Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Of course they do.
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.
Look at post #149.
There is no post 149.
Fact-checking immigration PolitiFact
The U.S. Census Bureau just released 2008 figures showing the national average total per-pupil funding from all revenue sources was $12,028. Although estimates of the number of school-age children of illegal immigrants don’t separate those attending public vs. private schools, it’s reasonable to assume that nearly all attend public schools since most come from lower-income families. Therefore, if one multiplies $12,028 by the roughly 3.7 million students with illegal-immigrant parents, then one gets a national total funding cost of $44.5 billion

this report is from 2010 and relies on earlier 2008 Census numbers. it was $44.5 BILLION THEN, and that is just to EDUCATE ILLEGALS. do you think that has gone up or down left-wng nutjobs?
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
Another person who doesn't know the Constitution and the FACT that in our country we don't believe the government GIVES you rights.
Of course they do.
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.
Look at post #149.
There is no post 149.
bedowin: post 149:
a whole household of illegals can receive welfare benefits on behalf of just their American-born children

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisanWashington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship. On the other hand, legal immigrant households take advantage of every available welfare program, according to the study, which attributes it to low education level and resulting lowincome.The highest rate of welfare recipients come from the Dominican Republic (82 %), Mexico and Guatemala (75%) and Ecuador (70%), according to the report, which says welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents.

Thank you Bedowin., (There is NO post #149????)
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.
Look above you.
So, you could find no such proof.
I posted three times. One with my own link and then another post #149/
Then the US message board fairy keeps deleting them cause there is no post 149 and none of your posts have any links. They can't because they are not eligible for benefits. Though they do pay the taxes that fund the benefits.
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
Been done before.....mid-20th Europe.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

So, LESS than Obamacare coverage alone for the Illegals?
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.
Look at post #149.
There is no post 149.
bedowin: post 149:
a whole household of illegals can receive welfare benefits on behalf of just their American-born children

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisanWashington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship. On the other hand, legal immigrant households take advantage of every available welfare program, according to the study, which attributes it to low education level and resulting lowincome.The highest rate of welfare recipients come from the Dominican Republic (82 %), Mexico and Guatemala (75%) and Ecuador (70%), according to the report, which says welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents.

Thank you Bedowin., (There is NO post #149????)
Maybe he is one the idiots I have on ignore. American born children are citizens. You cannot claim that benefits going to citizens are benefits going to illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.
Look at post #149.
There is no post 149.
Fact-checking immigration PolitiFact

idiot lib; YOUR OWN PRO-ILLEGAL SOURCE admits at least 4 million children of illegals are receiving WELFARE benefits into their households
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.
Look at post #149.
There is no post 149.
bedowin: post 149:
a whole household of illegals can receive welfare benefits on behalf of just their American-born children

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisanWashington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship. On the other hand, legal immigrant households take advantage of every available welfare program, according to the study, which attributes it to low education level and resulting lowincome.The highest rate of welfare recipients come from the Dominican Republic (82 %), Mexico and Guatemala (75%) and Ecuador (70%), according to the report, which says welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents.

Thank you Bedowin., (There is NO post #149????)
Did you not read the post? It said this:
Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing."

Legal and Illegal. Of course legal immigrants have access to some benefits. They are legal; they pay the same taxes as you. Now, go out there and try to find proof of Illegals being eligible for these benefits. Read a little more closely as you look.
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.

Sorry but you're full of shit.

Poll Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants - Katie Pavlich

62 of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

Poll Americans reject Obama s immigration order want illegals out of schools jobs Washington Examiner

Loads more where those came from dumbass. Americans want the illegals out of America.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

So, LESS than Obamacare coverage alone for the Illegals?
There is no coverage for illegals in the ACA.. And, overall, the plan saves money. It lowers the deficit.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

That's ok, we can confiscate everything Juan has to help pay the bill. Fruits of an ongoing criminal enterprise don'cha know.
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.

Sorry but you're full of shit.

Poll Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants - Katie Pavlich

62 of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

Poll Americans reject Obama s immigration order want illegals out of schools jobs Washington Examiner

Loads more where those came from dumbass. Americans want the illegals out of America.
Four of your links are the same fucking poll. And most Americans want stricter enforcement at teh border AND a path to permanent residency for those already here. Immigration
Among the findings:
  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
  • Immigrant households’ use of welfare tends to be much higher than natives for food assistance programs and Medicaid. Their use of cash and housing programs tends to be similar to native households.
  • A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens. But even households with children comprised entirely of immigrants (no U.S.-born children) still had a welfare use rate of 56 percent in 2009.
  • Immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, even before the current recession. In 2001, 50 percent of all immigrant households with children used at least one welfare program, compared to 32 percent for natives.
  • Households with children with the highest welfare use rates are those headed by immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (75 percent), and Ecuador (70 percent). Those with the lowest use rates are from the United Kingdom (7 percent), India (19 percent), Canada (23 percent), and Korea (25 percent).
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.

Sorry but you're full of shit.

Poll Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants - Katie Pavlich

62 of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

Poll Americans reject Obama s immigration order want illegals out of schools jobs Washington Examiner

Loads more where those came from dumbass. Americans want the illegals out of America.

The majority of Republicans support a path to permanent residency over deportation.
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.

Sorry but you're full of shit.

Poll Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants - Katie Pavlich

62 of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

Poll Americans reject Obama s immigration order want illegals out of schools jobs Washington Examiner

Loads more where those came from dumbass. Americans want the illegals out of America.
Four of your links are the same fucking poll. And most Americans want stricter enforcement at teh border AND a path to permanent residency for those already here. Immigration

LMAO Go talk to neighbors and others to see what they think of the illegals in this country.

I have and to a man or woman they want these people out of America.

Oh and I'm not a republican but know many and they want these people out of America as well.
rYou don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.

Sorry but you're full of shit.

Poll Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants - Katie Pavlich

62 of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

Poll Americans reject Obama s immigration order want illegals out of schools jobs Washington Examiner

Loads more where those came from dumbass. Americans want the illegals out of America.
Four of your links are the same fucking poll. And most Americans want stricter enforcement at teh border AND a path to permanent residency for those already here. Immigration

LMAO Go talk to neighbors and others to see what they think of the illegals in this country.

I have and to a man or woman they want these people out of America.
Your neighbors are idiots like you, then. Most Americans are not.
I forget, how much did we just give Iran?
What is the cost of welfare, special education (English as a second language), and locking up illegals annualy?
Illegals do not get welfare. Educating children benefits us all.
Of course they do.
Illegal aliens are not eligible for any public assistance. You can claim to the contrary all you want, but you are still wrong.
Research is your friend.
Let us know when your research finds proof that illegals are eligible for public assistance.

it has already been shown to you leftard. when the baby that was born American qualifies the WHOLE HOUSEHOLD gets the benefit you dullard. because tiny babies cant digest the bread and eggs and other items they can get under the WIC program

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