TRUMPS daily tweets!

Please show me the real news then. Post a link. I’m here to learn not be called names. I can go to a playground for that
Here is a link for you:

How to Be a Clown
You think this helps make your case?! haha. You are the king of reenforcing your idiocracy
Sorry, Wrong Link:

This is the one I meant to post.

How to Become a Fool
You’re setting a great example on how to become a fool by eating up all this fake news like it’s a bowl of lucky charms.

Hey, I am not the one who has devoted my life to "The Resistance"

What exactly are you resisting? Democracy?

Here is some more education for Leftist Fools and Clowns like you.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1] The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.[2] It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.[2]

The 3rd Red Scare is Now, only It is The Communists in The Democrat Party using their Fellow Communists from Russia as a Big Bad Boogey Man they want to leverage to attempt to usurp a duly elected President.

What is going on now is the equivalent of Hitler calling all his political enemies Nazis, and attempting to eliminatet hem politically when he, himself is The Nazi. And so it goes with people like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Dirty Dick Durbin and others. Russian Puppets all of them, accusing others of the very thing they do on a daily basis.

The same goes for Racism. When we look at the emails Seth Rich exposed, what we see is a White Sheet Wearing, Torch Carrying, Cross Burning KKK Democrat Party, who hates Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and Christians, not to mention, Coal Miners, Farmers, and Factory Workers.

And we all know now, about their legendary hate of babies, and how they delight in The Genocide of fellow Black American Citizens through Planned Parenthood.
I haven’t dedicated my life to any “Resistance” but I do enjoy calling out frauds like yourself who can’t back up the garbage they spew. Still waiting for that link showing the 8% to 40% jump you were just celebrating.
Research is easy when you cherry pick your info. Funny you choose the most Trump friendly poll to cite. Here is a fun little read for you regarding Trump and Rasmussen polls.

Note that it does mention the 49% vs 45% where Trump polls higher than Obama at a certain point in time.

Presidential Approval Numbers -
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun pick them off one by one and watching you scramble.

How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO

Of course, I am an Independent. I sit in the MIDDLE. How does this not bother you?

Terry Miller, Andraya Yearwood, transgender sprinters, finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut championships
What in the world does that have to do with this conversation?! And if you sit in the middle how are you not embarrassed by the child sitting in our white house?
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun pick them off one by one and watching you scramble.

How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO

Of course, I am an Independent. I sit in the MIDDLE. How does this not bother you?

Terry Miller, Andraya Yearwood, transgender sprinters, finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut championships
What in the world does that have to do with this conversation?! And if you sit in the middle how are you not embarrassed by the child sitting in our white house?

Our conversation has to do with the impact of Progressive Leftists. I STAND AGAINST THEM. If you cannot even follow that logic, what point is it in continuing this conversation. I am embarrassed by your lack of insight and logic. When you are ready to have an adult conversation, feel free to ping me. Happy to discuss professional resumes and education if you would like to gauge my background. So far from your posts, I can tell you're closer to AOC than Ronald Reagan.
Not true his approval rating
Is 49% higher then Obama ..
and with 99% of the media against trump that is truly amazing.. the man is a gift from god to save us.
Wow, that sounds glorious. Can you post a link to that
Absolutely can

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

So please do some research
Research is easy when you cherry pick your info. Funny you choose the most Trump friendly poll to cite. Here is a fun little read for you regarding Trump and Rasmussen polls.

Note that it does mention the 49% vs 45% where Trump polls higher than Obama at a certain point in time.

Presidential Approval Numbers -
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun picking them off one by one and watching you scramble.
You haven’t picked any thing lol can’t even say why you are a against trump lol
Here is a link for you:

How to Be a Clown
You think this helps make your case?! haha. You are the king of reenforcing your idiocracy
Sorry, Wrong Link:

This is the one I meant to post.

How to Become a Fool
You’re setting a great example on how to become a fool by eating up all this fake news like it’s a bowl of lucky charms.

Hey, I am not the one who has devoted my life to "The Resistance"

What exactly are you resisting? Democracy?

Here is some more education for Leftist Fools and Clowns like you.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1] The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.[2] It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.[2]

The 3rd Red Scare is Now, only It is The Communists in The Democrat Party using their Fellow Communists from Russia as a Big Bad Boogey Man they want to leverage to attempt to usurp a duly elected President.

What is going on now is the equivalent of Hitler calling all his political enemies Nazis, and attempting to eliminatet hem politically when he, himself is The Nazi. And so it goes with people like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Dirty Dick Durbin and others. Russian Puppets all of them, accusing others of the very thing they do on a daily basis.

The same goes for Racism. When we look at the emails Seth Rich exposed, what we see is a White Sheet Wearing, Torch Carrying, Cross Burning KKK Democrat Party, who hates Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and Christians, not to mention, Coal Miners, Farmers, and Factory Workers.

And we all know now, about their legendary hate of babies, and how they delight in The Genocide of fellow Black American Citizens through Planned Parenthood.
I haven’t dedicated my life to any “Resistance” but I do enjoy calling out frauds like yourself who can’t back up the garbage they spew. Still waiting for that link showing the 8% to 40% jump you were just celebrating.

You calling someone else a fraud is rich.
Here is a link for you:

How to Be a Clown
You think this helps make your case?! haha. You are the king of reenforcing your idiocracy
Sorry, Wrong Link:

This is the one I meant to post.

How to Become a Fool
You’re setting a great example on how to become a fool by eating up all this fake news like it’s a bowl of lucky charms.

Hey, I am not the one who has devoted my life to "The Resistance"

What exactly are you resisting? Democracy?

Here is some more education for Leftist Fools and Clowns like you.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1] The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.[2] It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.[2]

The 3rd Red Scare is Now, only It is The Communists in The Democrat Party using their Fellow Communists from Russia as a Big Bad Boogey Man they want to leverage to attempt to usurp a duly elected President.

What is going on now is the equivalent of Hitler calling all his political enemies Nazis, and attempting to eliminatet hem politically when he, himself is The Nazi. And so it goes with people like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Dirty Dick Durbin and others. Russian Puppets all of them, accusing others of the very thing they do on a daily basis.

The same goes for Racism. When we look at the emails Seth Rich exposed, what we see is a White Sheet Wearing, Torch Carrying, Cross Burning KKK Democrat Party, who hates Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and Christians, not to mention, Coal Miners, Farmers, and Factory Workers.

And we all know now, about their legendary hate of babies, and how they delight in The Genocide of fellow Black American Citizens through Planned Parenthood.
I haven’t dedicated my life to any “Resistance” but I do enjoy calling out frauds like yourself who can’t back up the garbage they spew. Still waiting for that link showing the 8% to 40% jump you were just celebrating.

So Blacks don't like Trump and his approval with them is declining? How about you produce some FACTS to show you aren't a fraud?

I was just ridiculing you, because of your obvious and persistent one side Anti-Trump views of all things Trump. You have Trump on the brain. He is living in your Trumpity Trump Trump Trumpity Trump Trump head.

Donald Trump Approval Rating Among Blacks Increasing | National Review
Trump needs to be careful with his tweets. I hope he has proof readers to keep him gaining voters and not losing voters.
Do you really think he has been gaining voters?
50% approval rating among blacks, up from 8% ... read real news snowflake
Please show me the real news then. Post a link. I’m here to learn not be called names. I can go to a playground for that
I’m not here to teach you to research.. go educate your self snowflake

You're here to troll, like a typical Cult45 scum bag.
Wow the hate! I just donated !
Absolutely can

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

So please do some research
Research is easy when you cherry pick your info. Funny you choose the most Trump friendly poll to cite. Here is a fun little read for you regarding Trump and Rasmussen polls.

Note that it does mention the 49% vs 45% where Trump polls higher than Obama at a certain point in time.

Presidential Approval Numbers -
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun pick them off one by one and watching you scramble.

How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one
What did your article cite regarding black approval rates?

Your word games are childish.
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
An 8% increase to 40% is actually a 500% increase in approval of The President among Black Americans.

Numerically it is a rise of 32 percentage points.

That is the definition of skyrocketing approval numbers.
Yes, it would be amazing if it were true however it’s not even close as I’ve evidenced in multiple posts. Can you show me the 8 to 40 increase via the same polling system? Keep spreading the fake news and riding that rainbow to delusionville. You seem to be having a good time
If you have a issues with polls that’s your problem
Research is easy when you cherry pick your info. Funny you choose the most Trump friendly poll to cite. Here is a fun little read for you regarding Trump and Rasmussen polls.

Note that it does mention the 49% vs 45% where Trump polls higher than Obama at a certain point in time.

Presidential Approval Numbers -
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun pick them off one by one and watching you scramble.

How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one

He is very uneducated. No one divided this country more than BHO. Now in BHO's defense I do not believe it was intentional but the party backed him 100% and started playing identity politics. GOP pushed back with DJT and now the Dems are butthurt. You cannot make this stuff up. Happy to elaborate on how BHO divided this country. Well he and his regime if people don't understand my reasoning.
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun pick them off one by one and watching you scramble.

How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO

Of course, I am an Independent. I sit in the MIDDLE. How does this not bother you?

Terry Miller, Andraya Yearwood, transgender sprinters, finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut championships
What in the world does that have to do with this conversation?! And if you sit in the middle how are you not embarrassed by the child sitting in our white house?
lol how is he a child? You are crying because he won and you don’t like it.. you are a 2 year old lol

MORON..........don't cite someone's OPINION as fact........How's your GED lessons going?
Why is the drop out rate so high in black communities in towns run by democrats?? And you wonder why you get the black vote lol

MORON..........don't cite someone's OPINION as fact........How's your GED lessons going?

In my opinion the fact is that you're a progressive leftist.
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun pick them off one by one and watching you scramble.

How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO

Of course, I am an Independent. I sit in the MIDDLE. How does this not bother you?

Terry Miller, Andraya Yearwood, transgender sprinters, finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut championships
What in the world does that have to do with this conversation?! And if you sit in the middle how are you not embarrassed by the child sitting in our white house?

Our conversation has to do with the impact of Progressive Leftists. I STAND AGAINST THEM. If you cannot even follow that logic, what point is it in continuing this conversation. I am embarrassed by your lack of insight and logic. When you are ready to have an adult conversation, feel free to ping me. Happy to discuss professional resumes and education if you would like to gauge my background. So far from your posts, I can tell you're closer to AOC than Ronald Reagan.
That wasn’t our conversation. You first engaged with me asking about my Trump is embarrassing comment. You brought up the progressive left (AOC) and I responded stating that she is an empty mouthpiece just like Trump. So what are you talking about? Where did I digress?
Ironically, the previous Presidents did NOTHING with North Korea.

Big bad Bush labeled them in the “Axis of Evil.”

Oblivious Obama ignored NoKo because he was too busy with the idiotic Iranian Nuclear Deal.

All the has-beens need to sit down and shut up!
C'mon seriously, you think Trump is getting concessions on nuclear weapons from NK? :lol:
How is he embarrassing himself moreso than The Progessive Leftists and their picks of Omar and AOC? Are you serious with your post?
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO

Of course, I am an Independent. I sit in the MIDDLE. How does this not bother you?

Terry Miller, Andraya Yearwood, transgender sprinters, finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut championships
What in the world does that have to do with this conversation?! And if you sit in the middle how are you not embarrassed by the child sitting in our white house?

Our conversation has to do with the impact of Progressive Leftists. I STAND AGAINST THEM. If you cannot even follow that logic, what point is it in continuing this conversation. I am embarrassed by your lack of insight and logic. When you are ready to have an adult conversation, feel free to ping me. Happy to discuss professional resumes and education if you would like to gauge my background. So far from your posts, I can tell you're closer to AOC than Ronald Reagan.
That wasn’t our conversation. You first engaged with me asking about my Trump is embarrassing comment. You brought up the progressive left (AOC) and I responded stating that she is an empty mouthpiece just like Trump. So what are you talking about? Where did I digress?

You digress in the fact that the Left is way more dangerous as illustrated by my link. Examples like that show you precisely why he was elected. If left unchecked the PL will ruin this country. Democrats need to nominate a sane candidate if they want to beat DJT. That is the logic you don't comprehend.
Wow, that sounds glorious. Can you post a link to that
Absolutely can

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

So please do some research
Research is easy when you cherry pick your info. Funny you choose the most Trump friendly poll to cite. Here is a fun little read for you regarding Trump and Rasmussen polls.

Note that it does mention the 49% vs 45% where Trump polls higher than Obama at a certain point in time.

Presidential Approval Numbers -
Be mad all you want trump is winning what exactly are you against??
Im not mad at all. I actually get a kick out of Trump... have since his apprentice days. Think he is embarrassing himself as president but it’s comedy to me. The only thing im against here is all the fake news and lies youve been spreading. It’s been fun picking them off one by one and watching you scramble.
You haven’t picked any thing lol can’t even say why you are a against trump lol
Here is a pick, read slowly. You are lying about the 8%-40% jump. Prove me wrong show a poll that once had him at 8% and now has him at 40% I dare you.
The numbers tell me that his approval numbers are sky rocketing
But what does your article specifically say? You were spreading fake news saying it was at 50%. You thought you “got me” by posting that article that actually proves you wrong. Now you are retreating by talking about tragectories and your own idiotic interpretation of the numbers. Sorry, you lose
So in 2016 it was 8% in 2018 it jumped to 40% now in 2019 it’s probably at 60%

Look at the numbers.. black unemployment! Tax cuts!!
An 8% increase to 40% is actually a 500% increase in approval of The President among Black Americans.

Numerically it is a rise of 32 percentage points.

That is the definition of skyrocketing approval numbers.
Yes, it would be amazing if it were true however it’s not even close as I’ve evidenced in multiple posts. Can you show me the 8 to 40 increase via the same polling system? Keep spreading the fake news and riding that rainbow to delusionville. You seem to be having a good time
If you have a issues with polls that’s your problem
I don’t have an issue with polls. I take them with a grain of salt but no issues here. I have issues with you lying and spreading fake news. You can’t back up anything you say. The one link you provided flat out proved you wrong. FAIL
You think this helps make your case?! haha. You are the king of reenforcing your idiocracy
Sorry, Wrong Link:

This is the one I meant to post.

How to Become a Fool
You’re setting a great example on how to become a fool by eating up all this fake news like it’s a bowl of lucky charms.

Hey, I am not the one who has devoted my life to "The Resistance"

What exactly are you resisting? Democracy?

Here is some more education for Leftist Fools and Clowns like you.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1] The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.[2] It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.[2]

The 3rd Red Scare is Now, only It is The Communists in The Democrat Party using their Fellow Communists from Russia as a Big Bad Boogey Man they want to leverage to attempt to usurp a duly elected President.

What is going on now is the equivalent of Hitler calling all his political enemies Nazis, and attempting to eliminatet hem politically when he, himself is The Nazi. And so it goes with people like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Dirty Dick Durbin and others. Russian Puppets all of them, accusing others of the very thing they do on a daily basis.

The same goes for Racism. When we look at the emails Seth Rich exposed, what we see is a White Sheet Wearing, Torch Carrying, Cross Burning KKK Democrat Party, who hates Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and Christians, not to mention, Coal Miners, Farmers, and Factory Workers.

And we all know now, about their legendary hate of babies, and how they delight in The Genocide of fellow Black American Citizens through Planned Parenthood.
I haven’t dedicated my life to any “Resistance” but I do enjoy calling out frauds like yourself who can’t back up the garbage they spew. Still waiting for that link showing the 8% to 40% jump you were just celebrating.

You calling someone else a fraud is rich.
Why? Point to one lie you think I’ve told. Let’s see it

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