Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
You name it Republicans have sucked totally since Teddy Roosevelt. Eisenhower was an independent and at the time America had no competition....
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?
The so-called "journalist" that broke the story has already admitted on his Twitter that he was wrong and apologized; not that those who see him on tv actually follow him on Twitter, which he counts on.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?
The so-called "journalist" that broke the story has already admitted on his Twitter that he was wrong and apologized; not that those who see him on tv actually follow him on Twitter, which he counts on.
Yes we know you are a brainwashed functional moron. of course he warned before he announced it that he only had one source but he believed it. it was sort of a prediction. it is not a crime.he only apologized to get your ridiculous propaganda machine and dupes like you off his case, he didn't feel like getting fired like Dan Rather. That's The power of crap in American now. We'll see if it was true oh, it's hard to understand why a bank would loan money to a person who has gone bankrupt four times and lost a hundred billion dollars, obviously the worst businessman in America for 10 years that we do have tax returns for now. Which no doubt you don't know anything about, being a brain dead brainwashed functional idiot.
Dude, his reputation in the business world was such that he made millions simply by putting his name on projects.
That was his brand's reputation among consumers, not his reputation in the business world as a businessman.
. Among the business world, they knew better than to give him too much control. And, in the states, he was and is a well known fraud and deadbeat.

But again, youre doing whatever you can to avoid addressing my points. Don't worry....every trumpkin is still doing the same thing in this thread.
He apologized and retracted
False, he did not retract his claim . You literally just made that up.
"Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards."
That is not a retraction of his claim. That is an apology that he made it on the air. Damn people, these are simple english sentences. Read them left to right, top to bottom.
And yet, the claim was not retracted. Like I said. Sorry, swing and a miss for you, there...
In fact, you've repeatedly insisted O'Donnell did not retract his LIE but this 3 day old MSNBC story contradicts you:
Hmm,nope, nothing in there has him saying it's false.
Once more for the bitter, brain-dead leftard: you've repeatedly insisted O'Donnell did not retract his LIE but the following 3 day old MSNBC story still contradicts you.

Lawrence O'Donnell retracts his reporting about Trump loans
Dude, his reputation in the business world was such that he made millions simply by putting his name on projects.
That was his brand's reputation among consumers, not his reputation in the business world as a businessman.
. Among the business world, they knew better than to give him too much control. And, in the states, he was and is a well known fraud and deadbeat.

But again, youre doing whatever you can to avoid addressing my points. Don't worry....every trumpkin is still doing the same thing in this thread.

Consumers are what drive business, you clueless buffoon! If consumers are lining up to buy a brand then the business world takes notice! The Trump name on a property led to sales...which is why banks were willing to loan him millions of dollars even when he was facing foreclosures. They loaned him money because he made them money.
What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

You're a moron if you think ANYONE controls media these days, Franco! It's why Trump can Tweet his views and bypass the main stream media. It's why you can spend countless hours here spouting your nonsense.
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.
Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
Last edited:
Ronald Reagan started this ridiculous giveaway to the rich and ended the fairness doctrine which gives us propaganda machine GOP. The worst thing that's ever happened to American politics, because it produces brain-washed functional morons like you and much worse.

If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world

Well, you're half right.
If you weren't such a moron you'd grasp why the "Fairness Doctrine" was needed back in 1949 when it was passed and why it wasn't needed anymore when the Supreme Court first ruled on the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1960's! The number of broadcast outlets (both TV and radio) have increased a hundred fold over the years. With the growing use of the internet to obtain news the views now available for consumption is literally off the charts. The fear that a few large broadcast companies could control the news...something that was very possible in now a joke.
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world

Well, you're half right.
Tell me other media that report that Hillary is a criminal the foundation was criminal deep state global warming is a hoax the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc etc total garbage
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world

Well, you're half right.
Tell me other media that report that Hillary is a criminal the foundation was criminal deep state global warming is a hoax the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc etc total garbage

Why would the media that sucks up to the Clintons honestly report on their corruption?
A few large corporations do control most of the media dumbass. It's a joke for dupes like you. Unbelievable keep laughing about all this corruption and Monopoly and garbage propaganda and global warming, God damn idiots.... Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox. How else can you get so functionally moronic?

Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world

Well, you're half right.
Tell me other media that report that Hillary is a criminal the foundation was criminal deep state global warming is a hoax the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc etc total garbage
Obama's deal with Iran gave them nukes, he started isis everything you know.....
Reagan ended the fairness doctrine and now we have no debate on your demagogue radio shows and primetime Fox.

Debate Fox and AM radio on all the other liberal outlets.

Whiney twat.

They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world

Well, you're half right.
Tell me other media that report that Hillary is a criminal the foundation was criminal deep state global warming is a hoax the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc etc total garbage

Why would the media that sucks up to the Clintons honestly report on their corruption?
law enforcement investigated all of that stuff and there is nothing to it. Just garbage hate and character assassination by assholes. Do you want a diagram? Now you idiots have the deep State thing unbelievable who needs evidence LOL if you hear the same crap a thousand times...
They whine about no debate on Fox and Talk Radio and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR along with SiriusXM's stations like POTUS and they scream there is no debate allow...
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world BBC France 24 to Spiegel the hindustani x to Japan Tokyo x etc etc etc. Only you fools believe your phony scandals and misinformation. Also we have law enforcement on our side. They have investigated all your crap and it is just crap. Do you want a diagram. Go back to your high school grad bought off pundits like Sean and Rush. You are unbelievable chumps and conspiracy nut jobs....
we also have every other respected newspaper and media in the world

Well, you're half right.
Tell me other media that report that Hillary is a criminal the foundation was criminal deep state global warming is a hoax the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc etc total garbage

Why would the media that sucks up to the Clintons honestly report on their corruption?
law enforcement investigated all of that stuff and there is nothing to it. Just garbage hate and character assassination by assholes. Do you want a diagram? Now you idiots have the deep State thing unbelievable who needs evidence LOL if you hear the same crap a thousand times...

Now you're all for law enforcement investigations having done due diligence, where the hell were you when the Mueller report came out.

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