Trump's catastrophe both with Corona virus and running the country like a lawless dictator with his complicit followers has an expiration date

It isn't on video. You hate so much that you're making claims that you cannot support with facts.
You must be blind. I posted the video. It isn't hate. It's just good old facts and the truth. Something you aren't familiar with.
Whoa! We're still on the hoax B.S. and you're changing the subject. In your video he said basically..........."the Democrats are trying to politicize the virus.......this is their 'new hoax'......

I listened to that speech when he made it and I nor anyone else who heard it understood Trump to call it a hoax. It's the prime example of the fake news leaving out a sentence here and a phrase there and when their sheep hear the broadcast, they smell blod and run with it. "He called it a hoax, he's a traitor, he's murdering kids and babies, he needs to be impeached"....... blah, blah and blah.
Yep, and he compared the Coronavirus hoax to the Russia hoax. Both have been proven not to be hoax's. You are the one left with the bs.
So he's allowed to spew this hate with out fear of repercussions. Ya really sounds dictatorial.
Not that you could ever counter the OP with an intelligent rebuttal, you really said absolutely nothing. The Right is so good about that.
Ah, so no, then? No actual argument outside of massively hyperbolic accusations? Noted.
All have been proven. Are you able to counter my facts with yours? No! So get lost. Your gun has no bullets.
Yea, it’s called get off welfare, get a job, pay taxes, and don’t infringe on other people’s rights. Can you manage that?
In other words, you have no argument. Naturally! You never do.
Yep, and he compared the Coronavirus hoax to the Russia hoax. Both have been proven not to be hoax's. You are the one left with the bs.

It's a pity that you have wasted your whole life following a Pied Piper on a blind path. Only hearing and seeing parts of what was said and assembling the parts to concoct a different story.
All have been proven. Are you able to counter my facts with yours? No! So get lost. Your gun has no bullets.
It's factual that the republicans have been actively pushing for murder and child abduction? LMFAO. When you turn it into a hyperbolic "analysis" of their "true motives", the only way for me to accept that as factual is to accept that you're a psychic. Is this your claim?

Seriously, if what you're saying is proven, then present the proof to back even ONE of those claims. Until then, this isn't even a discussion, just me laughing at your paranoid ravings.
Steve Schmidt on Republicans’ silence: ‘It is a tragic hour’ There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the horrific events of this lawless administration from the last four years. And what has been the most tragic so far, besides the deaths that are on Trumps hands with this virus, is the support from his cowardly, complicit base, who have sacrificed their own selves for Donald Trump. This country fought and died to preserve our sacred Constitution, and his base flushed it down the toilet for a murdering thief. God help us.

Because there is nothing to describe.

Why can't you fuckers just give your butthurt mindless persona's a rest from all the bullshit you spout.

Expiration date: Jan 2025

Fuck off.
They can't push Schmidt's message, because the Right never had a message. All they have are lies, failures, and corruption.

Like you've proven any.

With Adam Schitt's shitshamshow ?

Don't make me laugh.

Quit fucking John Bolton in the ass and get a life.
Trump called Corona a hoax. I know of no governors or mayors who said that. It's Trumps baby. He gets all the blame for his failures, lies, murdering, and stealing.

Only from you.

The Cuomovirus really fucked over New York (check your numbers dipshit....some poster said New York was doing great....they are still in the top 15 states for cases and deaths so no...they are not.

They are by far and away the worst state in all categories and the other N.E. states are right under them, although CA can't seem to stand not being in first place and is really working at it.

The rest of the country did fine.

So how does that fit into your bullshit narrative.

What murderings ? It was Cuomo who condemned about 5,000 seniors to death with his E.O.
Not that you could ever counter the OP with an intelligent rebuttal, you really said absolutely nothing. The Right is so good about that.

There is nothing to rebutt.

It's bunch of unfounded accusations (which your posts tend to be).

You seem to have this obsession with the facts you always fail to deliver and then say "Na na na can't refute me". And you are right. It's like to trying to refute drool.
Trump called Corona a hoax. I know of no governors or mayors who said that. It's Trumps baby. He gets all the blame for his failures, lies, murdering, and stealing.

As usual leftists like YOU fell for that lie, even Snopes called that a lie.

I have grown tired of having to correct people like you who never realize you were snookered by the media based lie.
Voter suppression through purges and massive poll closings to minorities. It's called cheating, not winning. Republicans wouldn't have it any other way.

You are lying continuously now, why do you think that would work here?
The right never had a message? Lol, so you're one of these, "my political wing good, other political wing evil" simpletons? Nice.

Out of curiosity, do you ever venture into making actual arguments? Or are you pretty much limited to this sort of hyperbolic accusation game, where it's less about making a point and more about declaring your tribe to be superior?

He is a partisan jackass that is why he does it.
You are lying continuously now, why do you think that would work here?

If there was something illegal, it would be prosecuted.

Do you have that to provide us to prove your point.

Or are your talking points up your ass (where your head resides) ?

He can’t be honest, otherwise his whole argument falls apart. I don’t understand the blatant dishonesty.
Steve Schmidt on Republicans’ silence: ‘It is a tragic hour’ There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the horrific events of this lawless administration from the last four years. And what has been the most tragic so far, besides the deaths that are on Trumps hands with this virus, is the support from his cowardly, complicit base, who have sacrificed their own selves for Donald Trump. This country fought and died to preserve our sacred Constitution, and his base flushed it down the toilet for a murdering thief. God help us.

How is it guys never explain that. You mean like spying on obama did. You mean like using the IRS to deny tax exempt status to conservative obama did. You mean like giving 150 billion dollars in cash to the leading state sponsor of obama did. You mean like using the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and State Department to spy on the opposition campaign during and election and then using those same government agencies to falsely arrest and pursue members of the new administration and the Presidents obama did?

So, till you have some actual concrete can sell your crap to the democrats....they are stupid enough to buy what you are selling.
Steve Schmidt on Republicans’ silence: ‘It is a tragic hour’ There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the horrific events of this lawless administration from the last four years. And what has been the most tragic so far, besides the deaths that are on Trumps hands with this virus, is the support from his cowardly, complicit base, who have sacrificed their own selves for Donald Trump. This country fought and died to preserve our sacred Constitution, and his base flushed it down the toilet for a murdering thief. God help us.
Steve Schmidt works with KGB Weaver and the Putin backed Lincoln Project

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