Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho
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If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.
That as said before does NOT compare.
Where the Jews in Germany ILLEGALS?
Did the Jews kill Germans?
Did the Jews rape Germans?

Try again THAT argument is foolish and lazy.

The NAZI raid houses and rounded them. Now you want to do the same.
So try to humor me.
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho
Your kidding your self kid.
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho
Your kidding your self kid.

you're a moron and an o-bot. so any ol thing can humor you leftard. why dont you go play with a napkin or something?
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

If we had a border that actually prevented illegals from getting in, the costs of our various agencies that have to deal with those millions of illegals would evaporate. Not to mention the billions this will save for our hospitals and schools that are overcrowded because of illegals.

The progressives are scared shitless about this. So we know its the right thing to do.
One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.
That as said before does NOT compare.
Where the Jews in Germany ILLEGALS?
Did the Jews kill Germans?
Did the Jews rape Germans?

Try again THAT argument is foolish and lazy.

The NAZI raid houses and rounded them. Now you want to do the same.
So try to humor me.
No, the Nazis made a certain people illegal that were BORN there. So even in that case your argument FAILS because you simply cannot compare the two. And you look stupid insisting and trying.
the cost of educating illegal children in our schools systems is said to be over $45 billion/year; and that is a RECURRING COST.

that doesnt count any other cost of illegals; Border Patrol, to incarcerate criminal illegals in our prisons, the cost to society of the crimes they committ, and yes WELFARE THEY DO RECEIVE.
In 2010, the typical illegal immigrant household received $24,721 in government benefits but paid just over $10,000 in taxes — an annual benefit of more than $14,000 per household. Illegal immigrants not only receive the benefits of government services (like fire and police protection), but their children receive public education. Additionally, children of illegal immigrants that are born in the United States are eligible for the full spread of government welfare benefits, including Social Security and Medicare.
I'm 67 and my only source of income is Social Security, so these factoids about the the relationship of illegal immigrants to the Social Security system seemed worth mentioning:
The truth is that undocumented immigrants contribute more in payroll taxes than they will ever consume in public benefits.
Take Social Security. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), unauthorized immigrants -- who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits -- have paid an eye-popping $100 billion into the fund over the past decade.
"They are paying an estimated $15 billion a year into Social Security with no intention of ever collecting benefits," Stephen Goss, chief actuary of the SSA told CNNMoney. "Without the estimated 3.1 million undocumented immigrants paying into the system, Social Security would have entered persistent shortfall of tax revenue to cover payouts starting in 2009," he said.
As the baby boom generation ages and retires, immigrant workers are key to shoring up Social Security and counteracting the effects of the decline in U.S.-born workers paying into the system, Goss said.
Without immigrants, the Social Security Board of Trustees projects that the system will no longer be able to pay the full promised benefits by 2037.
Source 5 immigration myths debunked - Nov. 20 2014
I have a German friend who is pissed about the fact that the German government keeps giving away their retirement savings to foreigners....leaving them with an unsecured future.

I guess I know what she was talking about now.
In 2010, the typical illegal immigrant household received $24,721 in government benefits but paid just over $10,000 in taxes — an annual benefit of more than $14,000 per household. Illegal immigrants not only receive the benefits of government services (like fire and police protection), but their children receive public education. Additionally, children of illegal immigrants that are born in the United States are eligible for the full spread of government welfare benefits, including Social Security and Medicare.
I'm 67 and my only source of income is Social Security, so these factoids about the the relationship of illegal immigrants to the Social Security system seemed worth mentioning:
The truth is that undocumented immigrants contribute more in payroll taxes than they will ever consume in public benefits.
Take Social Security. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), unauthorized immigrants -- who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits -- have paid an eye-popping $100 billion into the fund over the past decade.
"They are paying an estimated $15 billion a year into Social Security with no intention of ever collecting benefits," Stephen Goss, chief actuary of the SSA told CNNMoney. "Without the estimated 3.1 million undocumented immigrants paying into the system, Social Security would have entered persistent shortfall of tax revenue to cover payouts starting in 2009," he said.
As the baby boom generation ages and retires, immigrant workers are key to shoring up Social Security and counteracting the effects of the decline in U.S.-born workers paying into the system, Goss said.
Without immigrants, the Social Security Board of Trustees projects that the system will no longer be able to pay the full promised benefits by 2037.
Source 5 immigration myths debunked - Nov. 20 2014


1. Amnestied illegals will be eligible for close to a TRILLION in Social Security Benefits
3. WHO IS TO SAY that illegals using STOLEN OR FORGED ID, which we KNOW is happening, all these years wont someday be able to get retirement benefits on them?
4. illegals are already milking the system for TAX RETURNS. illegal using an ITIN (tax ID number) instead of a SSN can and do get tax refunds
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho
Your kidding your self kid.

You don't even know history pizza delivery boy.
You guys are funny. It's like you're completely out of touch with America.

The wall is going to be built. Illegal aliens are going to be deported. Mexico is going to pay for it.

Get used to it...

Oh but we'll never be able to-- The wall is going up.

Well Mexico will never-- The wall is going up, Mexico is paying.

Well we can't deny their constitutional-- The wall is going up, Illegals buh-bye, Mexico pays.

But we're already...
Obama's already--
The wall is going up... Illegals are going home... Mexico is paying.

The polls say 51% want-- The wall is going up... Illegals going home... Mexico paying.
You guys are funny. It's like you're completely out of touch with America.

The wall is going to be built. Illegal aliens are going to be deported. Mexico is going to pay for it.

Get used to it...

Trump is a great performer with nice slogans but he's never going to be pretzeldent. The oligarchy that rules your country will simply not allow it, they need cheap, illegal, labor to keep the $$$ flowing and they'll make sure another Bu$h or Clinton is selected so they get what they want..

Trump's wall is just a dream, get used to it


Get rid of the border patrol to pay for it.

They can't do their job anyway.

Get rid of the EPA and the Department of Education.

All they do is fuck everything up and raise the cost of living.
You guys are funny. It's like you're completely out of touch with America.

The wall is going to be built. Illegal aliens are going to be deported. Mexico is going to pay for it.

Get used to it...

Trump is a great performer with nice slogans but he's never going to be pretzeldent. The oligarchy that rules your country will simply not allow it, they need cheap, illegal, labor to keep the $$$ flowing and they'll make sure another Bu$h or Clinton is selected so they get what they want..

Trump's wall is just a dream, get used to it



you're simply an out of touch loser. the Democrat Party needs cheap votes more than we need cheap labor. only about 3-5 % of illegals work in agriculture and/or slaughterhouses, and that can be solved with a guest worker program. you just dont know what your'e talking about.

Oh, and the need for cheap labor can also be solved by expanding the LEGAL immigration system. but the Left cant wait, the Donkey Party cant wait, they want to skip over the MILLIONS WAITING IN LINE, FROM ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES, not just HISPANICS, and make the people who SNUCK IN, legal citizens in time for the next election.

liberals are phony, sanctimonious, cynical hypocrites
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none of the talking points from left-wing losers add up. if they really think illegals all come here for the express purpose of being "exploited" for cheap labor by American corporations then the Left should be joining calls for a wall to be built.
that way Mexico and Central American countries can keep their people and make their countries a place where their own people want to stay AND American companies will be forced to hire American workers and pay them higher wages, poor "people of color" wont be exploited...etc

truth is the Left needs the illegals for VOTES, the votes of their grateful legal relatives, and for the votes of illegals they want to make legal
Trump will never be President And his plan is not constitutional and would never happen. How is this useless 42 page thread going for everyone?
Trump will never be President And his plan is not constitutional and would never happen. How is this useless 42 page thread going for everyone?

it's going about as good as you believing anybody cares what you say is going

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