Trump's childlike attention span means he loses track after "two minutes" of policy briefing: report


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Trump's childlike attention span means he loses track after "two minutes" of policy briefing: report
Trump’s childlike attention span means he loses track after ‘two minutes’ of policy briefing: report


Trump’s childlike attention span means he loses track after ‘two minutes’ of policy briefing: report

According to a Washington Post report about national security adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster’s attempts to get the president’s ear on Afghanistan policy, the troubling trend of Trump’s super-short attention span once again reared its head.

“I call the president the two-minute man,” a “confidant” of the president told the Post. “The president has patience for a half-page.”

“Even a single page of bullet points on the country seemed to tax the president’s attention span on the subject, said senior White House officials,” the report continues.


“It’s kind of ridiculous how (NATO leaders) are preparing to deal with Trump,” a source told Foreign Policy in May. “It’s like they’re preparing to deal with a child — someone with a short attention span and mood who has no knowledge of NATO, no interest in in-depth policy issues, nothing. They’re freaking out.”

Trump has a severe case of ADHD.
Trump's never had to think. Why are they even briefing him? His entire life he just paid advisers to think for him. And if they stop briefing him, that will probably be the end of the leaks since it's most likely Trump's fat mouth blabbing leaks to anybody willing to listen.
Pulled out of transpacific partnership, pulled out of climate change accords, started procedure to remove trans from the military, put Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. Then he ended dozens of job killing regulations. Major manufacturing is finally starting to come back. Stock market is booming. Housing starts are up.

Trump has devoted more time and effort into his office than anyone in the last 16 years.
“I call the president the two-minute man,” a “confidant” of the president told the Post. “The president has patience for a half-page.”

hard to expect a 71 year old male who wears bangs to have an expanded attention span.
“I call the president the two-minute man,” a “confidant” of the president told the Post. “The president has patience for a half-page.”

As old and obese as he is these days, I bet he's not even a 15 second man

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