to hear a defense that isn't 'I'm rubber and you're glue', or a form of 'whataboutism'.
its his job,,,maybe biden shouldnt have ran for office and think it would protect him,,,
and biden isnt the only one being investigated,,the DNC is neck deep in collusion with the ukraine to effect the 2016 election
Was Obama seeking political dirt on an opponent? He was negotiating in America's interests, not his own..

Yep. And Obama even weaponized the IRS domestically to gather dirt and harm his opponents....and the Intelligence community both domestically and ALL globalists do. (real upstanding guy.....not)

You're such a partisn hack.

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