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Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

It is not my intention to be dismissive towards you, poster Action. Nor to be too demanding that you vet and validate your claims.

Rather, it is my intention that if a poster makes a claim ( in this case, about the so called "Swamp") that he defines just what the hell he is talking about.
And what he is claiming is true and can be verified.

So, poster Action.....you offer the message board a mere list of organizations that you....somehow, some way, for some reason ....claim they are "a few" of the 'Swamp'.

Yet, you have been unable or unwilling to define for us just what is the Swamp and what it does, and why it is preventing you from being successful in America.

With no disrespect intended ----try again.
Making lists is not the same as making a case. Proving your allegations. Not the same as defining what the hell you and the Messagboard need be alarmed about with this
alleged "Swamp".

Do better.
Because we expect better out of you.

Good luck.
“The Swamp” is a place where snakes, alligators, spiders, rats, and bottom feeders congregate. The inhabitants are mostly predators concerned about themselves without regard to the other inhabitants. The D.C. Swamp is similar, only it's filled with political hacks, bureaucrats, and lobbyists interested in clout, money, power, control, and notoriety. They have the ethics of a hyena and the integrity of a mud fence. Together, they've created a jungle of red tape, the fruits of which are self-interest and unsavory alliances.

Trump interrupted these cozy alliances and tipped the boat. He changed the rules, which caused great wrath within the cesspool known as D.C. When Trump said he would “drain the Swamp” he did just that. He didn't get rid of the inhabitants, but he revealed who they are, and they are many.
And the above follows replies of my avatar to other posters who so rudely and crudely wish to flaunt their misogyny on this venue.
I won't name names....but a quick scan through threads on E.Jean Caroll or the CNN Townhall....will amply demonstrate the embedded and
endemic disrespect towards women. Often in crude and vulgar terms referencing prostitution or female genitalia.
Why is that? Why do Trump supporters seem to be more misogynistic that other segments of our political landscape?

Is it because their Paladin, the disgraced ex-president, DonTrump, has his own long record of inappropriate sexual behavior with women, including serial
adultery, and allegations of unwanted touching, forceful groping and....as we just saw the other day, via an empaneled jury in a court case ---his sexual violence.

Do some of the Trump supporters on this venue believe than the disgraced ex-president's behavior gives them license for their own misogyny?
A “whore” need not be female. A “whore” is a person who sells their body or their soul to the highest bidder. In this case, the whore if female. PERIOD!
“The Swamp” is a place where snakes, alligators, spiders, rats, and bottom feeders congregate. The inhabitants are mostly predators concerned about themselves without regard to the other inhabitants. The D.C. Swamp is similar,

You still ain't getting it, Action.
First you offer the forum a long list of organization that you are unable or unwilling to detail why they are wrongful.
And then you follow up with a sophomoric diatribe cramming most every cliché' at your disposal.
Forgive me, amigo......but where is the beef?

Giving lists and trotting out thoughtless cliche's ain't adult discourse. Ain't political discourse.
It is merely your keyboard-enema spewing your unhappiness with the life you have built here in America.

No disrespect intended.
You still ain't getting it, Action.
First you offer the forum a long list of organization that you are unable or unwilling to detail why they are wrongful.
And then you follow up with a sophomoric diatribe cramming most every cliché' at your disposal.
Forgive me, amigo......but where is the beef?

Giving lists and trotting out thoughtless cliche's ain't adult discourse. Ain't political discourse.
It is merely your keyboard-enema spewing your unhappiness with the life you have built here in America.

No disrespect intended.
If you're too dumb to catch on, then I've done all that Dr. Jackson can do. Godspeed.
No disrespect intended.

Your skills....medical, or in adult communications.....are insufficient for this venue.
But keep compiling lists and collecting cliche's about spiders and toads.
Sic 'em!
Outside your unique diatribes … I've seen nothing of value in any of your posts, to date. But keep giving it your best shot. It takes practice to be as informative as I am.
Misogyny lurks over their in Trumpistan. It is a defining characteristic of Trump's "base". As we see in the quote above.

My own personal opinion is that Collins, the host, wasn't strong enough or assertive enough to insert herself into his monologues.
She allowed him---not always, but too often ---to interrupt her, dismissively wave her away. And he was able to do that without consequences.

Now, to be sure the tired tidal wave of lies and conspiracies was too much for any moderator to fac-check real-time. Still, she is a well prepared reporter.
She could have been more emphatic and not allowed his dismissals without remonstrance or correction.

She did insists, several times, that he could not repeat and repeat his lie about a stolen election and fraudulent ballots. But he continued.
"He can lie about presidential documents; he can lie about his impeachments; he can lie about his record in office; and there is nothing an impeccably prepared interviewer can do to prevent any of it.
She can rebut him, correct him, interrupt him and otherwise battle with him over every point, but that’s no match for ceaseless mendacity."

So, what we saw was the sam ol', same ol'. Trump is who is and Trump is who he was. No Trump v.2.0 for us.
The hand-picked Republican audience (why in God's name, CNN allowed that...is beyond me)....was on his side from the beginning, and cheered and applauded him.
But that, in some cases, made them look venal and mean-spirited, and, in the case of their laughter at the sexual-assault victim, EJean Carrol, it made them look misogynistic and cruel.

I am disappointed that CNN allowed this serial liar, serial adulterer, and serial sexual predator to have 70 minutes to do his tired old whirl&twirl of conspiracies and mendacious .self-serving lies.

On the other hand, we all saw the chaos once again that typified Don Trump's earlier campaigns and his single term in office. That plays very well to Trump's TrumpLove base....that
they see no flaws in this man's character, demeanor or behavior. He's their Paladin, and nothing.....nothing....will change that. But the rest of America saw the old Don Trump once again.
The Don Trump that twice lost the popular vote, that lost the 2018 mid-terms, that lost the 2020 mid-terms, that lost the Senate, that lost his 2020 national elecition.
And America once again saw why he lost. And why he is unqualified and unsuited to be the leader of this great nation.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on the guy.

The only chaos was ANTIFA and BLM rioting and that was ginned up by paid agents.
Prove your allegation.
Or go to another venue.
This Adult Swim here.
I'm sure you would LIKE for me to go to another forum, but that's only because you feel threatened. That's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Relax.
As much as I love Kayleigh McEnany, FAUX is losing viewership by the millions. When Kayleigh first took Tucker's spot, she Tweeted an invite to everyone to go watch her show. 100% of the responses were “NO.” Everyone said that they really like her, but they're done with FAUX.

I'll be interested to see what the rating are comparing the Trump Town Hall compared to FAUX's viewership during the same time slot.

The Trump townhall was a shot across the bow for viewership in that time slot. IMO
Prove your allegation.
Or go to another venue.
This Adult Swim here.

I have actual bank transactions somewhere..

Not chasing squirrels fer ya.


1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...
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Trump interrupted these cozy alliances and tipped the boat. He changed the rules, which caused great wrath within the cesspool known as D.C. When Trump said he would “drain the Swamp” he did just that. He didn't get rid of the inhabitants, but he revealed who they are, and they are many.
Trump was the biggest purveyor of the swamp. Putting swamp critters into positions of power in his administration, and then deeming them disloyal, replacing them with different swamp critters.
Trump was the biggest purveyor of the swamp. Putting swamp critters into positions of power in his administration, and then deeming them disloyal, replacing them with different swamp critters.
mmmKAY. Thanks for your very original opinion. Buh Bye now.

I have actual bank transactions somewhere..
To throw your own arguments back at you. It's like the checks signed by Trump to Michael Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels. You have to prove the purpose of those contributions. As they could just have been for legal fees.

Sound familiar?
only because you feel threatened. That's okay, I'm not going to hurt you

Umm, my friend Action, this is the internet. An on-line chatroom. A gossip-board.
You...and me....are posting anonymously while using fake names.

And with that....you fantasize that I fear you?
Son, you are fun.
An unserious frivolous poster.....but still kinda fun.

Good luck. ;)

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