Trump’s Campaign running out of cash.

Fingers Joe babbling his way through the debates is all Trump needs. I'm not sure what I'll enoy more, Fingers losing his train of thought a 100 times or the leftists pretending it never happened.
I am STUNNED at the cluelessness of TRUMP's detractors!!

He is fighting the FASCIST Power Structure which is composed of MANY BILLIONAIRES, whom he knew he would enrage if he threatened their domination over the American people In addition, the SUPER WEALTHY control the media, covering up the past of Biden, so Biden gets untold extra support there.

"Altogether, 94 billionaires and their spouses have now donated to Biden’s presidential campaign. Twelve percent of America’s billionaires, who together are worth a combined $380 billion, have pitched in to support Biden’s campaign, either directly or through their spouse. "
This is in March, so the list is likely bigger now! YES, Big Money wants a corrupt, empty suit in the White House for obvious reasons.

Even the Billionaires realize Trump is a disaster... The Billionaires have done well under Trump, but they know how much damage he has done.

How funny can you be! Slowjoeb fighting for the billionaire elite who have been screwing him over since was born.

What a maroon!
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign funds for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
So what.
Turning on the news and seeing riots and BLM harassing paying customers is free advertisement for Trump.
And the sheep cheer.

If you are voting for Biden, you have absolutely ZERO right to call any Trump supporter a sheep. The left is full of the very definition of sheep being led around by their noses by the educational system and the media.
Well, of course you're sheep. You guys don't have the balls to admit what Trump is.

I've said many times that Biden is a horrible candidate and that the Democratic Party is a flaming shit show.

Meanwhile, you sheep swallow everything he and talk radio say whole. You adore this buffoon.

Your projection doesn't work on me.
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud.

This seems consistent with the way he runs his businesses and enterprises..

His campaign has already gone dark in Michigan and Arizona. My guess is that it only gets worse from here.
for you - yes cause you'll get 4 more years of him you can keep making up shit about.
Sure he will. He's a billionaire. You sure are on dumb fuck.

Trump became a Billionaire with other people's money... Now, if he has to start tapping into his personal money to prop up his campaign, that would be blood in the water.
yet the democrats always want to tax the shit out of other peoples money, don't they? they can spend it better than i can kinda shit?

keep flip floppin, bitch.
Sure he will. He's a billionaire. You sure are on dumb fuck.

Trump became a Billionaire with other people's money... Now, if he has to start tapping into his personal money to prop up his campaign, that would be blood in the water.
yet the democrats always want to tax the shit out of other peoples money, don't they? they can spend it better than i can kinda shit?

keep flip floppin, bitch.

Well, taxes is how we pay for the government spending. What would you prefer we do? Spend money and not have taxes pay for it?
And the sheep cheer.

If you are voting for Biden, you have absolutely ZERO right to call any Trump supporter a sheep. The left is full of the very definition of sheep being led around by their noses by the educational system and the media.
Well, of course you're sheep. You guys don't have the balls to admit what Trump is.

I've said many times that Biden is a horrible candidate and that the Democratic Party is a flaming shit show.

Meanwhile, you sheep swallow everything he and talk radio say whole. You adore this buffoon.

Your projection doesn't work on me.

Tell me what policies Trump has implemented with which you disagree? I know what he is done and I agree with them and can back up and tell you why...pragmatically speaking. I don't fall for the ridiculous "he is a racist" nonsense and the spin from the media. That is far from being a sheep.
And the sheep cheer.

If you are voting for Biden, you have absolutely ZERO right to call any Trump supporter a sheep. The left is full of the very definition of sheep being led around by their noses by the educational system and the media.
Well, of course you're sheep. You guys don't have the balls to admit what Trump is.

I've said many times that Biden is a horrible candidate and that the Democratic Party is a flaming shit show.

Meanwhile, you sheep swallow everything he and talk radio say whole. You adore this buffoon.

Your projection doesn't work on me.

Tell me what policies Trump has implemented with which you disagree? I know what he is done and I agree with them and can back up and tell you why...pragmatically speaking. I don't fall for the ridiculous "he is a racist" nonsense and the spin from the media. That is far from being a sheep.
My positions on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Several of them are in direct disagreement with Trump. Some are not. I would also add my disagreement with the way he has abdicated our position as Leader of the Free World by withdrawing and isolating us from the rest of the planet.

But you'll do nothing but defend him, because you're a sheep.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.

You're "sure" he has enough money. On what basis? Do you have any real sources for that or did you just pull it out of your ass, as usual?

There is no evidence that Trump is a billionaire, and much that all he has is the money Daddy left him, and he'll blow through that as soon as the family trust is dissolved.
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign funds for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.

The Democrats are the party of the Wealthy - they have backing from hoards of Billionaires unlike the Republicans which is the party of the people . Some lefties like to point to the Koch Brothers - who are not really Republicans but Libertarians, and fund Democrats as well

Democrats are bolstered by Billionaires while Republicans rely largely on "grass-roots" contributions which is not meeting their needs..

... the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee combined took two years, 2017 and 2018, to raise $502 million. Or compare Soros’s $708 million to the giving done in 2018 by libertarian billionaire Charles Koch’s namesake foundation: $128 million. - George Soros: A Lifetime Fortune Spent on Liberal Influence

And the sheep cheer.

If you are voting for Biden, you have absolutely ZERO right to call any Trump supporter a sheep. The left is full of the very definition of sheep being led around by their noses by the educational system and the media.
Well, of course you're sheep. You guys don't have the balls to admit what Trump is.

I've said many times that Biden is a horrible candidate and that the Democratic Party is a flaming shit show.

Meanwhile, you sheep swallow everything he and talk radio say whole. You adore this buffoon.

Your projection doesn't work on me.

Tell me what policies Trump has implemented with which you disagree? I know what he is done and I agree with them and can back up and tell you why...pragmatically speaking. I don't fall for the ridiculous "he is a racist" nonsense and the spin from the media. That is far from being a sheep.
My positions on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Several of them are in direct disagreement with Trump. Some are not. I would also add my disagreement with the way he has abdicated our position as Leader of the Free World by withdrawing and isolating us from the rest of the planet.

But you'll do nothing but defend him, because you're a sheep.

I read a couple of your links below. I started with Bandaids, borders, burritos and Beijing. You seemed to have bought into the idea that we can fix other countries problems so they won't come here. That won't ever happen. We can't control corruption in other countries nor can we control their policies. It is a waste of time and effort. It is a pollyanna approach, the opposite of being a pragmatist.

I also read your views on race thread. You are a typical social liberal. You actually buy into the systematic racism nonsense and believe racism is predominate in this country. It isn't and for what there is of racism in this country, the way to move on is to stop the division. Stop race based programs. As long as the government continues to have hand-ups based solely on race, there will be division because, believe it or not, there are poor white people who are in no better position to succeed than poor black people. It starts at the top. Everyone should be created equal and we go from there. Much like economic growth should be organic, so should social growth/change. Government is not the answer.
And the sheep cheer.

If you are voting for Biden, you have absolutely ZERO right to call any Trump supporter a sheep. The left is full of the very definition of sheep being led around by their noses by the educational system and the media.
Well, of course you're sheep. You guys don't have the balls to admit what Trump is.

I've said many times that Biden is a horrible candidate and that the Democratic Party is a flaming shit show.

Meanwhile, you sheep swallow everything he and talk radio say whole. You adore this buffoon.

Your projection doesn't work on me.
We are voting for legislation.
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

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