Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

look at the illegal-panderer self-hating American left-wing nutjob get angrier with every post exposing what a moron he is!!
Dude, you are full of shite on the court thing. Link or die.

We give mexico 50 million a year. That's not gonna build a fence. We could put bigger fees on visas, and they could make cancun more expensive. In short, the Donald is full of shite on this, and you've got neither a link nor a clue. Out.

Domestic courts or other, could get involved. There are avenues that can be pursued. But it looks like you just want the status quo. You want the illegal invasion to continue. Change scares the hell out of you. You've either given up, or just hate your own country, But regardless, pushing for obeying the law of the land is a noble cause. So I wish Trump the best of luck.
Jesus but you are stupid. Perfect Trump supporter. The 11 million folks who are here without permission are not criminals, they are not on public assistance and they are not invaders. The only rational approach is the one supported by most Americans; a path to permanent residency for most and deportation for the criminals element. Trump has not offered any explanation as to how he is going to deport 11 million people and the 2 to 3 million children of those 11 million who are US citizens. But, he can count on morons like you to cheer on his empty promises.

They are criminals under U.S. Law. You know, we do actually have Immigration Laws. I know most of you have forgotten that, but we really do. They were put in place for very important reasons. And just because our corrupt Politicians have chosen not to enforce the laws, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Trump's merely suggesting Government begin enforcing the law. If that makes him 'Evil' in your eyes, so be it. It's time to end the Illegal Invasion. Period, end of story.

I'd just prefer that politicans' proposals be based upon what is actually possible and not be bs spun to humor idiots who prefer emotion to actually governing.

Pushing for obeying the law is not 'bs.' That's where you're going wrong. You've become so conditioned to accept your Government disobeying the law, you're outraged someone is actually suggesting following the law.

Well, get over your conditioned outrage and support doing right. It's time to restore the Rule of Law. And if Trump's the guy to accomplish that, so be it. Someone's gotta do it.
Bullhshte Paul. Trump is simply not putting forth a credible plan. That's not the same as saying the status quo is all groovy.
obama's "plan" is for the express purpose of giving legal status to MILLIONS OF MOSTLY HISPANIC ILLEGALS, mostly Hispanic by virtue of the fact they snuck over the border we share with Mexico; and it's all FOR VOTES

his so-called plan doesnt address the ACTUAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM AT ALL
IT'S COMICAL that left-wing idiots have convinced their phony, sanctimonious selves that obama's AMNESTY PLAN, and that IS what it is, is about compassion for anybody, and not what it is really for, Democrat Party votes
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

That's ok, we can confiscate everything Juan has to help pay the bill. Fruits of an ongoing criminal enterprise don'cha know.

Confiscation of Juan's assets for a misdemeanor? Then let's do the same thing for people who roll a stop sign.

Sorry bubba, a continuing criminal enterprise is a felony, conspiring to remain in the US is a felony, working with stolen identities or forged documents is a felony, aiding and abetting others to remain in the US is a felony, I could go on but you're really not worth it.

"Conspiring to remain in the US" is a felony? Care to share a link on that, pal?

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.

Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.


The penalty for felony harboring is a fine and imprisonment for up to five years. The penalty for felony alien smuggling is a fine and up to ten years' imprisonment. Where the crime causes serious bodily injury or places the life of any person in jeopardy, the penalty is a fine and up to twenty years' imprisonment. If the criminal smuggling or harboring results in the death of any person, the penalty can include life imprisonment. Convictions for aiding, abetting, or conspiracy to commit alien smuggling or harboring, carry the same penalties. Courts can impose consecutive prison sentences for each alien smuggled or harbored. A court may order a convicted smuggler to pay restitution if the alien smuggled qualifies as a victim under the Victim and Witness Protection Act. Conspiracy to commit crimes of sheltering, harboring, or employing illegal aliens is a separate federal offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 or five years' imprisonment.

Aiding abetting harboring encouraging illegals a felony

My bold

These crimes are limited to US citizens, illegals can be charged with them as well.
Domestic courts or other, could get involved. There are avenues that can be pursued. But it looks like you just want the status quo. You want the illegal invasion to continue. Change scares the hell out of you. You've either given up, or just hate your own country, But regardless, pushing for obeying the law of the land is a noble cause. So I wish Trump the best of luck.
Jesus but you are stupid. Perfect Trump supporter. The 11 million folks who are here without permission are not criminals, they are not on public assistance and they are not invaders. The only rational approach is the one supported by most Americans; a path to permanent residency for most and deportation for the criminals element. Trump has not offered any explanation as to how he is going to deport 11 million people and the 2 to 3 million children of those 11 million who are US citizens. But, he can count on morons like you to cheer on his empty promises.

They are criminals under U.S. Law. You know, we do actually have Immigration Laws. I know most of you have forgotten that, but we really do. They were put in place for very important reasons. And just because our corrupt Politicians have chosen not to enforce the laws, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Trump's merely suggesting Government begin enforcing the law. If that makes him 'Evil' in your eyes, so be it. It's time to end the Illegal Invasion. Period, end of story.

I'd just prefer that politicans' proposals be based upon what is actually possible and not be bs spun to humor idiots who prefer emotion to actually governing.

Pushing for obeying the law is not 'bs.' That's where you're going wrong. You've become so conditioned to accept your Government disobeying the law, you're outraged someone is actually suggesting following the law.

Well, get over your conditioned outrage and support doing right. It's time to restore the Rule of Law. And if Trump's the guy to accomplish that, so be it. Someone's gotta do it.
Bullhshte Paul. Trump is simply not putting forth a credible plan. That's not the same as saying the status quo is all groovy.

His plan is absolutely credible. All the other plans are Bullshit. He's gonna enforce the Law of the Land and secure our Border. That's as credible as it gets. I'm done listening to Bullshitters spew the same ole tired nonsense. They do nothing.

Trump's proposing doing something. This Illegal Invasion has to end. The Law has to be restored. Anything other than that, isn't credible at all.
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

The last thing an undocumented person is going to do is go to a US government office and let the government know they're here in America.

I can't believe how stupid the right wing crazy people are.
It's basically a myth based on "anchor babies" being eligible for stuff like Medicaid.

Illegal Alien Facts vs. the Truth-O-Meter PolitiFact
PolitiFart isn't a credible source. Even Loony left-wingers know that..

In continuing war on its own credibility PolitiFact calls accurate Obama jobs statement half true
And you are a reliable source? A lying, POS like you?
OK, smartass... tell me something.

In your opinion, are the illegals taking jobs that our own citizens could hold(driving up the poverty rate for Americans), or are they surviving on welfare that WE are paying for?

And BTW, thanks for calling another Liberal source a lying POS. That was damn near funny.
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

It is spent on Public Schools, lunch programs, snap and Medicaid.
Also stolen SSI numbers in order to collect SSI benefits.
Thanks for being honest, but really Medicaid SSI go to children who are citizens. And, children who are here illegally can't be denied educational services. Imo, that's not the way the law should be, but ... it is what it is. In short, the assertion that illegal aliens are a sponge for welfare is as ill founded as the bs that Trump can make Mexico pay for a fence.

You are not figuring in increased tariffs on imports from Mexico, which is what he is talking about.
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

It is spent on Public Schools, lunch programs, snap and Medicaid.
Also stolen SSI numbers in order to collect SSI benefits.
Thanks for being honest, but really Medicaid SSI go to children who are citizens. And, children who are here illegally can't be denied educational services. Imo, that's not the way the law should be, but ... it is what it is. In short, the assertion that illegal aliens are a sponge for welfare is as ill founded as the bs that Trump can make Mexico pay for a fence.

You are not figuring in increased tariffs on imports from Mexico, which is what he is talking about.
No can do, gringo. No tariffs with Nafta. We gotta a treaty and we take you to court. (-:

8. How did NAFTA affect tariff rates within North America?
On January 1, 2008, the last remaining tariffs were removed within North America. When implemented, NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the NAFTA partners and called for the phased elimination, over 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services between the three countries.
Frequently Asked Questions
Jesus but you are stupid. Perfect Trump supporter. The 11 million folks who are here without permission are not criminals, they are not on public assistance and they are not invaders. The only rational approach is the one supported by most Americans; a path to permanent residency for most and deportation for the criminals element. Trump has not offered any explanation as to how he is going to deport 11 million people and the 2 to 3 million children of those 11 million who are US citizens. But, he can count on morons like you to cheer on his empty promises.

They are criminals under U.S. Law. You know, we do actually have Immigration Laws. I know most of you have forgotten that, but we really do. They were put in place for very important reasons. And just because our corrupt Politicians have chosen not to enforce the laws, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Trump's merely suggesting Government begin enforcing the law. If that makes him 'Evil' in your eyes, so be it. It's time to end the Illegal Invasion. Period, end of story.

I'd just prefer that politicans' proposals be based upon what is actually possible and not be bs spun to humor idiots who prefer emotion to actually governing.

Pushing for obeying the law is not 'bs.' That's where you're going wrong. You've become so conditioned to accept your Government disobeying the law, you're outraged someone is actually suggesting following the law.

Well, get over your conditioned outrage and support doing right. It's time to restore the Rule of Law. And if Trump's the guy to accomplish that, so be it. Someone's gotta do it.
Bullhshte Paul. Trump is simply not putting forth a credible plan. That's not the same as saying the status quo is all groovy.

His plan is absolutely credible. All the other plans are Bullshit. He's gonna enforce the Law of the Land and secure our Border. That's as credible as it gets. I'm done listening to Bullshitters spew the same ole tired nonsense. They do nothing.

Trump's proposing doing something. This Illegal Invasion has to end. The Law has to be restored. Anything other than that, isn't credible at all.
Stop clicking your heels. It's not working. It's still booolshite that cannot be done.

What we could do is beef up everify. It's not politically possible to increase consumer costs and still get people elected. Obamacare's still here because we couldn't make that claim stick. jack up the cost of lettuce, and the Wal-Mart shoppers will take revenge. We can't ship them back, but we can make it nearly impossible for any employer to knowingly hire anyone who is not registered, and we can limit the number of people registered.
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

It is spent on Public Schools, lunch programs, snap and Medicaid.
Also stolen SSI numbers in order to collect SSI benefits.
Thanks for being honest, but really Medicaid SSI go to children who are citizens. And, children who are here illegally can't be denied educational services. Imo, that's not the way the law should be, but ... it is what it is. In short, the assertion that illegal aliens are a sponge for welfare is as ill founded as the bs that Trump can make Mexico pay for a fence.

You are not figuring in increased tariffs on imports from Mexico, which is what he is talking about.
No can do, gringo. No tariffs with Nafta. We gotta a treaty and we take you to court. (-:

8. How did NAFTA affect tariff rates within North America?
On January 1, 2008, the last remaining tariffs were removed within North America. When implemented, NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the NAFTA partners and called for the phased elimination, over 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services between the three countries.
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes and we need to get rid of it just like the AHCA.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

It is spent on Public Schools, lunch programs, snap and Medicaid.
Also stolen SSI numbers in order to collect SSI benefits.
Thanks for being honest, but really Medicaid SSI go to children who are citizens. And, children who are here illegally can't be denied educational services. Imo, that's not the way the law should be, but ... it is what it is. In short, the assertion that illegal aliens are a sponge for welfare is as ill founded as the bs that Trump can make Mexico pay for a fence.

You are not figuring in increased tariffs on imports from Mexico, which is what he is talking about.
No can do, gringo. No tariffs with Nafta. We gotta a treaty and we take you to court. (-:

8. How did NAFTA affect tariff rates within North America?
On January 1, 2008, the last remaining tariffs were removed within North America. When implemented, NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the NAFTA partners and called for the phased elimination, over 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services between the three countries.
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes and we need to get rid of it just like the AHCA.
You realize that the same people backing Walker derailed this last time?

U.S. lawmakers launch push to repeal NAFTA Reuters

No offense but x-nay the Don Quixote stuff and just focus on the employers, after accepting their figures for how many the keep, and get it done. The Donald is playing you like a cheap fiddle.
They are criminals under U.S. Law. You know, we do actually have Immigration Laws. I know most of you have forgotten that, but we really do. They were put in place for very important reasons. And just because our corrupt Politicians have chosen not to enforce the laws, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Trump's merely suggesting Government begin enforcing the law. If that makes him 'Evil' in your eyes, so be it. It's time to end the Illegal Invasion. Period, end of story.

I'd just prefer that politicans' proposals be based upon what is actually possible and not be bs spun to humor idiots who prefer emotion to actually governing.

Pushing for obeying the law is not 'bs.' That's where you're going wrong. You've become so conditioned to accept your Government disobeying the law, you're outraged someone is actually suggesting following the law.

Well, get over your conditioned outrage and support doing right. It's time to restore the Rule of Law. And if Trump's the guy to accomplish that, so be it. Someone's gotta do it.
Bullhshte Paul. Trump is simply not putting forth a credible plan. That's not the same as saying the status quo is all groovy.

His plan is absolutely credible. All the other plans are Bullshit. He's gonna enforce the Law of the Land and secure our Border. That's as credible as it gets. I'm done listening to Bullshitters spew the same ole tired nonsense. They do nothing.

Trump's proposing doing something. This Illegal Invasion has to end. The Law has to be restored. Anything other than that, isn't credible at all.
Stop clicking your heels. It's not working. It's still booolshite that cannot be done.

What we could do is beef up everify. It's not politically possible to increase consumer costs and still get people elected. Obamacare's still here because we couldn't make that claim stick. jack up the cost of lettuce, and the Wal-Mart shoppers will take revenge. We can't ship them back, but we can make it nearly impossible for any employer to knowingly hire anyone who is not registered, and we can limit the number of people registered.

Done listening to you Bullshitters. You do nothing. None of your plans are credible. Trump's got it right. Secure the Border and restore the Law. Period, end of story.
It is spent on Public Schools, lunch programs, snap and Medicaid.
Also stolen SSI numbers in order to collect SSI benefits.
Thanks for being honest, but really Medicaid SSI go to children who are citizens. And, children who are here illegally can't be denied educational services. Imo, that's not the way the law should be, but ... it is what it is. In short, the assertion that illegal aliens are a sponge for welfare is as ill founded as the bs that Trump can make Mexico pay for a fence.

You are not figuring in increased tariffs on imports from Mexico, which is what he is talking about.
No can do, gringo. No tariffs with Nafta. We gotta a treaty and we take you to court. (-:

8. How did NAFTA affect tariff rates within North America?
On January 1, 2008, the last remaining tariffs were removed within North America. When implemented, NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the NAFTA partners and called for the phased elimination, over 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services between the three countries.
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes and we need to get rid of it just like the AHCA.
You realize that the same people backing Walker derailed this last time?

U.S. lawmakers launch push to repeal NAFTA Reuters

No offense but x-nay the Don Quixote stuff and just focus on the employers, after accepting their figures for how many the keep, and get it done. The Donald is playing you like a cheap fiddle.

You should get it though your head that both sides of the political parties are playing everyone like a cheap fiddle, including the media.
what it's COSTING us in our Resources, OUR tax dollars, OUR children are being murdered by these people even ones who's been deported SEVEN times...the pandering by those elected who took an OATH to follow our LAWS and protect WE THE PEOPLE .

this BS OF it's cost to send them back is getting mighty sickening. that is why TRUMP is such a hit. the people are FED UP
Claim Trump's a 'racist homophobe sexist' all you want. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But he's taking on the elephant in the room. No other Candidate in either Party is doing that.

He's not blowing it off, he's taking it on instead. I have to respect the man. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The Rule of Law has to be restored. Trump has my full support in doing that.
He is not taking a stand. Taking a stand would involve concrete proposals; not pie in the sky promises that only an idiot would think he can achieve. The biggest lie you morons have been spouting is he is the first to talk about this. Bullshit. There have been proposals made that were ok with both sides before the black man got elected. Now, the right will not agree to anything. The president is implementing, to the extent he can with his executive authority, the only sane, rational approach to this.

Like i said, claim he's a 'racist homophobe sexist' all you want. I know that's your thing. But he's proposing restoring the Law of the Land. And that's more than any other Candidate is proposing. The rest is all B.S.
Where did I say he was any of those things? Are you delusional?
what it's COSTING us in our Resources, OUR tax dollars, OUR children are being murdered by these people even ones who's been deported SEVEN times...the pandering by those elected who took an OATH to follow our LAWS and protect WE THE PEOPLE .

this BS OF it's cost to send them back is getting mighty sickening. that is why TRUMP is such a hit. the people are FED UP
Actually, we are being murdered by us for the most part. And Trump is a hit with very few people, one out of four Republicans and no Democrats. Please, nominate him.
Jesus but you are stupid. Perfect Trump supporter. The 11 million folks who are here without permission are not criminals, they are not on public assistance and they are not invaders. The only rational approach is the one supported by most Americans; a path to permanent residency for most and deportation for the criminals element. Trump has not offered any explanation as to how he is going to deport 11 million people and the 2 to 3 million children of those 11 million who are US citizens. But, he can count on morons like you to cheer on his empty promises.

They are criminals under U.S. Law. You know, we do actually have Immigration Laws. I know most of you have forgotten that, but we really do. They were put in place for very important reasons. And just because our corrupt Politicians have chosen not to enforce the laws, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Trump's merely suggesting Government begin enforcing the law. If that makes him 'Evil' in your eyes, so be it. It's time to end the Illegal Invasion. Period, end of story.

I'd just prefer that politicans' proposals be based upon what is actually possible and not be bs spun to humor idiots who prefer emotion to actually governing.

Pushing for obeying the law is not 'bs.' That's where you're going wrong. You've become so conditioned to accept your Government disobeying the law, you're outraged someone is actually suggesting following the law.

Well, get over your conditioned outrage and support doing right. It's time to restore the Rule of Law. And if Trump's the guy to accomplish that, so be it. Someone's gotta do it.
Bullhshte Paul. Trump is simply not putting forth a credible plan. That's not the same as saying the status quo is all groovy.

His plan is absolutely credible. All the other plans are Bullshit. He's gonna enforce the Law of the Land and secure our Border. That's as credible as it gets. I'm done listening to Bullshitters spew the same ole tired nonsense. They do nothing.

Trump's proposing doing something. This Illegal Invasion has to end. The Law has to be restored. Anything other than that, isn't credible at all.
What plan? He has not offered a plan. A plan would include proposed legislation; budgetary numbers; specific descriptions of what will be done. His "plan" has none of that. The other plans include bipartisan legislation that the Republicans stopped to prevent the President from getting any credit. That plan included specific legislation and all of the things Trump lacks.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

The last thing an undocumented person is going to do is go to a US government office and let the government know they're here in America.

I can't believe how stupid the right wing crazy people are.
It's basically a myth based on "anchor babies" being eligible for stuff like Medicaid.

Illegal Alien Facts vs. the Truth-O-Meter PolitiFact
PolitiFart isn't a credible source. Even Loony left-wingers know that..

In continuing war on its own credibility PolitiFact calls accurate Obama jobs statement half true
And you are a reliable source? A lying, POS like you?
OK, smartass... tell me something.

In your opinion, are the illegals taking jobs that our own citizens could hold(driving up the poverty rate for Americans), or are they surviving on welfare that WE are paying for?

And BTW, thanks for calling another Liberal source a lying POS. That was damn near funny.
No, idiot, you are the lying POS. And, no, they are not taking jobs Americans would take. That is kind of the point; there is a demand from them because these jobs go unfilled.

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