Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

She was rude, cold, biased, and clearly pushing a lopsided agenda. If she were truly seeking the truth, she would have kindly asked her questions and allow Trump to fully explain himself without interrupting him. Let the viewing audience decide if he was telling the truth or not. Give him a chance to present the facts as he understood them. Instead … she was aggressively trying to push CNN's narrative and had no interest whatsoever in the truth.

She was none of those things. I watched it. I know Trump likes to say he's a victim. He's been doing that for 40 years.

When Trump would tell a lie she would repeat it back to him so he could affirm it. He tried to bombast his way out of it and she would repeat his lie again.
So, when you said this you were lying? "I chose not to watch it with the full expectation that it would be the sort of ambush CNN is known for."
Take a look at the post dates. The event took place several days ago. I've had plenty of time to look at it more closely since then. Are you all here today, or are you on something?
Take a look at the post dates. The event took place several days ago. I've had plenty of time to look at it more closely since then. Are you all here today, or are you on something?

So, now yesterday is "several days ago"?

Yes, all the Trump worshipers are saying that. But you feel that way about anyone that does not bow down and kiss the feet of your dear leader.
Whether a person like's Trump or not isn't the issue. Political persecution and prosecuting every iota of his life is wrong. I believe in equal justice for all. If your gods are going to tear Trump's life apart in search for any and every mistake he's ever made ... then the same magnifying glass should be used on Pedo Joe, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, and every other D.C. politician.
I am glad you enjoyed it.
I don't know what CNN's angle on this was, but the media is in a no-win situation here.

If they don't treat Trump like a normal, intelligent adult, they could look bad, and the GQP will cry foul. If they DO treat him like a normal, intelligent adult, he'll just steamroll them like a grade school bully, because that's what he is.

I wouldn't want to be a news executive having to deal with that.
First of all, Democrats are bigots who can't conceive of any other opinion being valid. That's why they can't differentiate between lies and differences of opinions.
He did have to repeat the host's lies a couple of times to reveal to the audience that she was a liar.
What lies?

Lies? Lies?
Maybe DonT was just fibbing?
You be the judge:

When DonT was asked about the notorious Raffensberger phone call ....well, the ex-President said this:

"“I didn’t ask him to find anything,” , “I said,You owe me votes.’”

This may just be me, but when I heard that tape ---several times over the last couple of years ----that is NOT how I recall it went.
Still, "find" vs. "owe"....may be a distinction without a difference.
Unless, of course, it demonstrates malicious intent or some such legal term that signifies wrongful purpose........
so Raffensberger "owes" the disgraced ex-President 11,000+ votes.*

right you pretentious pos?

Are you OK, poster Sea7?
Too frequently on this message board your avatar project a grievance-filled persona with a disconnected anger and unhappiness.
Is this the right venue for you?
It seemingly encourages you to fester more in grievance-fueled outrage.

Maybe would be better for your piece of mind?
Good luck.

*BTW, this is the Wicki description of that call: "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779 vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state."[5]
During the call, Trump falsely suggested that Raffensperger could have committed a criminal offense. Legal experts have suggested that Trump's behavior and demands could have violated state and federal laws.

Lies? Lies?
Maybe DonT was just fibbing?
You be the judge:

When DonT was asked about the notorious Raffensberger phone call ....well, the ex-President said this:

"“I didn’t ask him to find anything,” , “I said,You owe me votes.’”

This may just be me, but when I heard that tape ---several times over the last couple of years ----that is NOT how I recall it went.
Still, "find" vs. "owe"....may be a distinction without a difference.
Unless, of course, it demonstrates malicious intent or some such legal term that signifies wrongful purpose........
so Raffensberger "owes" the disgraced ex-President 11,000+ votes.*

Are you OK, poster Sea7?
Too frequently on this message board your avatar project a grievance-filled persona with a disconnected anger and unhappiness.
Is this the right venue for you?
It seemingly encourages you to fester more in grievance-fueled outrage.

Maybe would be better for your piece of mind?
Good luck.

*BTW, this is the Wicki description of that call: "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779 vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state."[5]

During the call, Trump falsely suggested that Raffensperger could have committed a criminal offense. Legal experts have suggested that Trump's behavior and demands could have violated state and federal laws.

It's like you go out of your way to be the most pretentious poster ever.
Go fuck yourself with this crap.
That is why I don't have you on ignore... :)
I've belonged to several forums over the years and I've never once put anyone on ignore. That's not to say that I don't take most of what some of them say with a grain of salt.
She was none of those things. I watched it. I know Trump likes to say he's a victim. He's been doing that for 40 years.

When Trump would tell a lie she would repeat it back to him so he could affirm it. He tried to bombast his way out of it and she would repeat his lie again.
She asked a question and when Trump would try to respond, she distracted him with an interruption. That's rude and unprofessional (unless your “profession” is pushing a personal or corporate agenda).
I've belonged to several forums over the years and I've never once put anyone on ignore. That's not to say that I don't take most of what some of them say with a grain of salt.

I used to be that way, but recently I have decided that life is too short and that some people do not rate my time to even read what they are posting. Every now and then I take people off ignore to see if they have changed, so far none have.

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