Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Most Americans are fine with deporting them. They would be willing to take the hit to get their country back again.

Ok. So tell us. How much of an increase in your annual income tax are you will to pay for the deportation of all illegals? Would you agree to a 20% increase? A 15% increase?
Money would be saved from additional teachers, ESL teachers, welfare,etc. If we have enough money to give to some of these countries aid, use that!

Tell us more about how we can deport 11 million people and it won't cost you a cent (in your personal universe).
illegal aliens cost this country $120 billion every year. We'll save money by deporting them all.
Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America - Illegal Immigration Solutions -
Most Americans are fine with deporting them. They would be willing to take the hit to get their country back again.

Ok. So tell us. How much of an increase in your annual income tax are you will to pay for the deportation of all illegals? Would you agree to a 20% increase? A 15% increase?

Why should it take any increase in the income tax? The cost of deporting them will be offset by the money saved on schools, free medical care, food stamps and welfare..
Illegal immigrants can't get food stamps/welfare/medicaid/etc..

Sure they can.
Prove it. It's not permitted.
And, this is the Right of Center Group which came up with the $100 to $300 billion figures:

"In March, American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute led by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, estimated it would take between $100 billion and $300 billion to arrest and remove "all undocumented immigrants residing in the country, a process that we estimate would take 20 years," the group said."
So all we have to do is not give Mexico aid money for one year and it's paid for.
Deportations COULD be the next big job market.
Could well be and those would be FEDERAL jobs with good pay and vacations plus retirement and health benefits just like the post office.

So let's say you are stuck with 15 million ILLEGALS and you need to ship them out. FedEx and UPS is not designed for that BUT you just happen to have Amtrak which is under used and over funded. So you use it.

Now you need people say 150,000 more or less to capture and do the paper work and ship the ILLEGALS. So now you have taken 150k in people OFF unemployment right? And on average every mid level job creates three additional jobs OUTSIDE the original 150K.

Now yu don't ship them back with their stuff, just the clothes on their back and a pair of zip cuffs. Whatever they bought was with ill gotten gains from a crime and that crime being illegal entry.

Now while the first look at the sticker price may scare you some of the other results should make you happy.
150k NEW middle class TAX PAYERS
150k NEW entry level or better TAX PAYERS
Reduced crime.
Reduced cost of social budget

So you raise the tax base {income} at the same time you cut social programs {costs}. Deporting ILLEGALS could make more jobs then the Keystone pipeline OR the fence. Once the fence is built you can cut staff from those jobs but you are looking at a decade of mass deportations.

Deporting ILLEGALS from this country could be one of the best fiscal and economic rebuilds in the shortest time in this country.
Oh my fucking god. You're advocating rounding up an entire population forcefully.

Well, you won't have to worry about it much.

Here is what happens (I'm pretty sure you know about it but for the uneducated....):

Lets say that we put these draconian measures in place on Monday. On Tuesday, Juan Rodriguez goes to ABC Company and applies for a job. John Smith, the manager, has to make a decision. He can go through the time and trouble and expense of running Juan through a battery of programs, tests, and has to decide if his credentials are legitimate. Or he can simply decide not to go through with the time, trouble, and expense and hire this Caucasian girl who applied as well. By doing so, he not only sidesteps the time, trouble, and expense at the outset, he needn't worry about the 3X as many DHS agents raiding his office or simply plucking Juan off the street and his missing work. He needn't worry about having been "duped" by Juan and paying fines or facing his business being confiscated because he hired an illegal.

Hispanics are going to suffer discrimination on a scale never seen. Which is why they will not vote for Trump shall he be the nominee. It is unlikely the large block of Hispanic voters will vote for any Republican.

It wouldn't work that way because the employer would have to go through all the same exact procedures to hire a causcasion girl.

As usual, the "open borders/amnesty" supporters are full of shit.
American Action Forum estimates of removing all illegal aliens is between $935 and $735 billion dollars. The cost of keeping them out would then be $315 billion per year. The American economy would shrink by 6%, or the same amount as the GNP of Texas.

Deporting undocumented workers would be very costly
Of course some commie pro open borders/amnesty organization grossly overestimates the cost of deporting illegal aliens.

How could it possibly cost $315 billion to keep them out? Where would the money be spent?

The cost of deporting one alien is $12,500. That comes to about $150 billion for 11 million of them - nowhere near your $935 billion figure.
And, this is the Right of Center Group which came up with the $100 to $300 billion figures:

"In March, American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute led by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, estimated it would take between $100 billion and $300 billion to arrest and remove "all undocumented immigrants residing in the country, a process that we estimate would take 20 years," the group said."

That's a bargain compared to the cost of allowing them to stay. Furthermore, it will convince a lot of others to not bother trying to come.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

And exactly how would you do that?

Remember, its the idiot RWs who are against driver's licenses for illegals even though it would be a way to track them.

Those people are nuts.

They don't believe that the constitution applies to everyone in America. According to the constitution everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty. So it's not the burden of the person to prove anything. It's the burden of the government to prove the person is violating the law.

They also don't understand that everyone has a right to an attorney and if they can't afford one the state will appoint one for them. Which is paid by us taxpayers.

I can't believe how stupid those people are. They live in their own fantasy land. They sure don't have any grasp of reality.
So all we have to do is not give Mexico aid money for one year and it's paid for.
Deportations COULD be the next big job market.
Could well be and those would be FEDERAL jobs with good pay and vacations plus retirement and health benefits just like the post office.

So let's say you are stuck with 15 million ILLEGALS and you need to ship them out. FedEx and UPS is not designed for that BUT you just happen to have Amtrak which is under used and over funded. So you use it.

Now you need people say 150,000 more or less to capture and do the paper work and ship the ILLEGALS. So now you have taken 150k in people OFF unemployment right? And on average every mid level job creates three additional jobs OUTSIDE the original 150K.

Now yu don't ship them back with their stuff, just the clothes on their back and a pair of zip cuffs. Whatever they bought was with ill gotten gains from a crime and that crime being illegal entry.

Now while the first look at the sticker price may scare you some of the other results should make you happy.
150k NEW middle class TAX PAYERS
150k NEW entry level or better TAX PAYERS
Reduced crime.
Reduced cost of social budget

So you raise the tax base {income} at the same time you cut social programs {costs}. Deporting ILLEGALS could make more jobs then the Keystone pipeline OR the fence. Once the fence is built you can cut staff from those jobs but you are looking at a decade of mass deportations.

Deporting ILLEGALS from this country could be one of the best fiscal and economic rebuilds in the shortest time in this country.
Oh my fucking god. You're advocating rounding up an entire population forcefully.

Well, you won't have to worry about it much.

Here is what happens (I'm pretty sure you know about it but for the uneducated....):

Lets say that we put these draconian measures in place on Monday. On Tuesday, Juan Rodriguez goes to ABC Company and applies for a job. John Smith, the manager, has to make a decision. He can go through the time and trouble and expense of running Juan through a battery of programs, tests, and has to decide if his credentials are legitimate. Or he can simply decide not to go through with the time, trouble, and expense and hire this Caucasian girl who applied as well. By doing so, he not only sidesteps the time, trouble, and expense at the outset, he needn't worry about the 3X as many DHS agents raiding his office or simply plucking Juan off the street and his missing work. He needn't worry about having been "duped" by Juan and paying fines or facing his business being confiscated because he hired an illegal.

Hispanics are going to suffer discrimination on a scale never seen. Which is why they will not vote for Trump shall he be the nominee. It is unlikely the large block of Hispanic voters will vote for any Republican.

It wouldn't work that way because the employer would have to go through all the same exact procedures to hire a causcasion girl.

As usual, the "open borders/amnesty" supporters are full of shit. Trump's plan will be a new tax on every business in America? Interesting. I wonder how you'd respond if your President, Barack Obama had proposed it? Let me guess, you'd be all for it...right?

The specter of 3X as many DHS agents that Trump wants to unleash on the population scooping up the Caucasian girl is non-existent....Juan Rodriguez? He'll be harassed.
It has already cost us hundreds of billions.
Really now? Mind to back up that assertion?
How Immigrants Boost U.S. Economic Growth The Fiscal Times
Most Americans are fine with deporting them. They would be willing to take the hit to get their country back again.

Ok. So tell us. How much of an increase in your annual income tax are you will to pay for the deportation of all illegals? Would you agree to a 20% increase? A 15% increase?

Why should it take any increase in the income tax? The cost of deporting them will be offset by the money saved on schools, free medical care, food stamps and welfare..
Illegal immigrants can't get food stamps/welfare/medicaid/etc..

You mean they can't get it legally, bu since they're already here illegally...
American Action Forum estimates of removing all illegal aliens is between $935 and $735 billion dollars. The cost of keeping them out would then be $315 billion per year. The American economy would shrink by 6%, or the same amount as the GNP of Texas.

Deporting undocumented workers would be very costly
Of course some commie pro open borders/amnesty organization grossly overestimates the cost of deporting illegal aliens.

How could it possibly cost $315 billion to keep them out? Where would the money be spent?

The cost of deporting one alien is $12,500. That comes to about $150 billion for 11 million of them - nowhere near your $935 billion figure.
His six percent fall in income for the United States is crap as well when you look at what the drop in social services would save us.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

And exactly how would you do that?

Remember, its the idiot RWs who are against driver's licenses for illegals even though it would be a way to track them.

Those people are nuts.

They don't believe that the constitution applies to everyone in America. According to the constitution everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty. So it's not the burden of the person to prove anything. It's the burden of the government to prove the person is violating the law.

They also don't understand that everyone has a right to an attorney and if they can't afford one the state will appoint one for them. Which is paid by us taxpayers.

I can't believe how stupid those people are. They live in their own fantasy land. They sure don't have any grasp of reality.

Aliens do not have a right to a jury trial to determine their immigration status. They're entitled to a hearing, and that's it. If they can't produce documentation to prove they are citizens, out they go. It's virtually impossible to get born in this country without a birth certificate. You certainly can't be raised to adulthood without one. You can't enroll in school, you can't get a drivers license, you can't get a Social Security card without one.

After reading all the rants I have seen here, I am convinced that if one were to give a copy of the US Constitution to one of these nuts, without identifying it, and asking them what they thought about it, they would universally reject it, and call it a communistic/totalitarian document that had no place in American law (except, of course, the 2nd amendment).

Meantime, even Trump wants to do away with citizenship for people born in this country, which is guaranteed by the Constitution.
So all we have to do is not give Mexico aid money for one year and it's paid for.
Deportations COULD be the next big job market.
Could well be and those would be FEDERAL jobs with good pay and vacations plus retirement and health benefits just like the post office.

So let's say you are stuck with 15 million ILLEGALS and you need to ship them out. FedEx and UPS is not designed for that BUT you just happen to have Amtrak which is under used and over funded. So you use it.

Now you need people say 150,000 more or less to capture and do the paper work and ship the ILLEGALS. So now you have taken 150k in people OFF unemployment right? And on average every mid level job creates three additional jobs OUTSIDE the original 150K.

Now yu don't ship them back with their stuff, just the clothes on their back and a pair of zip cuffs. Whatever they bought was with ill gotten gains from a crime and that crime being illegal entry.

Now while the first look at the sticker price may scare you some of the other results should make you happy.
150k NEW middle class TAX PAYERS
150k NEW entry level or better TAX PAYERS
Reduced crime.
Reduced cost of social budget

So you raise the tax base {income} at the same time you cut social programs {costs}. Deporting ILLEGALS could make more jobs then the Keystone pipeline OR the fence. Once the fence is built you can cut staff from those jobs but you are looking at a decade of mass deportations.

Deporting ILLEGALS from this country could be one of the best fiscal and economic rebuilds in the shortest time in this country.
Oh my fucking god. You're advocating rounding up an entire population forcefully.

Well, you won't have to worry about it much.

Here is what happens (I'm pretty sure you know about it but for the uneducated....):

Lets say that we put these draconian measures in place on Monday. On Tuesday, Juan Rodriguez goes to ABC Company and applies for a job. John Smith, the manager, has to make a decision. He can go through the time and trouble and expense of running Juan through a battery of programs, tests, and has to decide if his credentials are legitimate. Or he can simply decide not to go through with the time, trouble, and expense and hire this Caucasian girl who applied as well. By doing so, he not only sidesteps the time, trouble, and expense at the outset, he needn't worry about the 3X as many DHS agents raiding his office or simply plucking Juan off the street and his missing work. He needn't worry about having been "duped" by Juan and paying fines or facing his business being confiscated because he hired an illegal.

Hispanics are going to suffer discrimination on a scale never seen. Which is why they will not vote for Trump shall he be the nominee. It is unlikely the large block of Hispanic voters will vote for any Republican.

It wouldn't work that way because the employer would have to go through all the same exact procedures to hire a causcasion girl.

As usual, the "open borders/amnesty" supporters are full of shit. Trump's plan will be a new tax on every business in America? Interesting. I wonder how you'd respond if your President, Barack Obama had proposed it? Let me guess, you'd be all for it...right?

The specter of 3X as many DHS agents that Trump wants to unleash on the population scooping up the Caucasian girl is non-existent....Juan Rodriguez? He'll be harassed.

Hmmmm . . . where did I say anything about a tax on business? They are already required to obtain documentation proving that you're a legal resident and allowed to work. All Trump would do is enforce the law.

After reading all the rants I have seen here, I am convinced that if one were to give a copy of the US Constitution to one of these nuts, without identifying it, and asking them what they thought about it, they would universally reject it, and call it a communistic/totalitarian document that had no place in American law (except, of course, the 2nd amendment).

If anything is obvious, it's that you don't have a clue what the Constitution actually says. There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about deporting foreigners from this country.
If Juan isn't a citizen.....he is not covered by the Constitution. ...... :cool:

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

And exactly how would you do that?

Remember, its the idiot RWs who are against driver's licenses for illegals even though it would be a way to track them.

Those people are nuts.

They don't believe that the constitution applies to everyone in America. According to the constitution everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty. So it's not the burden of the person to prove anything. It's the burden of the government to prove the person is violating the law.

They also don't understand that everyone has a right to an attorney and if they can't afford one the state will appoint one for them. Which is paid by us taxpayers.

I can't believe how stupid those people are. They live in their own fantasy land. They sure don't have any grasp of reality.

Aliens do not have a right to a jury trial to determine their immigration status. They're entitled to a hearing, and that's it. If they can't produce documentation to prove they are citizens, out they go. It's virtually impossible to get born in this country without a birth certificate. You certainly can't be raised to adulthood without one. You can't enroll in school, you can't get a drivers license, you can't get a Social Security card without one.

So you will have 12 million hearings (minimum)? Imagine all of the jobs that will be created by court reporters. LOL I'm sure we can bill Mexico for them...I wouldn't recommend that you hold your breath waiting for them to pay.

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