Trump’s Campaign running out of cash.

Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Yes, when I say several times that Biden is a terrible candidate and that the Democratic party is a flaming shit show, your mind perceives that as saying that Biden "rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, and is my messiah", because that's how profoundly your ideology has distorted your basic thought processes.

You're a sheep. Not my problem.
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Yes, when I say several times that Biden is a terrible candidate and that the Democratic party is a flaming shit show, your mind perceives that as saying that Biden "rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, and is my messiah", because that's how profoundly your ideology has distorted your basic thought processes.

You're a sheep. Not my problem.

So you do get it. Exactly what you do when so many people tell you that Trump is just better than Biden and you go all off on Trumpsters and how that means we agree with him on every issue.

So maybe stop being a dick then if you do get it
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Yes, when I say several times that Biden is a terrible candidate and that the Democratic party is a flaming shit show, your mind perceives that as saying that Biden "rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, and is my messiah", because that's how profoundly your ideology has distorted your basic thought processes.

You're a sheep. Not my problem.

So you do get it. Exactly what you do when so many people tell you that Trump is just better than Biden and you go all off on Trumpsters and how that means we agree with him on every issue.

So maybe stop being a dick then if you do get it
Trump is a buffoon, Trumpism is dangerous and ugly, and Trumpsters are blind sheep.

So, even worse than Biden.

That's as simple as I can make it for you.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
All his hillbilly supporters will have to sell an extra pig to get Trump's fat ass off the ground.

Nope. If needed Trump will spend his money dumbass. Oh and there is nothing wrong with hillbillies. They know who to vote for and it sure as hell ain't Biden.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid. The man's a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.
It would kill Trump to have use his own money. He only believes in using other people's money. That way he can come out of a bankruptcy smelling like a rose and now you want to give this conman another four years?!?!

Um, probably not a good idea to go after TRUMP on spending other peoples money when Pelosi is wanting billions to bail out democrat run cities and states...the US government is run with other peoples money as are organizations like the WHO, UN, and NATO, and the last I checked TRUMP is the one going after countries not paying "their fair share"...
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Yes, when I say several times that Biden is a terrible candidate and that the Democratic party is a flaming shit show, your mind perceives that as saying that Biden "rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, and is my messiah", because that's how profoundly your ideology has distorted your basic thought processes.

You're a sheep. Not my problem.

So you do get it. Exactly what you do when so many people tell you that Trump is just better than Biden and you go all off on Trumpsters and how that means we agree with him on every issue.

So maybe stop being a dick then if you do get it
Trump is a buffoon, Trumpism is dangerous and ugly, and Trumpsters are blind sheep.

So, even worse than Biden.

That's as simple as I can make it for you.

Yes, you love and trust government, so of course you love Biden. There is no way anyone who cares at all about freedom would trust Biden more
I am STUNNED at the cluelessness of TRUMP's detractors!!

He is fighting the FASCIST Power Structure which is composed of MANY BILLIONAIRES, whom he knew he would enrage if he threatened their domination over the American people In addition, the SUPER WEALTHY control the media, covering up the past of Biden, so Biden gets untold extra support there.

"Altogether, 94 billionaires and their spouses have now donated to Biden’s presidential campaign. Twelve percent of America’s billionaires, who together are worth a combined $380 billion, have pitched in to support Biden’s campaign, either directly or through their spouse. "
This is in March, so the list is likely bigger now! YES, Big Money wants a corrupt, empty suit in the White House for obvious reasons.

Yup, and they got exactly that in tRump!!!!

Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud.

This seems consistent with the way he runs his businesses and enterprises..

His campaign has already gone dark in Michigan and Arizona. My guess is that it only gets worse from here.

WTF Bluzman? Don't have anything to refute what they said, just a whole bunch of keyboard burps? I thought you were better than that.
No, that's pretty much his standard MO.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
All his hillbilly supporters will have to sell an extra pig to get Trump's fat ass off the ground.

Nope. If needed Trump will spend his money dumbass. Oh and there is nothing wrong with hillbillies. They know who to vote for and it sure as hell ain't Biden.
Trump can't spend pretend money he doesn't actually have.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
All his hillbilly supporters will have to sell an extra pig to get Trump's fat ass off the ground.

Nope. If needed Trump will spend his money dumbass. Oh and there is nothing wrong with hillbillies. They know who to vote for and it sure as hell ain't Biden.
Trump can't spend pretend money he doesn't actually have.

Oh and you don't think he has money?? I wish I had the money you think he doesn't have.
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Yes, when I say several times that Biden is a terrible candidate and that the Democratic party is a flaming shit show, your mind perceives that as saying that Biden "rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, and is my messiah", because that's how profoundly your ideology has distorted your basic thought processes.

You're a sheep. Not my problem.

So you do get it. Exactly what you do when so many people tell you that Trump is just better than Biden and you go all off on Trumpsters and how that means we agree with him on every issue.

So maybe stop being a dick then if you do get it
Trump is a buffoon, Trumpism is dangerous and ugly, and Trumpsters are blind sheep.

So, even worse than Biden.

That's as simple as I can make it for you.

Yes, you love and trust government, so of course you love Biden. There is no way anyone who cares at all about freedom would trust Biden more
There you go again.

You're a good Trumpster. You constantly lie, even when it's pointed out.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
All his hillbilly supporters will have to sell an extra pig to get Trump's fat ass off the ground.

Nope. If needed Trump will spend his money dumbass. Oh and there is nothing wrong with hillbillies. They know who to vote for and it sure as hell ain't Biden.
Trump can't spend pretend money he doesn't actually have.

Oh and you don't think he has money?? I wish I had the money you think he doesn't have.
Not money that he'll be willing to spend on his own campaign, that's fo' shizzle!
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
All his hillbilly supporters will have to sell an extra pig to get Trump's fat ass off the ground.

Nope. If needed Trump will spend his money dumbass. Oh and there is nothing wrong with hillbillies. They know who to vote for and it sure as hell ain't Biden.
Trump can't spend pretend money he doesn't actually have.

Oh and you don't think he has money?? I wish I had the money you think he doesn't have.
Not money that he'll be willing to spend on his own campaign, that's fo' shizzle!

LOL Oh if he needs to spend it, which I don't think he will, he would. That's for sure.
Jesus Christ are you lefty loon stupid.

The mans a billionaire and I'm sure he has more than enough money for his campaign.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
All his hillbilly supporters will have to sell an extra pig to get Trump's fat ass off the ground.

Nope. If needed Trump will spend his money dumbass. Oh and there is nothing wrong with hillbillies. They know who to vote for and it sure as hell ain't Biden.
Trump can't spend pretend money he doesn't actually have.

Oh and you don't think he has money?? I wish I had the money you think he doesn't have.
Not money that he'll be willing to spend on his own campaign, that's fo' shizzle!

LOL Oh if he needs to spend it, which I don't think he will, he would. That's for sure.
I guess we'll soon see, reports have the GOP running out of cash for the election. :popcorn:
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign fund for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
Well, he started off with daddy's Gold Card, he burned through other people's money as a "businessman", and now he has the Fed.

Quite a life. Have other people's money handed to you, then piss it away. And the sheep cheer.

Wow, that's a lot of butt hurt to have to start the week with. You'd better get some ointment on that
Just pointing out the obvious.

You guys aren't told about that in your sub-universe.

Yes, you're letting us know about Biden rising from the grave and ascending into heaven, he is your messiah
Yes, when I say several times that Biden is a terrible candidate and that the Democratic party is a flaming shit show, your mind perceives that as saying that Biden "rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, and is my messiah", because that's how profoundly your ideology has distorted your basic thought processes.

You're a sheep. Not my problem.

So you do get it. Exactly what you do when so many people tell you that Trump is just better than Biden and you go all off on Trumpsters and how that means we agree with him on every issue.

So maybe stop being a dick then if you do get it
Trump is a buffoon, Trumpism is dangerous and ugly, and Trumpsters are blind sheep.

So, even worse than Biden.

That's as simple as I can make it for you.

Yes, you love and trust government, so of course you love Biden. There is no way anyone who cares at all about freedom would trust Biden more
There you go again.

You're a good Trumpster. You constantly lie, even when it's pointed out.

Ding, ding, ding! Exactly as I said.

Mac: Why do you say I'm a Biden worshipper. I'm just looking at two mediocre guys and deciding that the Marxist is less bad. I don't like him. I don't worship him and I don't think he's my messiah as anyone would have to do to vote for Trump ...

That's why I just mock you now. You can't even see it, can you?
Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign funds for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.
More anonymous sources .....

LMAO @ just how Gullible Leftist are for the Fake News.

There is a reason you people do not live on Reality.
  • Thanks
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Money was supposed to have been one of the great advantages of incumbency for President Trump, much as it was for President Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004. After getting outspent in 2016, Mr. Trump filed for re-election on the day of his inauguration — earlier than any other modern president — betting that the head start would deliver him a decisive financial advantage this year......

....Brad Parscale, the former campaign manager, liked to call Mr. Trump’s re-election war machine an “unstoppable juggernaut.” But interviews with more than a dozen current and former campaign aides and Trump allies, and a review of thousands of items in federal campaign filings, show that the president’s campaign and the R.N.C. developed some profligate habits as they burned through hundreds of millions of dollars....


So the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance can’t even control his own campaign spending. What a surprise. It explains why Trump has had so many bankruptcies and why he is spending this nation into insolvency. Trump can’t handle money.

What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign. As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign funds for personal uses.

Those actions don’t sound like someone worth 10 billion dollars.

The presidency has been profitable for Trump. While his businesses are failing, Trump’s donors and the U.S. taxpayers are keeping his businesses afloat.

Trump is the very definition of a fraud. The Trump brand is now synonymous with corruption and incompetence.

When you say things like, "the guy who blew through 400 million dollars of his father’s inheritance," you prove that you have no credibility. The amount Trump got is not known. But you state a figure you got from The Onion or CNN as fact
What ever happened to Trump’s self-funding his campaigns? What happened to Trump being worth 10 billion dollars? Trump has apparently not spent one dime of his own money on his reelection campaign.

Why would he spend his own money before he ran out of donations? Again, your argument is butt stupid.

As a matter of fact Trump uses campaign funds for personal uses.

Yawn, yeah, there are no campaign finance laws.

You're just butt hurt because orange man bad. Try the ointment form of TDS relief, it gives you relief faster

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