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Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

You mean like all of that evidence that judges refused to allow to be seen in court?

What little they did allow in the K. Lake trial the judge dismissed claiming it was just an honest mistake.

Nope. More like in public Trumpyberra and his team of crack lawyers claimed fraud on an epic scale and claimed they had mountains of evidence, but in court they make not one claim about fraud.
Nope. More like in public Trumpyberra and his team of crack lawyers claimed fraud on an epic scale and claimed they had mountains of evidence, but in court they make not one claim about fraud.
Most of the "evidence" was dismissed long before they had a chance to present it.
The big thing that put the cabash on it was the Supreme Court refusing to address the 2020 election.
Bush got his man in there (Justice Roberts) and he made sure the issue never saw the light of day.
Trump is a convicted masher I should hope you people who love yer women would help protect them from this man who is untoward the virtue of da womenz.
No, not the case where he was found liable for his Sexual Abuse of that women who looked like the Dirty Don's poor first wife. I meant more like the factless allegations about the 2020 election Trumpybear and his lawyers made in public but refuse to make in the courtrooms because they lacked actual evidence.
They have plenty of evidence. The Swamp doesn't want to look at it. A man who refuses to see has no advantage over a man who can't see.
They have plenty of evidence. The Swamp doesn't want to look at it. A man who refuses to see has no advantage over a man who can't see.
They lied to ya'll. You know why they lied to you? Because, "Benjamins" are all you are.
Most of the "evidence" was dismissed long before they had a chance to present it.
The big thing that put the cabash on it was the Supreme Court refusing to address the 2020 election.
Bush got his man in there (Justice Roberts) and he made sure the issue never saw the light of day.
They never had any evidence to present to the courts who had jurisdiction over the matters. They still don't

The States have near absolute authority in certifying their elections. Neither the SC nor any other state can interfere.
They have plenty of evidence. The Swamp doesn't want to look at it.

Forgive me for being a tad skeptical of your claim that 'the Swamp did it'.
It is old and has been fruitless for the claimants,
Fruitless that it is the all encompassing villain that prevents your happiness with America.

But to be more specific, just who is this "Swamp"?
Name names.
And tell us how you know that specific individual is the Swamp...or part of the....Swamp.
After all, there were over 60 appeals to our judiciary over the disgraced former President's claim of a 'rigged election'.
Surely, you can name all or most of the 90+ judges who looked at the case presented by Trump and made their ruling that was unfavorable to your satisfaction.
Name them. And explain why their individual rulings were wrong based on the evidence or the merits.

And is your "Swamp" just those 90+ judges?
Are there more people in other positions of authority that you know are part of "the Swamp".

And please, tell us how you know they are what you claim they are. Again name names. Name sources.
Be a stand-up man of your word ....whose word and claims can be relied upon.....because your word and your claims can be verified.

Saddle up, my friend.
Show the forum your gravitas.....and the gravel in your gut.

And ----TGIF!
Triggered Snowflakes. They can't handle the truth anymore. Their biggest beef is that Trump lost a court case from a woman who perjured herself claiming he raped her.
That was the only purpose for the case. To give women a rational excuse not to listen to him.
$50 bucks they never would have bothered if he hadn't decided to run for office.

Democraps don't campaign anymore.
They just hold show-trials.
They'll Order Kaitlan Collins to the GULAG on Suspicion of Trumpism
Forgive me for being a tad skeptical of your claim that 'the Swamp did it'.
It is old and has been fruitless for the claimants,
Fruitless that it is the all encompassing villain that prevents your happiness with America.

But to be more specific, just who is this "Swamp"?
Name names.
And tell us how you know that specific individual is the Swamp...or part of the....Swamp.
After all, there were over 60 appeals to our judiciary over the disgraced former President's claim of a 'rigged election'.
Surely, you can name all or most of the 90+ judges who looked at the case presented by Trump and made their ruling that was unfavorable to your satisfaction.
Name them. And explain why their individual rulings were wrong based on the evidence or the merits.

And is your "Swamp" just those 90+ judges?
Are there more people in other positions of authority that you know are part of "the Swamp".

And please, tell us how you know they are what you claim they are. Again name names. Name sources.
Be a stand-up man of your word ....whose word and claims can be relied upon.....because your word and your claims can be verified.

Saddle up, my friend.
Show the forum your gravitas.....and the gravel in your gut.

And ----TGIF!
The Swamp:

To name a few.
I've belonged to several forums over the years and I've never once put anyone on ignore. That's not to say that I don't take most of what some of them say with a grain of salt.

She asked a question and when Trump would try to respond, she distracted him with an interruption. That's rude and unprofessional (unless your “profession” is pushing a personal or corporate agenda).

He didn't answer her question.. he went off on his own tangent. Watch the whole thing. It's probably on YouTube. There's also a complete transcript.
To name a few.

It is not my intention to be dismissive towards you, poster Action. Nor to be too demanding that you vet and validate your claims.

Rather, it is my intention that if a poster makes a claim ( in this case, about the so called "Swamp") that he defines just what the hell he is talking about.
And what he is claiming is true and can be verified.

So, poster Action.....you offer the message board a mere list of organizations that you....somehow, some way, for some reason ....claim they are "a few" of the 'Swamp'.

Yet, you have been unable or unwilling to define for us just what is the Swamp and what it does, and why it is preventing you from being successful in America.

With no disrespect intended ----try again.
Making lists is not the same as making a case. Proving your allegations. Not the same as defining what the hell you and the Messagboard need be alarmed about with this
alleged "Swamp".

Do better.
Because we expect better out of you.

Good luck.
He didn't answer her question.. he went off on his own tangent. Watch the whole thing. It's probably on YouTube. There's also a complete transcript.
Trump is a wise goat. He took the opportunity to tell the American public what the biased, leftist Fake “News” Media routinely fails to say. He knew what he was getting in to. He knows how the Fake “News” Media sets traps and ambushes unsuspecting guests. So he came with ammo and he fired in all direction. Smart move because the entire event catapulted him to the top.
Trump is a wise goat. He took the opportunity to tell the American public what the biased, leftist Fake “News” Media routinely fails to say. He knew what he was getting in to. He knows how the Fake “News” Media sets traps and ambushes unsuspecting guests. So he came with ammo and he fired in all direction. Smart move because the entire event catapulted him to the top.

Trump has been saying that he's a victim of a rigged system since the early 1980s. He was exposed on CNN as a liar and a bully. We need to let Trump talk so he can sabotage himself again.
She's a leftist hack and a political whore

And the above follows replies of my avatar to other posters who so rudely and crudely wish to flaunt their misogyny on this venue.
I won't name names....but a quick scan through threads on E.Jean Caroll or the CNN Townhall....will amply demonstrate the embedded and
endemic disrespect towards women. Often in crude and vulgar terms referencing prostitution or female genitalia.
Why is that? Why do Trump supporters seem to be more misogynistic that other segments of our political landscape?

Is it because their Paladin, the disgraced ex-president, DonTrump, has his own long record of inappropriate sexual behavior with women, including serial
adultery, and allegations of unwanted touching, forceful groping and....as we just saw the other day, via an empaneled jury in a court case ---his sexual violence.

Do some of the Trump supporters on this venue believe than the disgraced ex-president's behavior gives them license for their own misogyny?

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