Trumps deal was not what you think.

Hey dick sucker. Trump in good faith exchanged 1000 Afghanis for 5000 goat fuckers

Looks like a poor choice now doesn't it you idiot

All for a 911 photo op. Do you realize that you creep?

Now the 911 families told Biden to come nowhere near them. He'll have to scurry to the Pentagon for any ceremony

The dead voters must be turning in their graves
You're FOS, moron.
Good faith?
From the Taliban?
Very poor choice, they are terrorist.

"Now the 911 families told Biden to come nowhere near them. He'll have to scurry to the Pentagon for any ceremony".
It was the son of ONE 9/11 victim.

Nic Haros Jr., the son of a 9/11 victim who died at the World Trade Center, stated to "Fox & Friends" on Monday that Biden lacked compassion for the families of the 13 service members who died in the recent Kabul blast.

Never saying a damned thing about the orange retard.

"Trump has traveled to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware exactly four times ― fewer than half as many times as his vice president ― and avoided going at all for nearly two years".

Yeah, that's REAL compassion.
Well, people that were training the Afghan "army" and the Iraqi's were telling people the 'training" program was just a massive jobs program for both.

Now everyone sees they were right, 15 years later.

So, when your retarded, orange leader, reduced troop levels from 14,000 to 2500, why didn't Trump remove any equipment?

Trump had 11 months, he didn't remove ONE tire, let alone a vehicle or an American citizen.
Can you drive two humvees at the same time?
Potathead released all the Taliban leaders that were in Gitmo. The goddamn leader of the Taliban now is one of the shitheads that Potatohead released.
More Q NUT delusions?
The leader of the Taliban was in a Pakistan prison, idiot.
The orange, retard released him, not Biden.
1. I believe those are the ones they’ve been in touch with. The US does not track the movements of Americans.

2. Pretty much yeah. Seeing family, for the most part.

3. Whatever, dude.
1. In touch with is NOT all that are there…Basic math tells a different story. Why do you suppose the administration believes abandoning Americans is better than going to get them?

2. Wrong, these are civilian support of our military, Contractors, and such…Nobody was there to vacation.

3. Yeah whatever….that just shows your totalitarianism…
Biden’s plan stranded thousands of Americans like a coward.
The Trump plan didn't get ONE American civilian or employee out, so Trump stranded thousands of people, released over 5000 Taliban and one Taliban leader.

As usual, emboldening our enemies.
The Trump plan didn't get ONE American civilian or employee out, so Trump stranded thousands of people, released over 5000 Taliban and one Taliban leader.

As usual, emboldening our enemies.
Hey dumbass, Trump isn’t POTUS….I know you progs love blaming every failure on Republicans but it won’t hold water here…Biden was CiC, and Biden had the power to do it correctly, he chose the cowards path.
Hey dumbass, Trump isn’t POTUS….I know you progs love blaming every failure on Republicans but it won’t hold water here…Biden was CiC, and Biden had the power to do it correctly, he chose the cowards path.
So, your retarded, dear leader made the deal, reduced Troop levels from 14,000 to 2500 and couldn't start bringing out one civilian, one employee or one piece of equipment?

Trump only had 11 months, but he did find the time to release over 5000 Taliban from Afghan prisons.

"Biden had the power to do it correctly'.
Yeah, a US government agreement is a US government agreement regardless of who is president.
Just like republicans blamed Obama for the SOFA agreement with Iraq, that Bush signed.
So, your retarded, dear leader made the deal, reduced Troop levels from 14,000 to 2500 and couldn't start bringing out one civilian, one employee or one piece of equipment?

Trump only had 11 months, but he did find the time to release over 5000 Taliban from Afghan prisons.

"Biden had the power to do it correctly'.
Yeah, a US government agreement is a US government agreement regardless of who is president.
Just like republicans blamed Obama for the SOFA agreement with Iraq, that Bush signed.
Aw bullshit. Was it a treaty? No. Was it ratified by Congress? No.

Trump was NOT POTUS, and thus Biden could have followed parts of it, or none of it…HE chose none of it…HE coward out, and now the repercussions are HIS alone…Remember his hollow words “The buck stops with me”? That was obviously a lie considering your post here.
1. In touch with is NOT all that are there…Basic math tells a different story. Why do you suppose the administration believes abandoning Americans is better than going to get them?

2. Wrong, these are civilian support of our military, Contractors, and such…Nobody was there to vacation.

3. Yeah whatever….that just shows your totalitarianism…
1. Like I said, no one has any idea how many there are. If sometime tells you differently, they’re lying.

2. Contractors left months ago. Every person I’ve read about was there seeing family.

3. What a stupid emotional statement.
1. Like I said, no one has any idea how many there are. If sometime tells you differently, they’re lying.

2. Contractors left months ago. Every person I’ve read about was there seeing family.

3. What a stupid emotional statement.
1. Then you know that the administration saying there is only 100 or 200 left is a lie. And that doesn’t make you mad?

2. Read about from who? The bottom line is that these are American citizens that Biden, and Democrats like you just wrote off…That is unacceptable.

3. truth hurts.
Well, people that were training the Afghan "army" and the Iraqi's were telling people the 'training" program was just a massive jobs program for both.

Now everyone sees they were right, 15 years later.

So, when your retarded, orange leader, reduced troop levels from 14,000 to 2500, why didn't Trump remove any equipment?

Trump had 11 months, he didn't remove ONE tire, let alone a vehicle or an American citizen.
Can you drive two humvees at the same time?
Trump didn't screw the pooch, Biden did. You seem to forget that.
Trump didn't screw the pooch, Biden did. You seem to forget that.

These stupid Moon Bats never acknowledge the damage the Democrats do. The only thing you will ever get out of the shitheads is that they blame the damage on somebody else.
1. Then you know that the administration saying there is only 100 or 200 left is a lie. And that doesn’t make you mad?

2. Read about from who? The bottom line is that these are American citizens that Biden, and Democrats like you just wrote off…That is unacceptable.

3. truth hurts.
1. Dunno. They’d know more than you, that’s for sure. Even then, they still don’t claim to know exactly how many there are.

2. No one wrote anyone off, but we aren’t going to invade Afghanistan to rescue people who were told that traveling to Afghanistan at their own risk.

3. Sure, dude.
1. Dunno. They’d know more than you, that’s for sure. Even then, they still don’t claim to know exactly how many there are.

2. No one wrote anyone off, but we aren’t going to invade Afghanistan to rescue people who were told that traveling to Afghanistan at their own risk.

3. Sure, dude.
Blaming Americans that Biden left abandoned is about as low as I can imagine…What a horrible thing to say about your fellow Americans.

Thats ok though I don’t expect any less from liberals sadly…
Blaming Americans that Biden left abandoned is about as low as I can imagine…What a horrible thing to say about your fellow Americans.

Thats ok though I don’t expect any less from liberals sadly…
Why is government responsible for their bad decisions?
Why is government responsible for their bad decisions?
You are talking about these people like they went there on vacation or something...It is a disingenious argument...You know better than that...

And we haven't even talked about those Afghani's who were direct aid to the United States. Biden gave the Taliban complete lists of those people, then Biden in the chaos took out only 7% of those people...

But your claim is that those left behind were stupid American's over there looking for a mountain retreat or something, now's where you prove your claim....I want you to show that these people were not there in support of our mission...And, rest assured, even if you do manage to show some of this, it is STILL reprehensible that a President of the United States would forsake these people to the enemy...

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