Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

How does "the Donald" plan on finding 11 million illegals in this country? Does he plan on doing a search on every house in this nation--looking in every nook and crack? I think that illegal searches in this country are still illegal--LOL Look Donald Trump is a nutcase--and he has thrilled all the other nut-cases with his non-sense.

The ONLY thing Donald Trump has done is to chase millions of legal voting hispanic citizens into Hillary Clinton's column--and that was designed by Bill Clinton & Donald Trump. It's the Clinton/Trump strategy. One that discussed by telephone (Bill Clinton & Donald Trump) just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy. The Trumps & Clinton's have been good friends for decades--even their daughters are best friends.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -

Donald Trump has absolutely no intentions of becoming President, he's just here to insure that Hillary makes it into the oval office--DA DUH!

Donald Trump is Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse

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Bottom line...........Most of Americans want the dang borders secured.
Most Americans want the illegal problem fixed.
Most Americans want our laws enforced regarding ICE.........

They don't get that with the Dems who don't want the borders closed. They want the votes...........and the rest want cheap labor...............

The cost to stop it, and deport many would pay for itself in a couple of years because of the burden to the States and local Gov'ts................

Secure the border...............then deal with those that have been here most of their life..............

Birth right citizenship has been rejected around the developed world except us and Canada..........It needs to end and the Dry Feet Wet Feet from Cuba................
Illegals have no place in the United States. A person who applies for a work visa and is given one is not illegal. And it is ridiculous for anyone to imagine that police would go door to door. They would simply wait until an illegal did something wrong and then deport him and any illegal family members.

A child born to an illegal in the US, should also be deported with the family unit. A child belongs with his parents but should be able to re-enter the US when he reaches 21.

Anyone who is not willing to see the logic in what I've stated, is likely only seeking votes for the Democratic party ---- or they wish to keep their household staff. My ancestors certainly needed to go through Ellis Island protocol. I cannot imagine why selected races should receive preferential treatment.

Paragraph 1. Yes there are illegals that committed crimes like drug dealers, rapist, killers etc. and they are in jail. And this is what is going on right now. Most came here to seek better life for their families. So how long you have to WAIT till these other illegals commit heinous crimes before you start deporting?
How do you deport 11 millions + illegals by force without drastic, inhumane and irresponsible move? You have to raid houses, schools, malls, churches, airport etc. etc. marines on every streets checking IDs. Do you have other ideas how to accomplish this mission?

Let me give you 2 scenarios. I hope you have kids.
#1. Deport 11 millions + illegals with their US citizen kids. On the low side 20 millions to maybe 30 to 40 millions of these kids. Somewhere in Mexico these kids don't have home to live, no land, no food, no education, no future. Nothing. If you are parent are you willing to starve your kids? What do you think these of kids will become but criminal way of how to survive.
When they grow older they return to US criminals and uneducated. These are by the millions and millions and more because some will have families that they can bring to US. What kind of jobs do you think these people can find in U.S. except crimes and welfare. Don't bother to count that they can now petition their inlaws, inlaws petition their siblings, sibliibgs can petition and so on. ALL on welfare. Is that acceptable to you or anybody?

#2. Deport illegal parents and leave us citizen kids behind min. 20 to 30 to millions of these kids. Who do you think will take care these kids. Food, day care, clothing, schools etc. Friends, relatives, FEMA camps, orphanage? Tax payers will carry most or all of these expenses. Which we never have to take care before to begin with.
Most or all will pick #2. At least they have a future.
As an example SA American countries shoved unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to our border in Texas. We tax payers take care these kids without parents. Numbers is only 30k and they are having a difficult time placing them. Think of 30 millions us citizen kids.
What is the realistic way of facing this problem? BTW I was a republican.

No one has suggested raiding houses and checking IDs... so why do you bring this up as if someone has? Do you really fear that this will become mob mentality? I think we all comprehend the problem in deporting 11-20 million illegal aliens. This is precisely why the wall needs to be built and we need to stop creating excuses for not building it.

As for your imagination, I can't do much about the ideas you create in your head. I don't care about who takes care of these kids or what kind of upbringing they get. It's not my problem, I am trying to support my family.

So let's talk about Option #3:

Build a fucking big ass wall!
Deport ALL illegal aliens who violate the law, AND their kids.
When we've stopped the influx of illegals coming in...
We can reasonably discuss 'paths to citizenship' or whatever.
Amnesty isn't fair to those who come here legally, so it can't be amnesty.
I am not imagining I gave you 2 REALITY options. And you try to deflect and force your bully opinion. I don't care this, I don't care that. Good for you. You better care because either way how you want it WE as taxpayers and Americans will pay for these predicament. What is your suggestion in forcing people to leave their houses and their well being? What? Tell me.
Where's in my post not build a wall? We are talking about us citizen kids that are here and the illegal parents. I don't think the wall will make any difference either but to make you happy. Will built a wall.
This whole Trump-a-rama thing is exactly what happened with Palin worship, and will have the same result. However, I have seen this sort of thing come out the way the nuts wanted it to come out. It was back in about 1969 when Lester Maddox ran for governor of Georgia. he was going to wave his magic ax handle, and reverse all the supreme court decisions regarding integration. To the utter embarrassment of the moderates in the state, lester won. we thought that it was going to be total disaster for Georgia. However, as time unfolded, it quickly became clear that all Lester could do was make rhetoric and shout racial slurs. The courts blocked him at every turn. In the end, he simply faded away, after having done absolutely nothing in his term except make a lot of noise.

So... Did Pinhead Liberals United have a meeting this morning where they decided to go after Trump as a Racist? I ask because this makes about the third pinhead I've run across today who seems to want to make this insinuation and comparison between Trump and the days of racial segregationists.

My guess is this... Some poll result came out that showed Trump was pulling an unusually high number of black votes. Realizing the disaster this spells for Democrats, the operatives are out there today trying to paint Trump as a closet racist.

My prediction is, this tactic is going to fail so badly that you will be trying to blame Republicans for bringing it up.

Actually, I don't think Trump is a racist. In spite of his having offended virtually every Latino voter in the country, Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about Latino's one way or the other. In fact, according to him, they LOVE him! No, my point is that that, like Lester Maddox, Trump panders to those people who ARE racist, by promising them that that all their fears of colored people will be solved when he is elected, even though he has absolutely no realistic plan to get anything done that he is promising.
This doesn't have a damn thing to do with naturalization.

Yeah, it kinda does.

Naturalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Naturalization (or naturalisation) is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities. The rules of naturalization vary from country to country and typically include a minimum legal residency requirement, and may specify other requirements such as knowledge of the national dominant language or culture, a promise to obey and uphold that country's laws. An oath or pledge of allegiance is also sometimes required. Some countries also require that the person renounce any other citizenship that they currently hold, forbidding dual citizenship, but whether this renunciation actually causes loss of the person's original citizenship, as seen by the host country and by the original country, will again depend on the laws of the countries involved.

In our country our Constitution gives Congress the power to establish these laws by statute. This is totally in the hands of Congress to decide. We do not need to rewrite the 14th, it specifically gives Congress explicit authority in Section 5.

Your arguments that there is some Constitutional guarantee of birthright citizenship are without merit. There has never been a ruling by SCOTUS on this and it wouldn't matter if there were... it's not in their power... it is exclusively within powers delegated to Congress.

Liberals want to run around waving a 1890 ruling pertaining to legal immigrants and make something "constitutional" by proclaiming it to be so! That was never the ruling in Wong, you are simply LYING to people. And there are some idiots on the GOP side who are stupid enough to buy into this crap. Let's move along...settled law...nothing we can do... BULLSHIT... It's fucking NOT settled law, it's NOT Constitutional, and BY GOD we're not going to have smoke blown up our ass by IDIOTS any more!
This whole Trump-a-rama thing is exactly what happened with Palin worship, and will have the same result. However, I have seen this sort of thing come out the way the nuts wanted it to come out. It was back in about 1969 when Lester Maddox ran for governor of Georgia. he was going to wave his magic ax handle, and reverse all the supreme court decisions regarding integration. To the utter embarrassment of the moderates in the state, lester won. we thought that it was going to be total disaster for Georgia. However, as time unfolded, it quickly became clear that all Lester could do was make rhetoric and shout racial slurs. The courts blocked him at every turn. In the end, he simply faded away, after having done absolutely nothing in his term except make a lot of noise.

So... Did Pinhead Liberals United have a meeting this morning where they decided to go after Trump as a Racist? I ask because this makes about the third pinhead I've run across today who seems to want to make this insinuation and comparison between Trump and the days of racial segregationists.

My guess is this... Some poll result came out that showed Trump was pulling an unusually high number of black votes. Realizing the disaster this spells for Democrats, the operatives are out there today trying to paint Trump as a closet racist.

My prediction is, this tactic is going to fail so badly that you will be trying to blame Republicans for bringing it up.

Actually, I don't think Trump is a racist. In spite of his having offended virtually every Latino voter in the country, Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about Latino's one way or the other. In fact, according to him, they LOVE him! No, my point is that that, like Lester Maddox, Trump panders to those people who ARE racist, by promising them that that all their fears of colored people will be solved when he is elected, even though he has absolutely no realistic plan to get anything done that he is promising.
It's funny how he tells American people Mexicans are rapist, murderers etc. Then followed by I love Mexicans they are good people they love me. LOL.,
He doesn't have any realistic plan how to get this done but shockingly they believed him. I'm just wondering what kind of people being polled.
Earlier this week Bill O'Reilly Fox question Trump about his plan or specifics how to get this done. He deflect the question but offer no specifics
Again George Estaphanopoulus ABC interviewed him this week. See Yahoo news, How Does Trump Intend To Pull Off His Immigration Plan? His answer was, It's called management. When George press for specifics and cost.
I'm telling you. My specifics are very simple. I will hire people that know what they are doing.
That is so funny. Eventually more and more people will questions this kind lie.
From all the gathering I saw from TV most of the audiences are white. I don't see other races.
How does "the Donald" plan on finding 11 million illegals in this country? Does he plan on doing a search on every house in this nation--looking in every nook and crack? I think that illegal searches in this country are still illegal--LOL Look Donald Trump is a nutcase--and he has thrilled all the other nut-cases with his non-sense.

The ONLY thing Donald Trump has done is to chase millions of legal voting hispanic citizens into Hillary Clinton's column--and that was designed by Bill Clinton & Donald Trump. It's the Clinton/Trump strategy. One that discussed by telephone (Bill Clinton & Donald Trump) just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy. The Trumps & Clinton's have been good friends for decades--even their daughters are best friends.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -

Donald Trump has absolutely no intentions of becoming President, he's just here to insure that Hillary makes it into the oval office--DA DUH!

Donald Trump is Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse

And lots of people believed this NUTCASE. I cannot believe Americans are buying this non sense.
This doesn't have a damn thing to do with naturalization.

Yeah, it kinda does.

Naturalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Naturalization (or naturalisation) is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities. The rules of naturalization vary from country to country and typically include a minimum legal residency requirement, and may specify other requirements such as knowledge of the national dominant language or culture, a promise to obey and uphold that country's laws. An oath or pledge of allegiance is also sometimes required. Some countries also require that the person renounce any other citizenship that they currently hold, forbidding dual citizenship, but whether this renunciation actually causes loss of the person's original citizenship, as seen by the host country and by the original country, will again depend on the laws of the countries involved.

In our country our Constitution gives Congress the power to establish these laws by statute. This is totally in the hands of Congress to decide. We do not need to rewrite the 14th, it specifically gives Congress explicit authority in Section 5.

Your arguments that there is some Constitutional guarantee of birthright citizenship are without merit. There has never been a ruling by SCOTUS on this and it wouldn't matter if there were... it's not in their power... it is exclusively within powers delegated to Congress.

Liberals want to run around waving a 1890 ruling pertaining to legal immigrants and make something "constitutional" by proclaiming it to be so! That was never the ruling in Wong, you are simply LYING to people. And there are some idiots on the GOP side who are stupid enough to buy into this crap. Let's move along...settled law...nothing we can do... BULLSHIT... It's fucking NOT settled law, it's NOT Constitutional, and BY GOD we're not going to have smoke blown up our ass by IDIOTS any more!
what if it is simply more convenient to stay here because we are losing money on Commerce at our borders with silly and expensive, naturalization laws.
About the Trump fence; how far up the coast would it have to come and how far on the gulf coast before it could not be broached by boat traffic?
Illegals have no place in the United States. A person who applies for a work visa and is given one is not illegal. And it is ridiculous for anyone to imagine that police would go door to door. They would simply wait until an illegal did something wrong and then deport him and any illegal family members.

A child born to an illegal in the US, should also be deported with the family unit. A child belongs with his parents but should be able to re-enter the US when he reaches 21.

Anyone who is not willing to see the logic in what I've stated, is likely only seeking votes for the Democratic party ---- or they wish to keep their household staff. My ancestors certainly needed to go through Ellis Island protocol. I cannot imagine why selected races should receive preferential treatment.
What about people who only want to work in the US, make some money, and go home?
Let them apply for a work visa. This means that we know they are here, what they are doing, and can be expelled when they do things we find unacceptable.
Little Nipper, I replied to your post #1235. So far I haven't heard from you except Boss. He or she offered no specific how to solve this dilemma except bullying and no reality.
Do you want me to close this because you cannot answer or you are still thinking?
Anybody from the right or ultra conservative? Anybody?
About the Trump fence; how far up the coast would it have to come and how far on the gulf coast before it could not be broached by boat traffic?
don't we need two borders; or, does the right expect the laws of supply and demand to stop at our southern border?
We have more illegals coming from Mexico and Central America than Canada. Priority goes to southern border.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News
So, that means we shouldn't start deporting any? Well, that makes sense.
About the Trump fence; how far up the coast would it have to come and how far on the gulf coast before it could not be broached by boat traffic?
don't we need two borders; or, does the right expect the laws of supply and demand to stop at our southern border?
We have more illegals coming from Mexico and Central America than Canada. Priority goes to southern border.

no dodging the question.

don't we need two borders; or, does the right expect the laws of supply and demand to stop at our southern border?
About the Trump fence; how far up the coast would it have to come and how far on the gulf coast before it could not be broached by boat traffic?
don't we need two borders; or, does the right expect the laws of supply and demand to stop at our southern border?
We have more illegals coming from Mexico and Central America than Canada. Priority goes to southern border.

no dodging the question.

don't we need two borders; or, does the right expect the laws of supply and demand to stop at our southern border?
We don't need a northern border at this time because the influx of illegals are coming from the south. That's not dodging.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News
So, that means we shouldn't start deporting any? Well, that makes sense.

Since the beginning of the Obama administration, 2,000,000 have been deported. How did you managed to spin that into, "So, that means we shouldn't start deporting any?"?
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News
So, that means we shouldn't start deporting any? Well, that makes sense.

Since the beginning of the Obama administration, 2,000,000 have been deported. How did you managed to spin that into, "So, that means we shouldn't start deporting any?"?
That wasn't said in your post. You just talked of the expense to deport.

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