Trump's CIA Special Assignment

We di
We didn't believe obama would be a good president. Man, were we right about that!
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:

Only if you don't care how you define "better shape".
Define it however you like. You'll have to be really creative to come up with a definition that makes us worse off today than when Dubya went off into exile.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership, more of welfare, more on food stamps, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time. Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election. So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time.
We di
We didn't believe obama would be a good president. Man, were we right about that!
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.
I'm sure the 500000 dead in Syria appreciate his leadership.
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.
Not completely washing our hands of the ME!

He EXPANDED our operations in the ME. He didn't wash our hands of anything.
We should have 0 involvement in the ME. I don't know why our President's all seem to think there's some glory there for them for some reason. At least he pulled the majority of our soldiers out, thus heavily decreasing our involvement there. If his opponents had been elected into office, we would still be spearheading massive on the ground efforts and seeing huge casualties among our armed forces.
Political parties have long won elections by convincing stupid people of conspiracies.

There was a time in this country when we wouldn't be dumb enough to believe in a gay married terrorist illegal alien unicorn.

Perhaps the Republican war on education is complete.

"Perhaps the Republican war on education is complete."

Are you kidding me? It's the Democrats and NEA that have turned our public schools into Democrat Indoctrination Centers, and dumbed down our young people in the process.

I have relatives that are/were PS teachers. As Conservatives they found it hard teach because of Liberal ideology and policy. It became nearly impossible because they were forced to become "Test Coaches" instead of teaching a subject.
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.
Not completely washing our hands of the ME!

He EXPANDED our operations in the ME. He didn't wash our hands of anything.
We should have 0 involvement in the ME. I don't know why our President's all seem to think there's some glory there for them for some reason. At least he pulled the majority of our soldiers out, thus heavily decreasing our involvement there. If his opponents had been elected into office, we would still be spearheading massive on the ground efforts and seeing huge casualties among our armed forces.
Heavily decreasing our involvement there is an outright falsehood.

There is no meaningful definition that would make that statement remotely true.
Political parties have long won elections by convincing stupid people of conspiracies.

There was a time in this country when we wouldn't be dumb enough to believe in a gay married terrorist illegal alien unicorn.

Perhaps the Republican war on education is complete.

"Perhaps the Republican war on education is complete."

Are you kidding me? It's the Democrats and NEA that have turned our public schools into Democrat Indoctrination Centers, and dumbed down our young people in the process.

I have relatives that are/were PS teachers. As Conservatives they found it hard teach because of Liberal ideology and policy. It became nearly impossible because they were forced to become "Test Coaches" instead of teaching a subject.
I would not bother. Anyone falling back on the 'War on XXXX' statement is a partisan with little intent on actual discussion.
We di
We didn't believe obama would be a good president. Man, were we right about that!
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.

How'd that Russian reset work for ya?
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:

Only if you don't care how you define "better shape".
Define it however you like. You'll have to be really creative to come up with a definition that makes us worse off today than when Dubya went off into exile.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership, more of welfare, more on food stamps, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time. Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election. So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership higher equity (even more equity than when homeownership rates were propped up by Clinton and Bush subsidies before the housing collapse) and less risk for current homeowners, more of welfare many consider increasing access to welfare programs a good thing, more on food stamps see previous comment, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time I can't wait to quote those numbers to you Trump rubes every month (unless Trump has a magical plan to ban baby boomers from retiring and stop companies from being able to buy machines). Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election I disagree, I believe xenophobia, foreign intervention, fake news, the assumption that Trump was a joke with no chance of actually winning, and low voter enthusiasm caused by those previous things are what lost us the election. . So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time some lessons are better learned the hard way.
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.
I'm sure the 500000 dead in Syria appreciate his leadership.
They sure don't appreciate their own leadership, or they wouldn't have risen up against it in the 1st place.
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.

How'd that Russian reset work for ya?
Pretty poorly. Putin was able to convince half of the American people that invading peaceful neighbors and supporting dictators are what makes one a good leader. He also assaulted our free elections without consequence and now has an American President that he can manipulate by threatening his Russian investments.
We di
We didn't believe obama would be a good president. Man, were we right about that!
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:

Only if you don't care how you define "better shape".
Define it however you like. You'll have to be really creative to come up with a definition that makes us worse off today than when Dubya went off into exile.

Ok, let's see...

Higher actual unemployment rate.
Fewest number of people in the workforce in 40 years.
Skyrocketing health care insurance premiums.
More rules and regulations for business.
Just to name a few...

A positive...
Higher crude oil production in spite of O'Bama.
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:

Only if you don't care how you define "better shape".
Define it however you like. You'll have to be really creative to come up with a definition that makes us worse off today than when Dubya went off into exile.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership, more of welfare, more on food stamps, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time. Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election. So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership higher equity (even more equity than when homeownership rates were propped up by Clinton and Bush subsidies before the housing collapse) and less risk for current homeowners, more of welfare many consider increasing access to welfare programs a good thing, more on food stamps see previous comment, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time I can't wait to quote those numbers to you Trump rubes every month (unless Trump has a magical plan to ban baby boomers from retiring and stop companies from being able to buy machines). Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election I disagree, I believe xenophobia, foreign intervention, fake news, the assumption that Trump was a joke with no chance of actually winning, and low voter enthusiasm caused by those previous things are what lost us the election. . So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time some lessons are better learned the hard way.

I don't have more equity than when your dear leader came in, many are using their houses like ATMs now, just like before. And leave it to a regressive like you to say more people depending on the social safety nets are a good thing, WRONG! Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and most all of them stink, just like yours.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:

Only if you don't care how you define "better shape".
Define it however you like. You'll have to be really creative to come up with a definition that makes us worse off today than when Dubya went off into exile.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership, more of welfare, more on food stamps, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time. Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election. So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership higher equity (even more equity than when homeownership rates were propped up by Clinton and Bush subsidies before the housing collapse) and less risk for current homeowners, more of welfare many consider increasing access to welfare programs a good thing, more on food stamps see previous comment, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time I can't wait to quote those numbers to you Trump rubes every month (unless Trump has a magical plan to ban baby boomers from retiring and stop companies from being able to buy machines). Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election I disagree, I believe xenophobia, foreign intervention, fake news, the assumption that Trump was a joke with no chance of actually winning, and low voter enthusiasm caused by those previous things are what lost us the election. . So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time some lessons are better learned the hard way.

I don't have more equity than when your dear leader came in, many are using their houses like ATMs now, just like before. And leave it to a regressive like you to say more people depending on the social safety nets are a good thing, WRONG! Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and most all of them stink, just like yours.
Don't blame Obama for your poor decisions. Nevertheless, Americans have higher combined equity in their homes today than when the home ownership rate was higher and people who couldn't afford their homes were able to buy them anyways.
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:
So the left partisans demand.

He was a poor president that did abysmally on FP - his worst failures being there. On domestic policy, his 'success' is largely overstated by supporters who fail to understand the cyclical nature of the economy. Most of the impacts of such policies will not be known for years and I am not hopeful that they will be so wonderful.

Basing a presidents success on his popularity is deafeningly dumb.
I'll knock him for not completely washing our hands of the middle east. Besides that his foreign policy was fine. Domestically your only great knock against him is the ACA, which was based on a GOP created system and underwent 8 years of sabotage attempts by the GOP. And almost comically, Trump will probably keep most of it anyways.

How'd that Russian reset work for ya?
Pretty poorly. Putin was able to convince half of the American people that invading peaceful neighbors and supporting dictators are what makes one a good leader. He also assaulted our free elections without consequence and now has an American President that he can manipulate by threatening his Russian investments.

And you were accusing others of being delusional, REALLY? It was your dear leader that sat on his ass while all that happened.
Only if you don't care how you define "better shape".
Define it however you like. You'll have to be really creative to come up with a definition that makes us worse off today than when Dubya went off into exile.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership, more of welfare, more on food stamps, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time. Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election. So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time.

No need to be creative at all, lower home ownership higher equity (even more equity than when homeownership rates were propped up by Clinton and Bush subsidies before the housing collapse) and less risk for current homeowners, more of welfare many consider increasing access to welfare programs a good thing, more on food stamps see previous comment, lowest labor participation since the 70s and fewer people working full time I can't wait to quote those numbers to you Trump rubes every month (unless Trump has a magical plan to ban baby boomers from retiring and stop companies from being able to buy machines). Those are the bread and butter issues that lost you the election I disagree, I believe xenophobia, foreign intervention, fake news, the assumption that Trump was a joke with no chance of actually winning, and low voter enthusiasm caused by those previous things are what lost us the election. . So feel free to keep telling those folks how much better off they were with you commiecrats, they didn't buy it this time some lessons are better learned the hard way.

I don't have more equity than when your dear leader came in, many are using their houses like ATMs now, just like before. And leave it to a regressive like you to say more people depending on the social safety nets are a good thing, WRONG! Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and most all of them stink, just like yours.
Don't blame Obama for your poor decisions. Nevertheless, Americans have higher combined equity in their homes today than when the home ownership rate was higher and people who couldn't afford their homes were able to buy them anyways.

What poor decisions, I had 100% equity when he came in and still do. Hell they're already doing no verification refinancing just like they were when the bubble burst. It's this regime that is allowing that.
We di
If I were Donnie T., I'd assign a special wing of the CIA to deal with what surely will be the cause of most upheaval and unrest in the US after he is sworn into Office: the LGBT drones who will be fighting on assignment, courtesy of George Soros' money.

I'm not kidding. They/Soros WILL NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT. And they are a cult. And they are deranged to the point of sheer undeniable madness. And they are desperate. Which all is a cocktail for a domestic terror group.

Social conservatives believe the craziest shit :cuckoo:
We didn't believe obama would be a good president. Man, were we right about that!
Only in your crazy partisan little minds
No, not really.

Obama was a terrible president.
He was a very good President who will leave office with a high approval rating and the country in far better shape than republicans left it 8 years ago. :thup:

Nothing to show for $10T wasted on vacations, parties, travel, golf, government etc. A lot to Un-do.

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