Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

None of this would be happening if President Trump had just released his taxes and financials, as he had promised he would do once the so called "audit" was done, during the campaign.

Or if he had not illegally stopped the Ways and Means committee from seeing all that they lawfully requested.

How can anyone in their right mind, not think the worst, or be searching for what he is obviously hiding?
ctually, he said it doesn't mean its not true. See, what you just displayed is the deficit in a grasp of logic, and in critical thinking in general, that plagues this country and has led to the first child president.

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts claim that Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's bank loans oligarchs-signed-Trumps-bank-loans.html

retractions (plural noun)
  1. the action of drawing something back or back in.
    "prey are grasped between the jaws upon tongue retraction"
  2. a withdrawal of a statement, accusation, or undertaking.
    "he issued a retraction of his allegations"
He took it back because REAL news stations require TWO separate sources on a topic confirming what is reported, before they can report on it... Lawrence did not meet their journalistic standards with only ONE source claiming such.... and he SHOULD NOT have reported on it, with only one source.

If you have ever watched "All the President's Men" there was a scene in it where Dustin Hoffman had another block buster scoop that he wanted to go to Print, but the Washington Post editor would not let it go to print without him having a second source verifying it.... and Hoffman was scrambling, frantically, to get another source confirming it before the final deadline, to get it in print for the morning paper release.

retractions (plural noun)
  1. the action of drawing something back or back in.
    "prey are grasped between the jaws upon tongue retraction"
  2. a withdrawal of a statement, accusation, or undertaking.
    "he issued a retraction of his allegations"
Where does it say LIE?
If you have ever watched "All the President's Men" there was a scene in it where Dustin Hoffman had another block buster scoop that he wanted to go to Print, but the Washington Post editor would not let it go to print without him having a second source verifying it.... and Hoffman was scrambling, frantically, to get another source confirming it before the final deadline, to get it in print for the morning paper release.

NOW you're using a storyline in a fictitious movie to prop up your impossible position? Who could make this up?
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.
In fact, you've repeatedly insisted O'Donnell did not retract his LIE but this 3 day old MSNBC story contradicts you:

Lawrence O'Donnell retracts his reporting about Trump loans
Does the retraction say he retracted a LIE?
FFS, that's an MSNBC admission of retraction and still you can't accept it. You really should seek professional help.
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If you have ever watched "All the President's Men" there was a scene in it where Dustin Hoffman had another block buster scoop that he wanted to go to Print, but the Washington Post editor would not let it go to print without him having a second source verifying it.... and Hoffman was scrambling, frantically, to get another source confirming it before the final deadline, to get it in print for the morning paper release.

NOW you're using a storyline in a fictitious movie to prop up your impossible position? Who could make this up?
huh? what in the world am I making up?

REAL newspapers REQUIRE two separate sources on a story, BEFORE it can go to print, be released.
None of this would be happening if President Trump had just released his taxes and financials, as he had promised he would do once the so called "audit" was done, during the campaign.

Or if he had not illegally stopped the Ways and Means committee from seeing all that they lawfully requested.

How can anyone in their right mind, not think the worst, or be searching for what he is obviously hiding?
Once more for the brain-dead "financier": Trump's tax returns would not reveal who signed that loan. O'Donnell likely fabricated his story from whole cloth or surely he would have had his "source" as a guest.
Where does it say LIE?

With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.
Everyone despises Trump?
Correct. Everyone but his base, and the foreign dictators he sucks up to. And even they despise him, they just know how to handle him.

Trump is a joke and a fraud, in the business world. This was known before he ran for president.

Dude, his reputation in the business world was such that he made millions simply by putting his name on projects. You can't do that if you're a "joke"!

Take a deep breath...Trump isn't going anywhere for quite some time. Sorry but that's reality.
Where does it say LIE?

With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

It's just another attempted smear different than dozens of other smear jobs since Trump was nominated. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post and The New York Times have all abandoned any attempt at being unbiased journalists when it comes to Donald Trump. It's a liberal media "jihad" and nothing is out of bounds!
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
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If you have ever watched "All the President's Men" there was a scene in it where Dustin Hoffman had another block buster scoop that he wanted to go to Print, but the Washington Post editor would not let it go to print without him having a second source verifying it.... and Hoffman was scrambling, frantically, to get another source confirming it before the final deadline, to get it in print for the morning paper release.

NOW you're using a storyline in a fictitious movie to prop up your impossible position? Who could make this up?
huh? what in the world am I making up?

REAL newspapers REQUIRE two separate sources on a story, BEFORE it can go to print, be released.

I think the point that's been made, Care is that REAL JOURNALISTS obtain validation on a story before they go to press with it and MSNBC didn't bother to do so...which brings into question their journalistic integrity. Let's face it...when you call yourself a journalist and then don't behave like a journalist...what are you?

Using unnamed sources is bad be quite honest, I'm sick and tired of stories based on someone who won't let you use their name. If I had faith in MSNBC to do the right thing I might believe some of what they put out but they've been shown time and time again to be willing to go with a story that's not factual if that story shows Trump in a bad light.
Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...
What ever happened to one person one vote ?

When you went to school did they forget to teach you about the Electoral College in the sixth grade?

We are a Republic and not a Democracy and the Electoral College of the State vote on who the President should be.

Some States require the Electoral College to vote to the State Popular vote while other do not.

This nonsense you are spewing has never been and never will be either because the USSC will clear this up and tell you your Electoral College Representatives will select the President like it has all this time...

exactly, but the libs would like for LA county, Houston, NYC, and Miami Dade to select the president and no one outside of those cities to have any voice.

A person living in the city has the same vote as you. Why don't you think that is right? Because of the minority populations in the cities? Is that it?

Oh here we go with the racism claim by Davey aka O'Donnell...

Davey the Electoral College elected Obama, so shove your racism where it belongs, well like most of your comments belong...
Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.

You claiming to be smarter than Trump...

I have plenty of evidence you are as vile and hateful as Trump and dumb as a box of rocks while at it.

Do you have evidence I fuck goats?

You wrote it and then it was deleted.

Now what can you do to make me shut the fuck up?

Nothing and this entire thread shows you are just another partisan hack that goes completely nuts over a person and will attack anyone that disagree with you...

Remind me how you are so much like Trump...

I saw you fucking goats. That is all the proof I need. The idea I have no evidence, outside my testimony, does not mean you are not a goatfucker. That is the point you are too fucking stupid to get.

Just because O'Donnell did not have a second source does not mean the story ids false. When will that sink in to your stupid thick skull?

You will need photos of me doing anything like that Mr. O'Donnell because as it can be shown you are unhinged as can be and as vile as Trump.

Where is the documents showing the signature while also having the bank verifying the papers are legitimate?

One source does not cut unless you want to work for Democracy Now, wait they have more integrity than MSNBC, so you might need to apply to work for FOX instead or the DailyKos...

Trump has them. He can prove the story false.

Yeah, but he will not because those like you will not believe what he give, so why should he even try?

Fact is you will say they are fake just like the birthers with Obama birth certificate...

You are today version of a birther!
Where does it say LIE?

With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
as O'Donnell said before he announced it, he only had one source but he believed that source, that makes it more like a prediction. And of course he didn't have documents. We shall see what happens, but just the fact that he made a mistake does not mean what he says is wrong. With Dan Rather just because someone gave him fake documents or newer documents then they should have been, does not mean what he reported was wrong, you dumbass dupes. Everyone knows he was a blow off who blue off the National guard mainly, but Daddy would fix anything. In this case at some point we'll probably find out there what O'Donnell said is true.... But You dupes won't hear about that either.but you will hear hundreds more fake scandals against the Democrats that have no evidence behind them or basis-in-fact. They will never be retracted and that's why you believe in a entire other planet of crapola.
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
Mysteriously no one at PMSNBC noticed that the story lacked even the minimal standards that Hate News Network requires before O'Donnell opened his stupid mouth. Not one.

My guess is they knew it was bogus but wanted to test how many MORONS they could get to carry on like the bitter leftards here.

Mission accomplished.
In the end the left want to believe a Russian Bravta member with billions that work for Putin signed for a loan for Donald Trump.

They also believe Donald Trump is a pedophile that raped his daughter, so ya know the Progressives on this board believe so much.

I mean you have Davey state his opinion of Trump but does he have the same distaste for Hillary and William Clinton for what William did in his marriage and how he cheated on his wife or how his wife treated William mistresses?

Of course not and let be factual the left loved Trump until he became a birther and then won against his buddy Hillary.

So the Progressives that wish for the story to be true are again the same ones that will tell you about Trump and Epstein friendship while ignoring Clinton...

Partisan whores are so much fun to shit on!
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
Mysteriously no one at PMSNBC noticed that the story lacked even the minimal standards that Hate News Network requires before O'Donnell opened his stupid mouth. Not one.

My guess is they knew it was bogus but wanted to test how many MORONS they could get to carry on like the bitter leftards here.

Mission accomplished.

You know what I believe Trump was the secret source and once MSNBC found out they ran like crazy to kill this story...

Trump is known for this!
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
as O'Donnell said before he announced it, he only had one source but he believed that source, that makes it more like a prediction. And of course he didn't have documents. We shall see what happens, but just the fact that he made a mistake does not mean what he says is wrong. With Dan Rather just because someone gave him fake documents or newer documents then they should have been, does not mean what he reported was wrong, you dumbass dupes. Everyone knows he was a blow off who blue off the National guard mainly, but Daddy would fix anything. In this case at some point we'll probably find out there what O'Donnell said is true.... But You dupes won't hear about that either.but you will hear hundreds more fake scandals against the Democrats that have no evidence behind them or basis-in-fact. They will never be retracted and that's why you believe in a entire other planet of crapola.

Are you kidding me? You're naming Dan Rather as your example of journalistic integrity? Dan Rather is a perfect example of someone who went with a story because it fit their beliefs...the facts be damned!

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