TRUMPS daily tweets!

New tweet ***

Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth....”

....This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.
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I’m not mad at all... I’m laughing at your idiocracy. You keep getting dumber and dumber with each post. It’s quite amazing
I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called you dumb, I actually appreciated it when you posted a link, it showed that you tried. So let’s go back to your Wall Street journal link. Do you know what approval rates it cites amoungst black voters?
Yes I live in one and the ones against trump don’t vote lol so I’m not worried.. listen to Candace Owens , turning point USA.. the black summit at the White House,, these individuals are getting facts out to black people about the urban slave plantations run by democrats.
What did your article cite regarding black approval rates?

Your word games are childish.
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
Sorry retard: No, one-third of African Americans don’t support Trump. Not even close.

It might seem far-fetched that over a third of African Americans would now approve of a president with a very long history of racial insensitivity — especially because fewer than 10 percent of black voters supported him in 2016.

That’s because it is far-fetched. Trump’s black approval rating is nowhere near 36 percent.

Polling firms that have interviewed far more African Americans, and that are much more transparent than Rasmussen, all show that Trump’s black approval rating is much lower than 36 percent.

For example, Gallup has interviewed thousands of African American respondents in 2018. Its polling suggests that Trump’s black approval rating has consistently been around 10 to 15 percent through 2018.

How many African-Americans are there in America?

Not very many. Most are probably in Minnesota and Muslims imported by Obama. I know some around here..

They are an extreme minority though, Why bother polling them?
I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called you dumb, I actually appreciated it when you posted a link, it showed that you tried. So let’s go back to your Wall Street journal link. Do you know what approval rates it cites amoungst black voters?
Yes I live in one and the ones against trump don’t vote lol so I’m not worried.. listen to Candace Owens , turning point USA.. the black summit at the White House,, these individuals are getting facts out to black people about the urban slave plantations run by democrats.
What did your article cite regarding black approval rates?

Your word games are childish.
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Trump needs to be careful with his tweets. I hope he has proof readers to keep him gaining voters and not losing voters.
Every American should hope Trump is voted out of office next year, and work toward that goal.
I am so sorry but you follow satanic leanings. Winning and losing means nothing if people do not realize what they follow. Trump has been a calm President even if you use his personality against everyone. The world is at more peace now because of Trump. The Western World is at a crossroads as the policies of the globalists have infected many nations for decades. If you live good you are a hypocrite. Give up your wealth. But you won't. Every person at the Oscars last night had that choice for socialism. Not one gave up their wealth for the peons. Not one. But they were dressed as clowns.
Yes I live in one and the ones against trump don’t vote lol so I’m not worried.. listen to Candace Owens , turning point USA.. the black summit at the White House,, these individuals are getting facts out to black people about the urban slave plantations run by democrats.
What did your article cite regarding black approval rates?

Your word games are childish.
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
What did your article cite regarding black approval rates?

Your word games are childish.
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
More fake news from you... it was 8% in 2016, the 40% Rasmussen poll was called an outlier by your own Wall Street journal link. They then pointed to a pew study and another poll that put it somewhere between 10-20%. You might know that if you had read your own link.

Either way you slice it you are spreading lies. Grow up and do better
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Just wait until 2020.. why in the world would any black vote for democrats? Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
How about you apologize for wasting all this time perpetuating fake news and spreading lies now that you’ve been called out and have run out of excuses. How about you commit to do better from now on
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
Seriously man, what’s wrong with you? I literally just said YES it’s a big jump, but it isn’t true per your link. Are you on medication?
I read trumps tweets daily and what a great way to break down how affective they are.

I call them the left melter! Let’s get it started with this one!

“So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!”

So true democrats have literally no success except sky rocketing crime and murder in the towns they run.
He also said there is no nuclear threat from N.korea. lol...the dude is a retard.
Ironically, the previous Presidents did NOTHING with North Korea.

Big bad Bush labeled them in the “Axis of Evil.”

Oblivious Obama ignored NoKo because he was too busy with the idiotic Iranian Nuclear Deal.

All the has-beens need to sit down and shut up!
All trump has to do is abandon our actual allies and legitimize the despot. Wow that's it. Who'd have thought. Still waiting for that peace deal.
Ironically, the previous Presidents did NOTHING with North Korea.

Big bad Bush labeled them in the “Axis of Evil.”

Oblivious Obama ignored NoKo because he was too busy with the idiotic Iranian Nuclear Deal.

All the has-beens need to sit down and shut up!
All trump has to do is abandon our actual allies and legitimize the despot. Wow that's it. Who'd have thought. Still waiting for that peace deal.
Like the presidents before him did worth a shit... Shut the fuck up you moron
Would you say 8% to 40% was a pretty big bounce?
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
Seriously man, what’s wrong with you? I literally just said YES it’s a big jump, but it isn’t true per your link. Are you on medication?
It’s a poll it’s true.. you can disagree all you want. Deal with your derangement
I read trumps tweets daily and what a great way to break down how affective they are.

I call them the left melter! Let’s get it started with this one!

“So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!”

So true democrats have literally no success except sky rocketing crime and murder in the towns they run.
He also said there is no nuclear threat from N.korea. lol...the dude is a retard.
Well when you are not launching missles you are not a threat .. maybe you need to do Down and think for a few mins
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
Seriously man, what’s wrong with you? I literally just said YES it’s a big jump, but it isn’t true per your link. Are you on medication?
It’s a poll it’s true.. you can disagree all you want. Deal with your derangement
It’s a poll sampling
Of it were true yes it would be a big bounce but I just explain why it’s not true. So did the link that you posted. Another one of your lies. You gonna fess up?
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
Seriously man, what’s wrong with you? I literally just said YES it’s a big jump, but it isn’t true per your link. Are you on medication?
It’s a poll it’s true.. you can disagree all you want. Deal with your derangement
“It’s a poll it’s true” I’m glad you said that, it gives me another chance to make you look like an idiot.

So here is a recent poll... remember it is a poll it’s true... it shows that Trumps approval is down 7 points since December. So according to your tragectory logic he is projected to have a close to a zero percent approval rating by the 2020 elections!!!

See how stupid it sounds when your “logic” is used? Nonetheless I guess you have to either believe it or accept the fact that you sound like a fool. Thanks for the laugh

Poll: Trump Approval Down, Slips With Base
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
Seriously man, what’s wrong with you? I literally just said YES it’s a big jump, but it isn’t true per your link. Are you on medication?
It’s a poll it’s true.. you can disagree all you want. Deal with your derangement
It’s a poll sampling
If you to suffer from trump derangement syndrome so be it.. or we can have a real conversation.. what’s it going to be?
Happy to have a real conversation, but to do that you have to be honest and not spread fake news and use fake polls. I’ve been nothing but straight forward. Youve done moving but spin and lie. So are you going to change your tune and get real? If so then let’s talk
Well guess what it went from 8% to 40% in two years.. now let’s focus on this.. do you think that’s a big jump yesssssss oooooorrrrr noooooooo???
Seriously man, what’s wrong with you? I literally just said YES it’s a big jump, but it isn’t true per your link. Are you on medication?
It’s a poll it’s true.. you can disagree all you want. Deal with your derangement
“It’s a poll it’s true” I’m glad you said that, it gives me another chance to make you look like an idiot.

So here is a recent poll... remember it is a poll it’s true... it shows that Trumps approval is down 7 points since December. So according to your tragectory logic he is projected to have a close to a zero percent approval rating by the 2020 elections!!!

See how stupid it sounds when your “logic” is used? Nonetheless I guess you have to either believe it or accept the fact that you sound like a fool. Thanks for the laugh

Poll: Trump Approval Down, Slips With Base
Not true his approval rating
Is 49% higher then Obama ..
and with 99% of the media against trump that is truly amazing.. the man is a gift from god to save us.

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