Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

And exactly how would you do that?

Remember, its the idiot RWs who are against driver's licenses for illegals even though it would be a way to track them.

Those people are nuts.

They don't believe that the constitution applies to everyone in America. According to the constitution everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty. So it's not the burden of the person to prove anything. It's the burden of the government to prove the person is violating the law.

They also don't understand that everyone has a right to an attorney and if they can't afford one the state will appoint one for them. Which is paid by us taxpayers.

I can't believe how stupid those people are. They live in their own fantasy land. They sure don't have any grasp of reality.

Aliens do not have a right to a jury trial to determine their immigration status. They're entitled to a hearing, and that's it. If they can't produce documentation to prove they are citizens, out they go. It's virtually impossible to get born in this country without a birth certificate. You certainly can't be raised to adulthood without one. You can't enroll in school, you can't get a drivers license, you can't get a Social Security card without one.

So you will have 12 million hearings (minimum)? Imagine all of the jobs that will be created by court reporters. LOL I'm sure we can bill Mexico for them...I wouldn't recommend that you hold your breath waiting for them to pay.

Yeah, think of all the jobs! Isn't that what you libturds always claim whenever you're trying to justify one of your massive new welfare boondoggles?

No. I would ask you to cite anyone saying that but we both know you've never backed up anything you've posted.

Only COWARDS put people you don't agree with ON IGNORE!!!!

I guess I'm next, if not already there!

New Report: Massive Immigration Surge from Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conservative Review ^ | 8-17-2015 | Daniel Horowitz
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has published another blockbuster report on immigration numbers, and their analysis foreshadows a troubling trend of growing illegal immigration. Using the most up-to-date census data, they have uncovered a trend that has been lost from some of the traditional immigration-related data published by the Department of Homeland Security, which tends to lag behind the most recent trends. To begin with, this report reaffirms the known reality of record high levels of immigration across the board and from Latin America, and the trend is only growing. Among the highlights of the report are the following:...
Most Americans are fine with deporting them. They would be willing to take the hit to get their country back again.

Ok. So tell us. How much of an increase in your annual income tax are you will to pay for the deportation of all illegals? Would you agree to a 20% increase? A 15% increase?
Money would be saved from additional teachers, ESL teachers, welfare,etc. If we have enough money to give to some of these countries aid, use that!

Tell us more about how we can deport 11 million people and it won't cost you a cent (in your personal universe).
illegal aliens cost this country $120 billion every year. We'll save money by deporting them all.

Nope that's not going to happen.
Where is UNKOTARE?
Meanwhile.... this has to hurt our subversives...

Donald Trump Wins Praise From Experts With New Immigration Plan!!!!! ^
While most of the permanent political class is still aghast that 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump put together one of most specific, pro-American worker immigration plans of anyone running for public office, he’s winning widespread praise from key experts on the issue....
From Brietbart? LOL.
Meanwhile.... this has to hurt our subversives...

Donald Trump Wins Praise From Experts With New Immigration Plan!!!!! ^
While most of the permanent political class is still aghast that 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump put together one of most specific, pro-American worker immigration plans of anyone running for public office, he’s winning widespread praise from key experts on the issue....
From Brietbart? LOL.

Much more truthful, than ANYTHING you post! Watch out, this is from FOX! Cover your eyes!

Todd Starnes: Trump Puts Americans First, Not Illegals!!!!!!!

Fox Nation ^ | August 17, 2015 | Todd Starnes
What I'm about to tell you is politically incorrect, but it needs to be said. There's a reason why Donald Trump is smoking his Republican competition -- he wants to put Americans first, not the illegals. Trump understands a fundamental truth – that the United States of America has been invaded by millions of illegals from Mexico and parts due south. The illegals are pillaging and plundering our economy. They are raping and murdering our fellow countrymen. They have been given accommodation at the expense of the American taxpayer. And yet our elected leaders in Congress and the White House...
Actually, its free to use. But the internet connection isn't free, the costs of having someone keep track of it is not free. IF someone's status changes, having someone check for updates isn't free. It's all a tax on business. Something you were against earlier this Summer.

Its amazing how you guys have altered your beliefs and have become stooges for Donald Trump. He'll be gone in a few weeks. You'll still be losers.

People are already paid to keep track of those records, changing statuses, doing updates. Using the system will just make them work for their pay.
CBP: 135 Unaccompanied Children Caught At U.S. Border Per Day in July!!!!!

Cybercast News Service ^ | August 17, 2015 | 10:00 AM EDT | Brittany M. Hughes
About 135 unaccompanied children, on average, were caught illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border each day in July, according to the latest data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). That is a monthly record for unaccompanied children (UC) apprehensions so far in Fiscal Year 2015. […] previously reported that 26,685 unaccompanied children had been apprehended as of June 30, as CBP data showed at the time. This means another 4,177 were caught during the month of July alone, making it the month with the highest number of UC apprehensions so far in FY 2015. …

THESE are PART of the obomanations COUNT for DEPORTED ILLEGALS!
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

And exactly how would you do that?

Remember, its the idiot RWs who are against driver's licenses for illegals even though it would be a way to track them.

Those people are nuts.

They don't believe that the constitution applies to everyone in America. According to the constitution everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty. So it's not the burden of the person to prove anything. It's the burden of the government to prove the person is violating the law.

They also don't understand that everyone has a right to an attorney and if they can't afford one the state will appoint one for them. Which is paid by us taxpayers.

I can't believe how stupid those people are. They live in their own fantasy land. They sure don't have any grasp of reality.

Very stupid. I posted be REALISTIC and they come out day dreaming. What a bunch of stupid people.
Vigil seems to be concerned that he is not on my "ignore" list. I looked at it for the first time, this week, and discovered that 6 of them have been banned. So, cheer, up, Vigil! You may make the grade someday!
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

After reading all the rants I have seen here, I am convinced that if one were to give a copy of the US Constitution to one of these nuts, without identifying it, and asking them what they thought about it, they would universally reject it, and call it a communistic/totalitarian document that had no place in American law (except, of course, the 2nd amendment).

Meantime, even Trump wants to do away with citizenship for people born in this country, which is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Okay, let the child stay and deport the parents. Problem solved.
And who will take care and raise the child? YOU. It is far more complex than that son.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

That's ok, we can confiscate everything Juan has to help pay the bill. Fruits of an ongoing criminal enterprise don'cha know.

Confiscation of Juan's assets for a misdemeanor? Then let's do the same thing for people who roll a stop sign.

Sorry bubba, a continuing criminal enterprise is a felony, conspiring to remain in the US is a felony, working with stolen identities or forged documents is a felony, aiding and abetting others to remain in the US is a felony, I could go on but you're really not worth it.

After reading all the rants I have seen here, I am convinced that if one were to give a copy of the US Constitution to one of these nuts, without identifying it, and asking them what they thought about it, they would universally reject it, and call it a communistic/totalitarian document that had no place in American law (except, of course, the 2nd amendment).

Meantime, even Trump wants to do away with citizenship for people born in this country, which is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Okay, let the child stay and deport the parents. Problem solved.
And who will take care and raise the child? YOU. It is far more complex than that son.
The country could but my guess is MOST would take their children back with them.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.
That as said before does NOT compare.
Where the Jews in Germany ILLEGALS?
Did the Jews kill Germans?
Did the Jews rape Germans?

Try again THAT argument is foolish and lazy.

The RW are all freedom this and that until someone scares that the brown people are coming and they want to have Marshall law...

Just a bunch of chickens, afraid of there own shadow.

we are not scared of brown people. We are upset at the libs who love illegals being here and coming here to destroy and leech off America's working class.

After reading all the rants I have seen here, I am convinced that if one were to give a copy of the US Constitution to one of these nuts, without identifying it, and asking them what they thought about it, they would universally reject it, and call it a communistic/totalitarian document that had no place in American law (except, of course, the 2nd amendment).

Meantime, even Trump wants to do away with citizenship for people born in this country, which is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Okay, let the child stay and deport the parents. Problem solved.
And who will take care and raise the child? YOU. It is far more complex than that son.
The country could but my guess is MOST would take their children back with them.

its amazing isn't it. Liberals lack common sense in their DNA. It truly is a mental disorder.
Actually, its free to use. But the internet connection isn't free, the costs of having someone keep track of it is not free. IF someone's status changes, having someone check for updates isn't free. It's all a tax on business. Something you were against earlier this Summer.

Its amazing how you guys have altered your beliefs and have become stooges for Donald Trump. He'll be gone in a few weeks. You'll still be losers.

People are already paid to keep track of those records, changing statuses, doing updates. Using the system will just make them work for their pay.

he he he....I was talking about on the employer end of the equation.
Still betting on hillary?

Damn I really hope she doesn't get indicted till October of 16.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

It's a good thing that wealth isn't static and can be generated over time... we'll be nice enough to give them an easy payment plan. Thanks for your concerns.

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