Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

law enforcement investigated all of that stuff and there is nothing to it.

The $100,000 cattle futures bribe from Robert Bone of Refco was nothing?
That is what law enforcement discovered yes. But carry on with all the ridiculous propaganda....civilized people rely on law enforcement and no they are not a giant conspiracy LOL

That is what law enforcement discovered yes.

They discovered the bribe was nothing? I don't believe you.

Remember when the subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records were suddenly discovered in the White House?

That was awesome!
Investigated nothing proved or indictable or anything else...

Probably a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy snuck the billing records into the White House to make her look bad.
whatever there was no problem involved no crime just your stupid propaganda, super duper.

whatever there was no problem involved

Hiding subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records was no problem? DURR
That is what law enforcement discovered yes. But carry on with all the ridiculous propaganda....civilized people rely on law enforcement and no they are not a giant conspiracy LOL

That is what law enforcement discovered yes.

They discovered the bribe was nothing? I don't believe you.

Remember when the subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records were suddenly discovered in the White House?

That was awesome!
Investigated nothing proved or indictable or anything else...

Probably a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy snuck the billing records into the White House to make her look bad.
whatever there was no problem involved no crime just your stupid propaganda, super duper.

whatever there was no problem involved

Hiding subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records was no problem? DURR
Since there was no crime involved yes
You can tell when a string has gone belly up on progressives! The only one left here still arguing it is Franco. The rest of them had the good sense to get out while the getting was good! Not Franco though! He's not smart enough to realize when he looks like a moron.
You can tell when a string has gone belly up on progressives! The only one left here still arguing it is Franco. The rest of them had the good sense to get out while the getting was good! Not Franco though! He's not smart enough to realize when he looks like a moron.
Everything you know about the situation is wrong garbage propaganda. Like everything else you know.... Phony scandals misinformation.
You can tell when a string has gone belly up on progressives! The only one left here still arguing it is Franco. The rest of them had the good sense to get out while the getting was good! Not Franco though! He's not smart enough to realize when he looks like a moron.
Everything you know about the situation is wrong garbage propaganda. Like everything else you know.... Phony scandals misinformation.

Notice how all the rest of your little buddies have headed for the hills, Franco? Just one more string that's turned to shit for your side. One more string where you and your silly nonsense is the last gasp of the left!
You know the old saying "It ain't over until the fat lady sings"? Here on this board a more apt saying might be "It ain't over until Franco starts spamming all by his lonesome"!
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You know the old saying "It ain't over until the fat lady sings"? Here on this board a more apt saying might be "It ain't over until Franco starts spamming all by his lonesome"!
Your definition of spam is all wrong, it's the crap GOP dupes quotes or links. Crap propaganda. You're always so wrong I can't stop trying to help you poor schmucks.
Spam is electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spameven more generally as any unsolicited email. However, if a long-lost brother finds your email address and sends you a message, this could hardly be called spam, even though it is unsolicited.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
She took the 5th because of the Republican congress critters mouthing off that they were going to hang her from the highest tree, before her scheduled testimony, in public... on FOX News,

A witch hunt.

Lawyer told her to take the 5th because of them.
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...
Wow, You are gettiung it!!!!

Finally after so many stupid posts how you claimed the story is false. You admit it just needed further verification.

See, even dumbasses like you can learn.
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...

he probably will, but that BS has been shot down numerous times already.

Clinton won the popular vote.

We remind you of this when you claim the people chose Trump.

We remind you when Trump claims otherwise.

The fact is most people did not vote for your fat assed orange buddy & you can't grasp it.
I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.

NO, not verified means it could be false or it could be true. It means no one knows, it is an unproven allegation. BUT the MSNBC clown presented it as if it was fact. Sure, he used "if true" after pitching it like it was true. Its bullshit reporting and you fricken well know it.
When you said "no" & then verified what my post said it really makes you look even dumber.
So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
She took the 5th because of the Republican congress critters mouthing off that they were going to hang her from the highest tree, before her scheduled testimony, in public... on FOX News,

A witch hunt.

Lawyer told her to take the 5th because of them.

Innocent people don't need the 5th to protect themselves. Only guilty people use the 5th. Lerner was guilty and should be in jail today. But the ole double standard of justice seems to prevail for all dems all the time.
So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.

NO, not verified means it could be false or it could be true. It means no one knows, it is an unproven allegation. BUT the MSNBC clown presented it as if it was fact. Sure, he used "if true" after pitching it like it was true. Its bullshit reporting and you fricken well know it.
When you said "no" & then verified what my post said it really makes you look even dumber.

in your ignorance you failed to comprehend my post. My NO, referred to your comment "not verified does not mean false" that statement is untrue, hence my NO.

not verified means "not verified" which means it could be true or it could be false----------it is unverified, unproven, unsubstantiated.

the following statement is also unverified: Real Dave eats roadkill.
I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.

NO, not verified means it could be false or it could be true. It means no one knows, it is an unproven allegation. BUT the MSNBC clown presented it as if it was fact. Sure, he used "if true" after pitching it like it was true. Its bullshit reporting and you fricken well know it.
When you said "no" & then verified what my post said it really makes you look even dumber.

in your ignorance you failed to comprehend my post. My NO, referred to your comment "not verified does not mean false" that statement is untrue, hence my NO.

not verified means "not verified" which means it could be true or it could be false----------it is unverified, unproven, unsubstantiated.

the following statement is also unverified: Real Dave eats roadkill.
I understand that being a Trumpette has clouded your brain with stupidity but my statement was true.

But it is true.

You even conformed it in your post.

Not verified means it is not false.

It also means it is not necessarily true.

It means more research needs done.
You can tell when a string has gone belly up on progressives! The only one left here still arguing it is Franco. The rest of them had the good sense to get out while the getting was good...
Everything you know about the situation is wrong garbage propaganda...
Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up...
Wow, You are getting it! Finally after so many stupid posts how you claimed the story is false. You admit it just needed further verification...
And we are now at day 5 since O'Donnell broadcast his story and day 4 since his employer published a retraction and still there is no corroboration. How long does it take to for you to accept the obvious? You've been duped again.

There will be no "verification" and this fake news will - as so much before it - quietly be swept under the rug as if it never was spoken. You swallow.

Lawrence O'Donnell retracts his reporting about Trump loans
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
She took the 5th because of the Republican congress critters mouthing off that they were going to hang her from the highest tree, before her scheduled testimony, in public... on FOX News,

A witch hunt.

Lawyer told her to take the 5th because of them.

Innocent people don't need the 5th to protect themselves. Only guilty people use the 5th. Lerner was guilty and should be in jail today. But the ole double standard of justice seems to prevail for all dems all the time.
I think I will go with law enforcement and journalists around the world over your brainwashed functional idiocy from high school grad x cokehead DJ pundits with no evidence as always....
I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.

NO, not verified means it could be false or it could be true. It means no one knows, it is an unproven allegation. BUT the MSNBC clown presented it as if it was fact. Sure, he used "if true" after pitching it like it was true. Its bullshit reporting and you fricken well know it.
When you said "no" & then verified what my post said it really makes you look even dumber.

in your ignorance you failed to comprehend my post. My NO, referred to your comment "not verified does not mean false" that statement is untrue, hence my NO.

not verified means "not verified" which means it could be true or it could be false----------it is unverified, unproven, unsubstantiated.

the following statement is also unverified: Real Dave eats roadkill.

Are you sure about the roadkill?

I mean the cuts in welfare is making it hard for the TDS group to get a good meal of lobster and steak...

Maybe if we could only see his Tax Returns we would know if a Russian Cobra Memeber that hate G.I. Joe signed for a loan for a Barbie house Trump dream of...

Yeah, I am done and hope one day the left realize Trump is more like them than they realize...
So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
She took the 5th because of the Republican congress critters mouthing off that they were going to hang her from the highest tree, before her scheduled testimony, in public... on FOX News,

A witch hunt.

Lawyer told her to take the 5th because of them.

She took the 5th because she was guilty...something that was obvious from the moment the investigation began.
A witch hunt? I guess it was, Care! Lois Lerner was a witch. They were hunting her. It bothers me to this day that she was able to abuse her office like that...make her statement to Congressional investigators about how she hadn't done anything thing wrong...and THEN take the 5th to avoid answering questions! The fact that that "witch" is collecting a pension disgusts me!
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
She took the 5th because of the Republican congress critters mouthing off that they were going to hang her from the highest tree, before her scheduled testimony, in public... on FOX News,

A witch hunt.

Lawyer told her to take the 5th because of them.

She took the 5th because she was guilty...something that was obvious from the moment the investigation began.
A witch hunt? I guess it was, Care! Lois Lerner was a witch. They were hunting her. It bothers me to this day that she was able to abuse her office like that...make her statement to Congressional investigators about how she hadn't done anything thing wrong...and THEN take the 5th to avoid answering questions! The fact that that "witch" is collecting a pension disgusts me!
Another ridiculous imaginary scandal only on the GOP propaganda machine. No law enforcement or journalist in the real world gives a damn well your stupid garbage.
So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
She took the 5th because of the Republican congress critters mouthing off that they were going to hang her from the highest tree, before her scheduled testimony, in public... on FOX News,

A witch hunt.

Lawyer told her to take the 5th because of them.

Sometime a witch hunt catches a witch.

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